Homemade kumquat tincture

Kumquat tincture is remembered for its sweet-tart taste with notes of sourness and citrus in the aftertaste, the aroma is closer to orange liqueurs, and the color is yellow. The preparation technology is simple, the only drawback is the relatively long aging time of the drink.

Both fresh and dried kumquat fruits are suitable for tincture (it takes half as much as indicated in the recipe). The main thing is that the kumquat is not rotten, moldy and does not have black spots on the skin.

Store-bought vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water, or well-purified (double-distilled) fruit or sugar moonshine are suitable as an alcohol base. You can also take cognac – light tannic notes of aging will appear, and the color will become richer.


  • kumquat fruits – 350 grams;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar (honey) – to taste (up to 500 grams);
  • water – optional (to reduce the strength).

Since the fruits themselves are quite sweet, I recommend additionally sweetening the tincture at the end of cooking. Sugar can be replaced with flower or linden liquid honey.

kumquat tincture recipe

1. Wash fresh fruits well in warm water, then rinse with warm running water to remove any remaining preservative.

2. Cut each kumquat in half, put in a container for infusion – a glass jar.

3. Pour the alcohol base – vodka, alcohol or moonshine, mix. Alcohol should completely cover the fruit.

4. Close the container hermetically, transfer to a dark place at room temperature. Leave for 45 days. Shake the jar every 4-5 days.

5. Strain the finished kumquat tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze out the pulp. Try a drink. Sweeten with sugar or honey to taste. To reduce the strength, it can be diluted with water or sugar syrup. Stir until the sweetener is completely dissolved, then pour into bottles for storage and close tightly.

6. Before tasting, leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator to stabilize the taste. If sediment or turbidity appears, the drink can be filtered through cotton wool or a coffee filter.

Away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of kumquat tincture is up to 3 years. Fortress – 20-36% (depending on the amount of water and sugar).

Homemade kumquat tincture

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