Homemade baked apple tincture

When baked with sugar, more flavor and aroma substances can be extracted from apples, so the tincture on baked apples turns out to be more aromatic and richer in taste than the traditional one, light caramel notes also appear. The color of the drink depends on the variety of apples and varies from yellow to amber.

Any apples are suitable, even those that have lain all winter, but the best option is sour with hard pulp. As an alcohol base, you can take vodka, purified odorless moonshine (double distillation), diluted ethyl alcohol or cognac (notes of aging will appear).


  • apples – 500 g;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine) – 0,5 l;
  • brown sugar – 150 g + to taste;
  • apple juice – 200-300 ml (optional).

Apple juice (only natural, well-clarified is suitable) is needed to reduce the strength, you can not add it.

baked apple tincture recipe

1. Wash apples, cut into 4-6 parts. Remove the core and bones, leave the peel.

2. Place the apple slices skin side down on the bottom of the baking sheet. Sprinkle the top evenly with sugar. If the flesh is not juicy, pour a little water into the bottom of the pan so that the apples do not burn.

3. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 150 °C. The flesh should be browned, but not burnt.

4. Cool apple slices to room temperature, put in a container for infusion, pour in the alcohol base (vodka, alcohol, moonshine), mix and close tightly. Alcohol should completely cover the apples, add more if necessary.

5. Move the container to a dark place with room temperature. Leave for 14 days. Shake every 3-4 days.

6. Filter the finished tincture on baked apples through several layers of gauze, squeeze the apple pomace to dryness.

7. Taste the drink, if desired, dilute with juice to reduce the strength and (or) add more sugar for sweetness. Pour into bottles for storage, close tightly. Leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or cellar to stabilize the taste.

If a precipitate appears, you can filter the tincture through cotton wool or a coffee filter. Shelf life away from direct sunlight – up to 3 years.

Homemade baked apple tincture

Baked apple tincture – the right recipe

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