Homemade bread dough: how to make it? Video

Homemade bread dough: how to make it? Video

Homemade bread is more than just cooking. This is an ancient tradition. From time immemorial, bread has been the main thing on the table for people of different nations and nationalities.

To bake homemade bread, you will need: – 1 kg of rye flour; – 0,5 l of water; – 1 tablespoon of salt; – 20-25 g of baker’s yeast.

The most important thing for delicious homemade rye bread is the correct fermentation process. To do this, you need to make a good leaven. It should be prepared in advance, 1–2 days before when you plan to bake bread. Dissolve the yeast stick in a glass of warm water, add 100 g of flour. You should have a mass that resembles pancake dough. Place the starter culture in a warm place. She will be ready at least in a day.

Dissolve the prepared starter culture in warm water and mix. Pour warm water, diluted sourdough into a bowl and add about 300 g of flour. Stir the mixture quickly and thoroughly with a wooden spatula or spoon. Smooth the surface of the dough, sprinkle with flour, cover the sauerkraut with a clean cotton towel and place in a warm place.

After 12 hours, add salt and the rest of the flour to the dough. Knead the dough for a long time and thoroughly (grandmothers say that it must be kneaded at least 100 times). Place the dough to rise again in a warm place.

The finished dough should double in volume, characteristic bubbles appear on the surface. The mass must be sufficiently elastic.

Press your finger on the dough. If the hole is slowly leveled out, the dough is ready, but if it remains, then it has fermented and good bread will not work out of it.

This dough is prepared much faster than for rye bread, but the technology for its preparation is not much different. Take: – 1 kg of flour; – 20 g of yeast; – 2,5 cups of warm water; – 1 tbsp. l. salt; – 1 tsp. Sahara.

Pour 1 glass of warm water into a container, add yeast, sugar and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour half a glass of flour into the liquid and stir to avoid lumps. Place the dough in a warm place.

After half an hour, add all the flour, water, salt and knead the dough until it begins to lag behind the walls of the container. Place it in a warm place again until it starts to rise. Usually after 3-4 hours the dough ripens.

Modern housewives prefer to use bread makers, undoubtedly it is very convenient, but still the most delicious bread is obtained in the oven. In Russian villages, from ancient times, they baked wheat or rye bread in the form of round loaves. They did it like this. A wooden shovel was sprinkled with flour or bran (sometimes covered with a cabbage leaf), pieces of dough were placed on it, and a round cake was formed. The surface of the future bread was moistened with water and carefully put into the oven from a shovel. The loaf was baked for 2 hours.

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