Homemade apple liqueur – 6 amazing recipes

A few juicy apples, quality alcohol, sugar to taste, and a lot of patience. These four pillars hold any homemade apple liqueur. A little imagination, a couple of additional ingredients and you get a truly amazing drink, the first sip of which will make you forget about the tedious waiting.

To make a cool apple liqueur, you have to wait. Apples take a very long time to open in drinks, but the result is usually worth it. I will not say that these fruits are ideal for making tinctures, liqueurs and liqueurs. Good wines or distillates from apples are much easier to obtain than a decent maceration product. But nothing is impossible. All you need is ripe, juicy, bright fruits, an interesting recipe and still a lot of patience.

We have already cooked from apples and will cook more:

  • tinctures – tasty, but brutal
  • liqueurs – tasty, but unpredictable
  • wine – tasty, but not easy
  • moonshine – tasty, but even more difficult
  • calvados – even tastier, but even harder

It’s time to try the liqueurs. It will definitely be delicious, it will not be difficult, but it will be longer than ever. But it is interesting, because this article contains the most unexpected recipes, with the most unexpected ingredients. It needs to be tried.

For the preparation of liqueurs, very bright apples will be required, and these, as we know, are late varieties. There is a hypothesis that drinks are better from red apples than from green ones. But this is just a hypothesis. Rely on your taste and sense of smell. Especially the sense of smell. Paradise apples are very suitable. Alcohol will be used in all recipes – a worthy drink will turn out only in the process of long and intensive maceration, in which alcohol of a certain strength is involved. The best option, as for most tinctures / liqueurs / liqueurs, is alcohol with a strength of 70%.

Apple liqueur “Spicy”

  • 1 kg ripe apples
  • 1 l alcohol 70%
  • 450 g sugar
  • 450 ml of water
  • 8 clove buds
  • 3 cm cinnamon sticks
  • 1 vanilla pod

Wash the apples, remove the cuttings, cut into small slices and remove the seeds. Transfer to a jar of a suitable volume, add all the spices (vanilla pod can be replaced with vanilla extract – 1 tsp, or vanilla sugar – 10-15 g) and pour 70% alcohol. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, warm place for six weeks. Then drain the resulting infusion and store it in an airtight container.

Pour the remaining apples with 450 grams of sugar and leave in a dark place for a week, not forgetting to shake the jar every day. Drain the syrup and mix it with the infusion of apples and spices. Filter the liquor through a fine sieve, then through a cotton or coffee filter and bottle. Be patient – it will take a long time to filter. The filling is quite strong, so add 450 ml of water to it (you can add more or less to taste). Pour the finished drink into bottles for aging for 6 months. I do not recommend uncorking bottles before.

Apple liqueur “Especially spicy”

  • 10 large, very ripe apples
  • 1,5 food alcohol 95,6%

For every 3 liters of apple juice:

  • 700 g sugar
  • Xnumx cinnamon
  • 3 g of coriander
  • 1,5 g cloves
  • 1,5 g of anise
  • 12,5 g bitter almonds

Wash apples, dry, remove cuttings. Grate the fruits on a coarse grater and put the cake with juice in a large saucepan, which must be covered and left alone for 1-2 hours. Then you should squeeze the juice from the cake through gauze or a canvas bag. The entire procedure for obtaining juice can be replaced with a juicer, if one is at hand. Pour the resulting juice into a jar of a suitable volume, add sugar and spices with recalculation for the amount of juice, pour alcohol. Infuse the liquor on a sunny windowsill for at least 2 weeks. Strain the finished drink, filter and bottle. Withstand as long as possible.

Apple liqueur with honey and lemon

The liqueur has been preparing for a year, but the result is worth the wait. If there is an opportunity and confidence in my person, immediately prepare a large batch of the drink.

  • 1 kg ripe apples
  • 2 fragrant lemons
  • 1 l alcohol 60-70%
  • 300 ml of water
  • 320 g fresh honey

Wash the apples and cut into small pieces, getting rid of the cuttings and seeds. Remove the zest from the lemons and add it to the chopped apples (you can add a little juice from these lemons). Transfer everything to a jar of a suitable volume and pour 60-70% alcohol and water. Maceration should take place in a dark, cool place for about 3 months. Then strain the infusion through a sieve, add honey to it, mix well and leave for another 3 months, but this time in a warm dark place. After that, the finished liquor is carefully drained from the sediment, filtered and bottled. It is recommended to take 6 months for aging.

Apple liqueur with quince and raisins

  • 200 g chopped apples
  • 200 g of quince
  • 500 ml alcohol 95%
  • 400 ml of water
  • 200 g sugar
  • 100 г изюма

Wash apples and cut into small slices. Do the same with quince. Put apples and quinces 200 g each in a jar of a suitable volume, add raisins and pour alcohol over. Let the fruit brew for alcohol for six weeks. After this period, strain the infusion through a sieve and store it in an airtight container. Pour the fruits with sugar and wait another week or two, periodically shaking the jar. Then pour 2 cups of water into the jar, mix and drain the fragrant syrup through a sieve. Mix syrup with infusion, filter and bottle. The finished liquor needs 2-4 weeks of aging, but it is better to wait a couple of months.

Apple liqueur with oranges

  • 1 kg of apples
  • 0,5 kg oranges
  • 4 tbsp dried lemon grass
  • 1 liters of alcohol 60%
  • 300 g sugar
  • 300 ml of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 5 clove buds

From sugar and water, pre-make a simple syrup – dissolve sugar in warm water. Wash apples, dry and cut into small slices, getting rid of cuttings and seeds. Wash the oranges well and wipe with a hard cloth, and then cut into small slices. Put the fruit in a jar of a suitable volume, add spices, lemon grass, pour everything with alcohol and previously prepared syrup. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, warm place for 3 months. Then strain the liqueur, filter and bottle. You need to withstand it for at least 6 months – the taste and aroma are revealed for a very long time.

Bonus apple pit liqueur

An experimental recipe for those who love everything, absolutely everything to use. Recently, this approach has been practiced by Don Anointed, our author. Take note 😉

  • 1 cup apple pips
  • 250 ml alcohol 95%
  • 500 ml of water
  • 350 g sugar

Make syrup from sugar and water. Put the bones in a jar and pour them with alcohol and syrup. Let the liqueur stand in a dark, cool place for a month and a half. The jar needs to be shaken periodically. Strain the liqueur through a sieve and pour into dark glass bottles. To withstand this liquor should be at least 3 months, but the longer the better. Drink in small amounts to maintain health.

The seeds of apples contain many useful things, including a decent dose of iodine. But they also contain amygdalin glycoside, which is known to be broken down in the stomach with the release of hydrocyanic acid. We often talk about this potent poison here on Romovoi, including the neutralization of this poison with sugar, heating, etc. In general, I warn about possible harm and disclaim responsibility, but you rely on common sense. So far, no one in my social circle has been harmed by drinks that supposedly contained amygdalin.

According to statistics, every second fruit tree on our planet is an apple tree, and after this article, every second liqueur is an apple one …

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