Homemade horseradish according to the classic recipe

Horseradish vodka tincture has been known since antiquity for its excellent taste and beneficial properties. According to the decree of Peter I, each farmstead had to store a certain supply of this alcohol, giving it to people of hard physical labor and those who worked in the cold. I propose to revive the traditions of our ancestors by preparing homemade horseradish. The recipe has been tested many times and it turns out very tasty.

Fresh root can be replaced with canned, dried or frozen. However, the tincture will not be as fragrant, as semi-finished products lose some of the nutrients and flavor.

Store-bought wheat vodka is ideal as an alcohol base, but you can make horseradish on moonshine or ethyl alcohol (previously diluted to 40-45 degrees). The requirements for the quality of alcohol are lower than, for example, for homemade liqueurs, even an average moonshine turns into a noble drink after insisting on horseradish.


  • vodka (alcohol, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • horseradish root – 7-10 cm;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons (optional);
  • mustard seeds – 1 teaspoon (optional).

Lemon juice and mustard are not used in the classic recipe, but their addition softens the taste.

horseradish recipe

1. Peel and grate the horseradish root.

2. Mix lemon juice, honey and mustard in a glass bottle or jar. Fall asleep grated horseradish.

3. Add vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol), close tightly, shake well several times.

4. Infuse in a warm, dark place for 4 days. Shake once a day.

5. Filter the resulting tincture through gauze, then strain through a layer of cotton wool, pour into a glass container and cork. Homemade horseradish should have a slightly yellowish color and a pleasant fragrant aroma.

Shelf life away from direct sunlight in a hermetically sealed bottle is 2-3 years. Fortress – 36-38 degrees.

Homemade horseradish according to the classic recipe

How to drink horseradish

The drink is served very chilled and drunk in one gulp from small piles. The taste of horseradish tincture is softer than its closest relative – pepper. Meat dishes and jelly are considered the best snack for horseradish.

Another interesting feature is a strong increase in appetite. After drinking 20-30 ml of horseradish, a person is ready to eat everything that is on the table. This alcohol is perfect for primordially Russian feasts, an integral attribute of which is a wide variety of hearty dishes.

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