Home yoga complex of 6 exercises: for the back and neck

Hello! This article is for those who suffer from pain and tension in the body, who have a sedentary job and generally not a very active lifestyle. There are exercises, or rather, asanas, that is, poses that help not only stretch the muscles, but also free the spine from clamps.

In general, today, according to the schedule, we have yoga for the back and neck. Prepare your practice space, mat, comfortable clothing, and get started by carefully reading the detailed instructions.

Complex of exercises

You will have to spend about forty minutes on such a home set of exercises. Two or three times a week will be enough to feel full of strength and energy, as well as to relax when necessary.

After all, it happens that you want to sleep, relax, but you can’t go out. The body, mainly due to stress, as if in combat readiness day and night. Why does asthenia appear over time, that is, exhaustion.

And in addition to improving well-being, there are many other pleasant consequences that arise with constant practice. See in more detail about each of them in this article.

Remember that everything must be done slowly, concentrating and being aware of your every movement. Forget about harshness, even if your pace of life is very fast, you will have to pause for a while. Otherwise, an injury may occur, with which it will probably not work out as usual to accelerate.

And yet, be careful and listen to your own feelings. If you feel pain, stop. Classes should be fun, then they will be beneficial.

In the extreme case, expecting ideal results from yourself and literally “getting out of your skin” — you will simply make things worse. So reach your own limits and pause.

Believe me, gradually you will get better, as the muscles relax, flexibility improves, the clamps disappear and your body opens up. You can use it like plasticine, twisting yourself into almost any position.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale and as you exhale slowly raise your arms up, joining your palms together above your head. Look straight ahead, experts recommend choosing one point and not taking your eyes off it. In this case, it will be easier to maintain balance when performing a task.

So, try to feel how stable you stand, then rise on your toes until you stand on your fingertips. Stay like this for at least 5 seconds, keeping the balance. Then, taking a breath, standing also on the tips of your fingers, pull your hands even higher, spreading your fingers to the sides. The neck and head should be slightly thrown back, and the eyes should look up.

Hold your breath and stay as long as you can. As you exhale, relax your body and return to the starting position, lowering your head down.

Repeat about 5 times, then move on to the next pose.


Now get down on your knees, move your body forward and rest your hands on the floor. You should end up with a cat or dog pose. Feet can be slightly pushed apart, you can, on the contrary, bring together. Important — palms should be exactly under the shoulders. Otherwise, you will damage your joints if you do not control this moment and fall into the bargain.

Imagine a cat stretching and try to imitate its movements. Relax and as you exhale, bend your back, pulling your stomach in as much as possible. The head at the end should be lowered facing the hips, and a «hump» should form on the back.

On inhalation, on the contrary, lower your back, bending down as far as you can, and throw your head back up, as if trying to reach your buttocks with it. Then relax, straighten up and again. Repeat cycle at least 10 times.

This pose is useful for back pain, especially acute and chronic. Also with spasms in the pelvis and in general in the absence of flexibility of the spine.

Shashank Bhujangasana

Remaining in the position from the previous exercise, lower your buttocks to your heels. Make sure that the stomach lies at this moment on the hips, and the arms remain in place, that is, extended forward with palms down. Lower your head to the floor.

Relax for a while, then, like a snake, make the lowest possible sliding forward. Until you reach the point where the shoulders are under the palms.

Inhale and as you exhale, press your lower abdomen to the floor, sticking out your chest, arching your back, and throwing your head back.

You are now like a cobra and are stretching your spine, perhaps even putting in place misaligned intervertebral discs. Hold your breath, then slowly return, sitting down with your buttocks on your feet, initially taking the cat pose, which was discussed above.

This exercise is perfect not only for beginner yogis, but also for women who are expecting a baby or experiencing pain due to menstruation.


Get on your knees, pressing your buttocks tightly to your feet. The back should be straight. Raise your arms, just so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, begin to lean down, while removing your hands back, turning your palms up.

When you press your chest to your hips, and lay your forehead on the carpet, take a short pause, while holding your breath. And only then, already breathing in, come back, raising your hands through the sides.

The cycle, as in the previous exercises, should be at least 10 repetitions.


Now sit on your ass with your legs crossed. The right foot must be brought under the left knee so that it is to the left of the pelvis. Only the knee should be directed forward. The same should be done with the left foot.

Then rest your palms on the floor and rise, holding the torso in your arms. Your task is to lower the pelvis between the heels, feeling how the muscles are stretched. Put one hand behind your back from under the shoulder blade, the other from behind your shoulder and close them.

Hold the lock for several breath cycles, and only then gently straighten it and change position. If you can’t grab your fingers, you can use a special yoga belt, if you don’t have one, a bathrobe is also suitable.

When you make a lock, changing your hand, rearrange your legs. Make sure that the lower back does not bend forward, and the knees do not press into the floor.

This will open up your chest, increase mobility in your wrists and shoulders, and relax your upper back, where a lot of stress usually accumulates due to a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work.


Now let’s take care of the lower back, and as a bonus, get rid of extra pounds or grams. What was deposited on the hips and buttocks.

You need to get back on all fours, placing your palms directly under your shoulders. Raise one leg, let’s say, the left one and take it back, bending so that the toes are pointing towards the head. Which at this moment you throw back.

Now bring the bent leg forward, pressing the thigh to the stomach. Do not, under any circumstances, drop it on the carpet. Bend and tilt your head so that your cheek touches your knee. Hold a little and return the leg back, keeping it slightly extended.

Exactly the same actions should be performed on the right. Do not forget to listen to yourself and complete tasks slowly, measuredly. You should have at least 30 minutes for practice, during which you will have time to repeat all the asanas the required number of times. So no rush.

At the end, you can lie down as you like. It is best to spread your arms and legs in different directions. Relax completely, close your eyes and think about something pleasant.

Usually, at the end of meditation, yogis imagine how light energy circulates through their body. It heals and relieves stress. And it enters the body, for example, through the air that we inhale.

That is, through the nose to the forehead, then it spreads through the head, out through the throat into the lungs, and so on. Keep a close eye on how it circulates until you get to the tips of your toes on both feet.

This final action must be performed in order not to immediately run away on business, but to give yourself the opportunity to gradually return to, so to speak, reality.


Be sure to check with your doctor before you decide to practice yoga. Because there are a number of actions that are strictly forbidden to perform with certain injuries and diseases. They will only worsen your well-being and health in general.

Subscribe to the site and follow this link to learn more about what chakras exist and how to meditate correctly to open them.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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