Home Workouts – No Equipment, Abdominal, For Beginners

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The gym is not for everyone and not in all situations. That is why one who cares about the form remains at home. How to do simple and safe home exercises? Does it even have a chance to succeed? Check out the best exercises for men and women, with or without equipment, as well as suggestions for runners and people struggling with back pain.

Home exercises for women

A home workout package for women should strengthen and tone all strategic muscles in a woman’s body. The training should start with a warm-up – circling the neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees and ankles in turn, additionally a few minutes’ jog in place.

Women’s Home Exercises – Torso Lifting

One of the most popular home back exercises for women is lifting the torso from the prone position. Lie down with your arms above your head, keep your forehead above the ground, and pull your navel as close to your spine as possible. Then lift your legs and arms along with your torso and hold this position for about 2-3 seconds. Then come back to the starting position and repeat the exercise 20 times.

Home exercises for women – push-ups against the wall

This at-home exercise will help you sculpt your arms, while being extremely simple and requiring neither equipment nor a lot of space. Stand in front of the wall one step away and lean on all your hands. Arms bent, biceps tight. Press your body against the wall very slowly, bending and then extending your arms. Repeat 15 times.

See also: What to eat before training to make it more effective?

Home Workouts for Women – Women’s Push-ups

When it comes to home exercises for the chest muscles, knee push-ups are among the most effective. In the push-up position, support your hands and knees, and lift your feet up and cross them. Lower the body to the ground and then lift it – repeat 20 times.

Home exercises for women – squats

The most effective home exercises for the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, will allow most women to sculpt lots of strategic muscles. In order to perform the squats that will tone your thighs and buttocks, remember to place your feet shoulder-width apart, straighten your back and tighten your abdomen. The feet, on the other hand, must be fully on the ground when squatting. Do this simple home exercise 20 times.

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Home exercises for women – sit-ups

However, when it comes to home exercises for the stomachthen you should think about V-up crunches. In the supine position on your back, stretch your arms above your head. It is important that the lumbar region of your spine sticks to the ground. Raise straightened arms and legs in a V shape. This will strengthen all abdominal muscles. Do 10 repetitions.

Home exercises for women – board

This is an inconspicuous exercise that literally engages the whole body. Take the push-up position and contract your abs. The head, back and hips stay in a straight line. It is very important that the hips do not fall down or be raised. Then hold this position as long as possible, preferably 30-60 seconds.

Also read: «Exercises for a flat stomach and their amazing effects»

Home exercises for men

Home exercises for men are a simple way to strengthen all of the muscles in your body. Most of them do not require any additional hardware.

Home Workouts for Men – Leg Lung Back from Supported Kneeling

When coming out of a propped kneeling position, hold one leg slightly tucked over the ground. The back should be slightly bent. Then lift your leg vigorously and straighten it, throwing it backwards. At the same time, straighten your back. Come back to the starting position and repeat this exercise at home 15 times (counting for the right leg).

Home exercises for men – push-ups

This exercise at home does not need to be described. It is worth noting, however, that it should be done correctly, so with the hands at the level of the chest, a little wider than the end of the shoulders, and without the body touching the floor. Do 20 times.

Home exercises for men – toning the arm muscles

This isometric muscle contraction is a home exercise based on your own strength. From a sitting position, straighten your right arm, then lock it with your left hand at the height of your biceps and bend it at the elbow. Provoke resistance with your right hand. Pause for 15 seconds and repeat this exercise at home 10 times per hand.

  1. Chest exercises – anatomy, rules, effects, examples

Home exercises for men – skater

This home exercise is similar to speed skating. Bend your knees slightly and jump with your legs dynamically: slide your right foot over the line of your left leg and vice versa. Hold the position for a moment and change the leg. During this home exercise, keep your back straight and your buttocks tense. Exercise for 30 seconds.

Home exercises for men – burpees

This three-step exercise at home, just like in the gym, will work perfectly. Start with a propped squat, then roll your legs back and return to the starting position. Then jump up and clap your arms up. Perform all these elements dynamically. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

  1. TOP 5 abdominal exercises for men

Home exercises without equipment

Training without equipment is a good option when it comes to home exercises for beginners – both women and men. The exercisers then base their weight on their body. As with any training, this one should also be started with a warm-up. This could be a 10-minute jog in place.

The most popular home exercises that do not require equipment are:

  1. push-ups – 10 times
  2. inverted push-ups (with the backs of the palms back on the bench) – 10 times
  3. scissors alternate – 20 times (10 per leg)
  4. lifting the torso from lying on the stomach – 10 times
  5. plank with elbow support – 30 seconds
  6. board on elbows with hip twist – 20 times
  7. alternately straightening the opposing arms and legs in a supported kneeling – 20 times (10 times on each side)
  8. lifting bent (at an angle of 90 degrees) sideways with a supported knee – 20 times (10 times per leg)
  9. climb from the board with your hands to the legs and return to the starting position – 20 seconds
  10. bicycle – 30 seconds
  11. burpees – 10 razy
  12. lunges – 20 times (10 times per leg)
  13. squats – 15 times
  14. crunches / oblique crunches – 20 times

Home exercises should be based on circuit training every 2-3 days so that the body has time to regenerate. Between each exercise, you should take a 2-minute break, but shorten it with the degree of advancement.

A training plan can be composed from the proposed exercises so that the number of repetitions each day is similar. Home exercises, as well as in the gym, should be done carefully and accurately.

Also read: «TOP 4 effective exercises for bacon that you can do at home!»

Exercises at home – what to buy?

Exercises at home based on body weight will work for everyone. However, to increase the effectiveness of training, it is worth investing in equipment. Only which one to choose? It depends on who the exercises at home are for. The accessories are different.

Accessories for home exercises – exercise mat

It will be useful for practicing almost all exercises at home – from stretching, through exercises for a healthy spine, to strengthening exercises. The cost is small, about PLN 30-50.

Accessories for home exercises – fitball

Equipment for everyone. This is a large ball that will work perfectly during home exercises for the spine, in young mothers who want to lose a few kilos, or simply in the case of people who want to do stretching exercises at home.

Importantly, such a ball can be not only a home exercise equipment, but also an excellent seat when we have to spend a long time at the desk. It allows for a comfortable positioning of the spine. The price of a fitball ranges from PLN 30 to PLN 50.

  1. Exercises on a gymnastic ball – indications, examples of exercises

Accessories for home exercises – dumbbells

Another accessory useful when exercising at home. Training with dumbbells is a set of exercises that allow you to strengthen and build all parts of your muscles. The weight of the dumbbell depends on the advancement of the exerciser. Home exercises with dumbbells should be based on a well-thought-out training plan. A set of dumbbells (plates and bars) with a total weight of 40 kg costs about PLN 200-250.

Home exercise accessories – kettlebells

These are spherical weights with a handle that will work as accessories for exercising at home. Their advantage is that they also strengthen the deep muscles, because they require the balance of the body.

This is an option for those who are not interested in doing exercises at home that do not build an athletic figure, but rather strong and slim. The price of kettlebells is about PLN 400 for a set of three of different weight.

Accessories for home exercises – jump rope

One of the easiest home exercise equipment, an item perfectly known from childhood. It is also used in the gym. Skipping rope results in toned calves, thighs and buttocks, as well as sculpted arms. The cost of the skipping rope is from 10 to 50 PLN.

Home exercise accessories – exercise tapes

Another inexpensive and small, but very effective element for home gym exercises can be a resistance rubber. For beginners, mini bands will be good, i.e. narrow loop bands, good for rehabilitation exercises at home, exercises for general strengthening and improving the figure.

Pilates straps, ideal for home exercises – stretching and relaxing, can also be a bull’s eye. The cost is PLN 40 for a mini bands set and PLN 10 for a pilates band.

  1. Exercises with a tape

Accessories for home exercises – a pull-up bar

There are several types of it – stationary, expansion for mounting in the frame or ceiling. Home exercises on a bar help build and strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders. The cost ranges from PLN 50 to even PLN 300. You can put TRX tapes through the rod (price about PLN 150).

Home exercises with dumbbells

Torso twists – exercises at home for the chest and back with dumbbells are very simple. An example is the dumbbell twists. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.

The dumbbells should be picked up in a neutral grip and held over the shoulders. Then squeeze them up, taking care not to touch each other, and twist your torso. Return to the starting position in the same way. Repeat this exercise at home 10 times per side.

Push-ups with dumbbells – the shoulders and chest will be sculpted by an exercise at home with dumbbells, in which the starting position is the classic push-up. Peel the body with dumbbells in your hand. First do a push-up, then lift one arm with the weight up over your shoulder, twisting the entire torso. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each hand.

Lunges – this home exercise will be great. It will also strengthen your stomach, arms and thighs. Stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and dumbbells in your hands. Make a lunge with one foot so that you get a 90 degree angle in the knee, and with the other leg lower it almost to the ground. Keep your hands with dumbbells at your sides. Switch sides and repeat this exercise at home 15 times per side.

Crunches – it’s a way to keep your abdominal muscles strong. Lie on your back, bend your legs so that your feet are on the floor. Take one weight and, holding it by the plate, put your hands behind your head. Then do a standard tummy by raising your arms outstretched with the weight. Raising the torso and hands must work together. Repeat this exercise at home 15 times.

Find out more: «How to exercise at home with dumbbells?»

Home exercises on rubbers

Exercising at home with elastic bands is a solution for both women and men. You can work out all muscle groups with this small accessory.

Squats – stand straight while gently straddling. Place one gum slightly above your knees and the other on your palms, between your thumb and the rest of your fingers. Straighten your shoulders and raise them above your head. Do a squat. When doing this at-home exercise, keep in mind that the bands must be taut at all times and that the torso must be straightened. Repeat 20 times.

Shoulder pulls – the starting position for this exercise at home is lying on your stomach. Arms stretched out behind the head, rubber in the palms, face down. Slowly and precisely pull your shoulder blades down, pulling your arms toward your lower body until you feel resistance. Stay like this for 2 seconds. For this home exercise, it is important that the elbows, forearms, and hands remain on this line above the shoulders. Do 15 times.

Shallow lunges – for this home exercise you will need some floor space. Place the gums above the knees and over the ankles. Bend your knees, bend forward but keep your back straight. Lunge at a 45-degree angle, leaving your hips and torso motionless. Provide the other leg while keeping the elasticity of the rubbers. Change legs and repeat 10 times.

The twists of the torso when kneeling – kneel on your left leg, raise your arms above your head, and tighten the rubber firmly between your hands. Twist your torso to the right, keeping your hips unchanged. Repeat the exercise at home 10 times, then change sides.

  1. Peripheral training – exercises at home

Home exercises for runners

Running is a great way to lose weight and tone your muscles. However, in order for it to give the expected results, it should be supported by exercises at home.

Side leg elevation – the starting position for this exercise at home is lying on your side with your legs straight and your head resting on your arm above your head. Raise the outer leg and gently lower it without placing it on the other leg. Repeat 15 times on each side.

twist – this is an exercise at home with a kettlebell, medicine ball or a weight. In sitting upright, pull up your legs so that the feet are completely on the floor. Lean back, lift your feet. Move the selected accessory from your right to the left side far behind you, twisting your torso. Do 10 repetitions.

Lunges to the side – start this exercise at home from a standing position, arms loose, back straight. Put your left leg to the side, then bend to 90 degrees. Right leg straight. Come back to the starting position by withdrawing your leg. Change sides and repeat 20 times. You can also use dumbbells for this home exercise – hold them close to your chest with your arms tightly bent.

Swing z kettlebell – standing position apart. Place the kettlebell under you, bend down and grab it with both hands. The back is slightly rounded and the buttocks are receding. Lift the weight along the legs and, straightening up, throw it over your head. Go back slowly to the starting point. Repeat this exercise at home 10 times.

Squats and lunges – Stand with your back straight, shoulder blades slightly tucked and your feet wider than the hip line. Do a deep squat, making sure your knees are in line with your feet and your feet stay on the floor. We return to our original position and lunge forward. There should be an angle of 90 degrees between the thigh and the calf. We return to the starting position and repeat the squat. Do a total of 20 repetitions throughout the cycle.

Exercises at home – corrective gymnastics

Pulling off the shoulder blades – sit down with your back straight. Put on and clasp your hands behind your head. Then bend your elbows back to pull down your shoulder blades. Stretch as much as possible until you feel a slight pain. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise at home 20 times.

Raising the legs and torso – lie on your stomach and place your hands on the sides of your head. Legs in the same line, resting on the back of the foot. Raise your legs, arms and chest simultaneously, hold for 2-3 seconds and lower all these parts of the body at the same time. During this exercise at home, it is worthwhile to realistically assess your abilities and perform 10 to 20 repetitions.

Lowering the torso in a propped knee – kneel and lean on your hands. This home exercise involves moving your torso forward and lowering it at the same time, with your hands moving across the floor. Slowly return to your propped kneeling. Do the exercise 10 times.

Lifting dumbbells in the descent – dumbbells will be needed for this home exercise for the spine. Their weight depends on the advancement of the exerciser. Place the dumbbells in front of you and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt the torso so that it is parallel to the ground. Grab the dumbbells and raise them to your chest, then lower them down, keeping your elbows close to your body at all times. Do 10 repetitions.

Workouts at home and the gym

It is not always possible to train in the gym, but it is worth replacing them with those at home. But will it be the same commitment? So it is better to do exercises at home or in the gym?

The results of exercising at home and the effects of training in the gym do not have to be different. However, you should take care of the technique and precision of movement so as not to get injured. You should also exercise at home every day, or at least regularly. The availability of professional equipment and a trainer certainly speaks for the gym. On the other hand, its opponents will see in the exercises at home freedom from commuting and subscription, as well as the possibility of even looking after children.

But what about the bottom line: exercise at home and the neighbors? In this case, it is worth taking care of their comfort. Basically, residents of multi-family buildings should choose to exercise at home without jumping. Others shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

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