Homemade coffee masks? Recipes

Homemade coffee masks? Recipes

The beauty of coffee is that it tones up not only from the inside! Woman’s Day has collected for you simple and effective recipes for caring masks and coffee scrubs that are easy to make at home.

Our expert is a brand manager espresso bar #Coffeemakers Anna Shasheva.

– For masks, I recommend using ground natural coffee or coffee grounds. If you’re afraid coffee will darken your fair skin, you can add plain white yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese to any recipe. You can use masks at least every day, but you should scrub your skin no more than twice a week.

Effect: coffee scrub gently renews the skin, making it soft and radiant.

Preparation: in 1: 1 proportions, mix one tablespoon of coffee and coconut oil. For sensitive skin, it is better to take finely ground coffee, if the skin is normal or prone to oily, the grinding can be made larger. Use 1-2 times a week.

Contraindications: allergy to coffee.

Coffee and olive oil mask

Effect: moisturizing, cleansing, nutrition. This mask is best done in the evening, before bed. The skin after it looks fresh and becomes soft.

Preparation: in 1: 1 proportions, mix one tablespoon of ground coffee or coffee grounds and olive oil. Apply on face for 15–20 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

Contraindications: skin irritation – olive oil clogs pores and redness and acne can progress.

Rejuvenating lifting mask for bath or sauna

Effect: express skin restoration, removes fine wrinkles, tightens the skin.

Preparation: in proportions 1: 1, mix one tablespoon of coffee and honey. Apply on face for 15–20 minutes, then rinse off.

Contraindications: no.

After sun mask for face and body

Effect: this mask can be used after sunburn on both face and body. It soothes the skin, quickly brings it back to normal. The mask is irreplaceable if you overdid it a little with tanning.

Preparation: in proportions 1: 1, mix one tablespoon of coffee and low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the mask for 15–20 minutes, rinse it off.

Contraindications: no.

Effect: the mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, relieves fatigue, smoothes wrinkles.

Preparation: in 1: 1 proportions, mix one tablespoon of coffee and oatmeal. You can add plain white yogurt if desired. The mask is also applied for 15-20 minutes and requires rinsing with warm water.

Contraindications: no.

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