Coffee, tea, wine or cigarettes negatively affect the color of the teeth. Over the years, the enamel changes color, sometimes even starts to turn yellow. When the whiteness of the teeth is no longer satisfactory and the smile becomes troublesome, it is worth reaching for home methods for teeth whitening. It turns out that natural methods that have been used for years can also be effective. What’s more, they do not require special skills or significant financial outlays.
When teeth lose their whiteness…
People who do not avoid eating products that change the color of their teeth notice adverse changes in the color of the enamel. In this case, increased oral hygiene is recommended – you should carefully clean your teeth at least twice a day to get rid of unsightly deposits. It is also worth taking advantage of the whitening properties of baking soda once a week, which facilitates the removal of external impurities from the enamel. Once a year, it is recommended to visit the dentist and have a treatment that will help remove everything that has not been treated with a toothbrush or home methods of teeth whitening.
Drugs from the pharmacy
There are a number of home teeth whitening products available at the pharmacy. The cheapest solution is whitening pastes – some of them cost only a few zlotys. You can choose e.g. toothpaste with baking soda or pearl extract. However, you have to take into account that toothpaste and toothbrush treatments will not radically affect the color of your teeth. Preparations of this type also do not work instantly – they usually need several weeks for the effects to be noticeable.
More expensive specifics with abrasive properties can work more decisively – this group includes, for example, toothpastes with information on the packaging about the so-called abrasion coefficient (such preparations cost about PLN 20-30).
Clear whitening effect
It is worth paying attention to more durable solutions – pharmacy whitening strips filled with hydrogen peroxide gel help to brighten teeth by several tones. Usually, the effects of their action can be seen after a few weeks. Most strips are applied to the teeth at bedtime, although there are also strips for daily use. As a rule, products are sold in special sets – you have to spend about PLN 100 for one.
The method of teeth whitening using strips is recommended for systematic and disciplined people who will not forget about the daily use of the product. Applying whitening strips requires some skill, but it is not a very complicated activity, but it is associated with quite satisfactory effectiveness.
A whitening banana peel?
It turns out that an ordinary banana peel, or more precisely its inner layer, can also be helpful in whitening teeth. Scientists have discovered that it contains numerous and powerful compounds with whitening properties. Thanks to these special substances, the fruit under the skin retains a bright color – but a banana deprived of this protection and exposed to air quickly blackens.
Teeth whitening with a banana peel is a simple and hassle-free method. It is enough to rub your teeth with its inner part several times a day. People whose teeth are very discolored and who do not avoid stimulants may get less satisfactory results. If home methods of teeth whitening do not give the expected results, you should go to the dentist and undergo specialist whitening treatments.