Homemade cornelian vodka liqueur

Homemade dogwood liqueur has a rich ruby ​​color, sweet and sour taste and a light berry aroma. The technology of preparation is simple.

As an alcohol base, vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees, well-purified moonshine (preferably fruity) or cheap cognac are suitable. The last option will appeal to lovers of wood shades.

Use only ripe and preferably large dogwood berries. Dried or dried fruits are also suitable, which are required 1,5-2 times less than indicated in the recipe.


  • dogwood berries – 300 grams;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 liters;
  • sugar – 50-150 grams;
  • water – 50-150 ml;
  • orange zest – 1 peel (optional);
  • apple (medium) – 1 half (optional);
  • raspberries – a third of a glass (optional).

The amount of sugar syrup depends on the desired sweetness and strength. Raspberries, apples and orange zest make a great addition to the dogwood, I recommend using at least one of these ingredients. Apples are best chosen from hard winter varieties.

dogwood liqueur recipe

1. From an orange washed in hot water, remove a piece of zest 3-5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. Only yellow skin is needed without white pulp, which gives bitterness.

2. Pour dogwood berries into a jar. Add raspberries and zest, an apple grated on a fine grater with a peel, but without a core and seeds.

3. Punch the contents of the jar into a homogeneous gruel, pour in the alcohol base, mix.

4. Close the jar tightly, transfer to a dark room with room temperature. Infuse for 15 days, shake every 3-4 days.

5. Filter the dogwood infusion through gauze, squeeze the cake well.

6. Prepare syrup: mix water and sugar, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes, removing foam, then cool to room temperature.

7. Mix infusion and syrup. Pour into bottles, seal tightly. Put for 2 weeks in the cellar or refrigerator for aging to improve the taste. Sweeten with additional sugar if desired.

When sediment appears, the drink can be filtered through cotton wool. Turbidity does not affect the organoleptics, only the aesthetic appearance.

The shelf life of homemade dogwood liquor is up to 2 years. Fortress – 20-26%.

Homemade cornelian vodka liqueur

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