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1/ 10 The respiratory system
The upper respiratory tract is most often attacked by viruses that cause colds. There are over 200 of them. We get sick even six times a year. We are tired with a runny nose and cough. Antibiotics won’t help. The body must fight the infection on its own. Tablets and syrups will alleviate the symptoms, but proven home remedies will cope just as well (if not better). Natural rhinitis medications constrict the blood vessels in the nose, have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The essential oils in herbs make breathing easier. Naturotherapists recommend inhalations (also during therapeutic baths), decoctions and infusions for catarrh. * To prepare herbs for inhalation, mix 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, elderflower and fennel fruit. Pour into a flat saucepan, add 3 liters of cold water, put on the fire, cover and bring to the boil. Then reduce the heat and cook for 10 minutes. We leave the ready decoction to cool down a bit. When the steam no longer stings, lean over the saucepan, cover your head with a towel and inhale for 10-15 minutes. Inhalations can also be prepared with hot water and the addition of essential oils: pine, eucalyptus, chamomile (e.g. pour them into a warming bath). * The pungent smell of horseradish acts as an inhalation to clear a stuffy nose. A freshly grated vegetable can be added to e.g. a salad or put on a sandwich. * A decoction that alleviates runny nose is prepared from a mixture of a tablespoon of mallow flower and 2 teaspoons of fennel and anise. Pour two teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of cold water. We bring to a boil. Simmer for 5-8 minutes. Then remove the herbs from the heat to cool the decoction and strain. We drink the decoction 3 times a day or rinse our throat with it. In both cases, the substances contained in the drink reduce nasal congestion and reduce a runny nose. * The infusion works in the same way as a brew, but it is prepared differently. You need to mix 5 tablespoons of rose hips, 2 tablespoons of willow bark, linden flower, one tablespoon of elderberry flower, sunflower flower and meadowsweet herb. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew, covered, for half an hour. We strain. We drink hot infusion sweetened with raspberry juice or honey 2-3 times a day. * Acupressure also helps with rhinitis. You need to press the point on the tip of the nose for 3-5 minutes, the relief will come almost immediately. If a runny nose is accompanied by a headache, rub the point between the eyebrows with your thumb for 3-5 minutes. photo: Shutterstock
2/ 10 Respiratory system cont.
The cough that accompanies a cold is a protective reflex. Its task is to cleanse the respiratory system of viruses and secretions. Coughing comes in two forms. Dry – does not help, only tiring. A wet cough is already associated with expectoration of secretions and then measures can be taken to facilitate its removal from the respiratory tract. * Marshmallow and licorice are used in infusions for dry cough. We mix a teaspoon of the crushed root of these herbs. Pour the mixture into 1/3 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes, covered. We strain. We drink 3 times a day. * Dry cough can also be alleviated with an infusion of a mixture of 2 tablespoons of pine buds and a tablespoon of goose cinquefoil herb, shanties, celandine, and elderberry flowers. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes, covered. We strain. We drink a glass of infusion 3 times a day. * The classic onion syrup is invaluable in the treatment of cough. Chop 2 large onions or cut them into thin slices. Put a layer of onion in a wide jar, pour a spoonful of liquid honey over it or cover it with a spoonful of brown sugar. Then we put another layer of onion, etc. Let stand for 24 hours. Then drain the syrup. We drink a spoonful of 4-5 times a day. The syrup is stored in a screwed jar in a refrigerator for no longer than 48 hours. * Garlic syrup contains allicin, a substance with antibacterial and antiviral properties. Crush a few cloves, add the juice of two lemons and pour a small amount of boiled, cooled water. Put the mixture in a dark jar, leave it in the fridge for 3-5 days, then drain it. We drink the syrup 3 times a day. * Marshmallow acts as an expectorant. A decoction is prepared from it. Pour 6 tablespoons of the mixture of leaves with shredded marshmallow root with two glasses of cold water and cook for 10 minutes. Let stand for half an hour, strain and add a glass of honey. We drink 3 tablespoons 2 times a day. photo: Shutterstock
3/ 10 The circulatory system
We can deal with ailments such as too high and too low blood pressure or elevated cholesterol levels in natural ways, without medication. It is also recommended by classical medicine. All treatments should be started as early as possible. * Too high pressure can be lowered by following simple methods: 1. Add two teaspoons of honey to a glass of warm milk. We drink in small sips. Honey gently dilates blood vessels and prevents their rapid contraction, lowers blood pressure quickly. Milk contains calcium which has a positive effect on the circulatory system and blood pressure. 2. Mix 2 teaspoons of valerian root, hawthorn flower and fruit, periwinkle root, three teaspoons of yarrow herb, and a teaspoon of calamus root. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of herbs. Let it brew for 15 minutes, covered. We drink in small sips (as long as possible). Herbs contain essential oils that have a toning effect on the nervous and circulatory systems, which lowers blood pressure. 3. Mix 2 teaspoons of lemon balm and rosemary leaves and 3 teaspoons of valerian root and St. John’s wort. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of hot water (approx. 80 pcs. C). We brew it under cover for at least a quarter of an hour. We drink in small sips. Herbs contain substances that relieve high blood pressure. 4. We sit down or lie down (if possible). Place the clasped hands on the stomach, right under the ribs. We take a deep breath through our nose. We hold the air for 2 seconds and let it out through our mouths. We repeat the exercise 15 times. Try not to think about anything, focus on lifting and lowering your hands on your stomach. In this way, the level of adrenaline is lowered – the hormone responsible for increasing blood pressure. 5. Pour 5-7 drops of lavender, bergamot and geranium oil into an aromatic fireplace or onto a handkerchief. We inhale the fragrance for 5 minutes. The substances contained in the oils reduce the level of stress hormones. 6. If we have 15 minutes, we can pour water into the bathtub at a temperature of approx. 36 pcs. C, add lavender or orange essential oil (4-5 drops). We descend for 10 minutes, close our eyes, breathe deeply. Warm water stabilizes the pressure. 7. Press the inner part of the forearm, at a height of 6 cm from the wrist, for 2-3 minutes. Then, for 5-10 minutes, press the point on the surface of the hand under the ring finger. These points stabilize the nervous and circulatory systems and influence the secretion of stress hormones responsible for pressure surges. 8. Stroking, pressing and rubbing the neck and nape for 5-10 minutes stimulates the release of pressure-stabilizing hormones. Before the massage, you need to warm up your hands. * Low blood pressure is generally harmless, but it can make your life difficult. To increase them, drink herbal tea. We mix a teaspoon of lavender flower, lovage root, thyme herb, marjoram, motherwort and mint leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of cold water. Bring to a boil and take it off the heat immediately (do not boil it!). Let it brew, covered, for 5 minutes. We strain and drink as needed. photo
4/ 10 Cardiovascular system cont.
* Cholesterol levels are easy to maintain with natural methods – exercise, exercise, and of course diet. The menu should include products: – Containing plant stanols and sterols (they are added to, among others, soft margarines). – Rich in fiber; we should provide the body with 30-40 g of fiber every day. It is found in green vegetables (5,4 g in 10 g of Brussels sprouts), red beans (25 g in 10 g), broad beans (5,8 g in 10 g), carrots (3,6 g in 10 g), whole wheat bread (5,4 g). 5,9 g in graham), thick groats (10 g in 42,4 g of buckwheat), bran (10 g in 3 g of wheat bran). – Rich in omega 6 and omega 10 fatty acids, increasing the level of the beneficial cholesterol fraction, HDL. Unsaturated fatty acids are found, among others in marine fish and rapeseed oil. – Garlic. It contains allicin, an amino acid that, along with other substances – ajoene and garlicin – helps lower cholesterol by up to 2 percent. It is enough to eat 3 cloves a day (raw or added to the dish a few moments before the end of cooking). We can also prepare a garlic tincture. For this purpose, pour 1/4 l of spirit over 10 heads of garlic and leave it for 3 days. We shake it every day. We use it 25 times a day, starting with one drop of the tincture added to the drink. With each meal, add one more drop until we reach 2 drops. The treatment can only be carried out once a year. – Psyllium plantain. Infusion of seeds helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels. Pour 10 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water, brew for 2 minutes, covered, strain and drink 1 times a day. – Wild Rose. The infusion contains a lot of vitamin C – a strong natural antioxidant. It has been proven that 8 g of vitamin C daily increases the concentration of the beneficial fraction of HDL cholesterol by 15%. Pour a teaspoon of wild rose flowers with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 3 minutes, covered. We strain. We drink XNUMX times a day. photo: Shutterstock
5/ 10 Digestive system
The most common ailments are digestive disorders – diarrhea, constipation, indigestion. Diarrhea can be a symptom of food poisoning. They also appear under high stress. Diarrhea caused by poisoning, such as salmonella or staphylococcus, should not be stopped as the bacteria then remain in the digestive system. Constipation is associated with many diseases of the digestive system (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome), but it can be the result of simply overeating. Many people also suffer from flatulence on a daily basis. Usually, the reason is inadequate diet, but they can also accompany various conditions, such as polyps of the large intestine. The regulation of the digestive system can be supported with home methods: – To reduce diarrhea symptoms, you can prepare carrots and blueberry drink (it’s good to have them frozen or dried, but you can also buy them in pharmacies and herbal shops). Dice 2-3 carrots or grate them on coarse meshes. Then pour water (to cover the carrot)
6/ 10 Urinary system
In the case of cystitis, we can support the treatment and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Bladder infections are most often caused by a general weakening of the immune system and bacterial attack, including E. coli. The disease is manifested by severe pain in the lower abdomen, burning of the urethra, urgency to urinate and dropping urine. You need to act quickly so that an infection does not develop. The most important thing is to drink as much fluid as possible. It can be a herbal infusion. Mix 10 tablespoons of chamomile and bearberry leaves, 5 tablespoons of yarrow, peppermint, couch grass rhizomes, juniper berries, nettle leaves and heather flower. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave it covered for half an hour. We strain and drink at least 3 times a day.
7/ 10 Traffic system
Joint pain and swelling are most often caused by a degenerative disease. The changes taking place in the joints consist in damage to the cartilage, hardening of the bones in the subchondral layer, outgrowths and cysts. All this makes it possible for us to have trouble moving and carrying out many daily activities. Home therapies are best used to ease your symptoms. * Baths – Brine. It includes, among others sodium and chlorine ions (with a concentration greater than 1,5%) and compounds of sulfur, magnesium, calcium and potassium. It irritates the skin and widens its pores. It stimulates the circulatory system as well as the ion exchange between the human body and the bathing solution. Toxins and metabolic products such as urea, uric and lactic acid, acetone and creatinine are removed from the body. On the other hand, the minerals in the brine are absorbed. The brine also accelerates the metabolism. That is why it is used, inter alia, in after injuries, in various forms of rheumatism and gout
8/ 10 Traffic system cont.
* Analgesic massage – Classic helps to remove metabolic products and provide nutrients, increases the flexibility of the joint. You can learn self-massage, but since each joint is massaged differently, it is worth enlisting the help of a specialist. Here is an example: we sit down, put our leg straight on the knee on the couch. Massage the joint from bottom to top with stroking and rubbing. The simplest rubbing movement is pressing one point. To massage the hip joint, stand and thoroughly massage the buttock. Then sit down and massage your thigh. – Water combines the advantages of a classic massage with the relaxing effect of water. We pour warm water from the shower over the joints for a few minutes. – With accessories. Rollers, balls, Chinese bubbles, stones enhance the massage effect. They are mainly used to massage the muscles. The use of the accessories should be shown by a physiotherapist, but you can also follow the instructions included in the package.
9/ 10 Traffic system cont.
* Analgesic massage – Classic helps to remove metabolic products and provide nutrients, increases the flexibility of the joint. You can learn self-massage, but since each joint is massaged differently, it is worth enlisting the help of a specialist. Here is an example: we sit down, put our leg straight on the knee on the couch. Massage the joint from bottom to top with stroking and rubbing. The simplest rubbing movement is pressing one point. To massage the hip joint, stand and thoroughly massage the buttock. Then sit down and massage your thigh. – Water combines the advantages of a classic massage with the relaxing effect of water. We pour warm water from the shower over the joints for a few minutes. – With accessories. Rollers, balls, Chinese bubbles, stones enhance the massage effect. They are mainly used to massage the muscles. The use of the accessories should be shown by a physiotherapist, but you can also follow the instructions included in the package. photo: Shutterstock
10/ 10 Nervous system
Pain is a warning sign. This is how the body informs us that something disturbing is happening. It passes when the cause is removed. Most often we suffer from headaches. In many cases, it can be alleviated by natural means. * Migraine. It is known that one of the causes is the sudden constriction of the blood vessels in the brain, which then dilate excessively. A migraine attack can be triggered by many factors, e.g. food (e.g. chocolate, cheese, red wine), weather changes, stress, strong emotions. Everyone has a different problem with migraine pain. It can be: – a cool compress on the forehead or a warm compress, – a cup of strong coffee (dilates the blood vessels and brings relief), – massage of the temples or application of a compression band to the forehead. A herbal mixture can be used for massage. Mix a teaspoon of lemon balm leaves, mint, 2 teaspoons of coriander fruit, 100 ml of spirit and 20 ml of distilled water. Leave the mixture aside for 24 hours. After this time, we strain. We massage the forehead, temples and back of the head. – rest in a darkened, quiet and well-ventilated room, – infusions of daisy (reduces the permeability of blood vessels), chamomile (anti-inflammatory) and maroon pyrethrum (prevents vasodilation and reduces smooth muscle spasms). Pour a tablespoon of herbs (one or a mixture of them) with a glass of hot water and let it brew for 10 minutes, covered. We strain. We drink 3 times a day. * Tension pains. They are most often caused by stress, exhaustion, lack of sleep, weather changes, frequent tilting of the head, e.g. when working at a computer, working in poor lighting, and even chewing gum. – The herbal infusion has an analgesic effect. Mix 10 tablespoons of chamomile and linden flowers, 5 tablespoons of lemon balm leaves, St. John’s wort, peppermint, mistletoe and melilot. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew, covered, for 20 minutes. Then strain it and heat it up a bit. We drink when necessary or prophylactically in the morning and evening. – In the case of pains caused by an illness, e.g. flu, sinusitis, colds, it is best to use an infusion with an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and slightly sedative effect. Mix 10 tablespoons of elderberry flower, two tablespoons of valerian, lemon balm, chamomile, nettle and mint. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, brew for 5 minutes, covered, and strain. We drink several times a day. Natural treatments can be very effective. However, if the symptoms do not pass after a week of use or they worsen, and your well-being deteriorates significantly, you need to see a doctor immediately. It is also worth seeking his advice if we intend to use natural methods of preventing diseases or supporting traditional treatment with them. photo: Shutterstock