Homemade blackberry wine

In addition to jam, jam and blackberry compote, you can make delicious, slightly tart wine, reminiscent of grape color. The recipe has been tested over the years. In Serbia, this drink is called “drunken blackberry”, prepared in almost every village and served very cold or in glasses with ice.

Any variety of blackberry is suitable for home winemaking. It is better to take juicy fresh berries that grew in the sun, since the wine from the fruits ripened in the shade turns out to be watery and not so fragrant. First, the berries are carefully sorted out, removing rotten and moldy. Then the blackberries are washed well, laid out on a paper towel and allowed to drain. Only after that the berries are ready for use.


  • blackberries – 2 kg;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • unwashed raisins – 50 grams.

On the surface of the raisins is wild wine yeast, which will start fermentation if a friend does not have his yeast left on the blackberry. This rarely happens, but it’s better to be safe.

blackberry wine recipe

1. Mash the blackberries until smooth, put the resulting puree into a non-metallic container with a wide neck.

2. Add raisins, water and 400 grams of sugar, mix well.

3. Transfer the container to a dark place at room temperature, bandage the neck with gauze, leave for 3-4 days. Once a day, stir the wort with a clean hand or a wooden stick, knocking off the “cap” of the pulp on the surface.

4. If signs of fermentation appear (sour smell, foam and hiss), strain the juice through cheesecloth, then pour into a fermentation container (fill up to a maximum of 70% of the volume). Squeeze the pulp with your hands, mix the resulting liquid with juice. Squeezes are no longer needed.

5. Add 300 grams of sugar, mix well. Install a water seal for wine or a sterile medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers on the neck, seal all connections. Put the container in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

Homemade blackberry wine
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

6. After 4 days, add the remaining sugar (300 grams) to the wort. To do this, remove the shutter (glove), drain 500 ml of juice, dissolve sugar in it, then pour the finished syrup back into the wort and install a water seal.

7. After 35-55 days, fermentation will stop: blackberry wine will brighten, a layer of sediment will appear at the bottom, the water seal will stop bubbling (the glove will deflate). It’s time to pour the young wine into another clean container through a thin tube, without touching the sediment at the bottom.

If fermentation does not stop 50 days after the installation of a water seal, in order to avoid bitterness, the wine must be removed from the sediment and placed under a water seal to ferment.

8. Taste the drink. If desired, sweeten with sugar and (or) fix with vodka (alcohol) – 2-15% of the volume. It is better to fill storage containers to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically. If sugar was added, keep under lock for the first 7-10 days.

9. Transfer the wine for aging to a dark room with a temperature of 4-16°C, leave for at least 60-90 days. Once every 20-25 days, when a sediment of 2-5 cm appears, transfuse through a tube into another container without touching the sediment. Cooking is complete when there is no more sediment.

10. Homemade blackberry wine can be bottled and corked. Store in refrigerator or basement. Shelf life – 1-2 years. Fortress – 11-12%.

Homemade blackberry wine

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