Home treatments for facial skin care

Home treatments for facial skin care

Autumn is the time to seriously take care of your face. Especially for WDay.ru cosmetologists of famous beauty salons told what salon and home procedures will keep your skin young, beautiful and healthy.

There is an opinion that if you regularly visit beauty salons, you can not carry out additional procedures at home, and if you buy good skin care products, you can not go to the beautician. Both statements are not true.

There are salon procedures, which have no alternative at home. And properly selected home care products can perfectly consolidate the result of the work of a cosmetologist and maximize the effect of visiting the salon.

In the salon – for…

1)… professional advice from a cosmetologist

A consultation with a beautician will help determine the true type and condition of the skin and, in accordance with this, select the necessary procedures and creams.

Olga Kozelskaya, cosmetologist at Babor salon: “In my practice, there have been enough cases when a client’s” self-diagnosis “prompted him to buy cosmetic products that were not suitable for him.”

  • If the first wrinkles appear on your face, you do not need to immediately buy creams for mature skin. Wrinkles can be caused by both stress and dehydration of the skin.

In autumn it is recommended: to do the procedure “Lymphatic drainage facial massage” in the salon.

  • Shine in the T-zone is not always a sign of oily skin. The problem may be caused by a lack of moisture. Buying matting agents will not fix the situation.

  • Home Tips: How to Use the Cream

    1. One jar of cream is enough for a maximum of three months. This time is enough for the appearance of the result from its application.

    2. When using the product, remember that contact with air, light and moisture can compromise the integrity of the product and make it unusable, so be sure to use a spatula when applying the cream.

    3. Apply face cream also on the neck and décolleté area, as is done in professional treatments.

    Olga Kozelskaya, Babor cosmetologist. She graduated from the State Medical University, has been working as a cosmetologist for 8 years, specializing in SPA and cosmetology, trained in Italy, France and Germany.

    The introduction of active substances into the skin allows you to smooth out wrinkles, simulate the contour of the face and increase skin tone.

    2) … a course of hardware procedures

    Hardware procedures at home are not feasible. Therefore, at least once a season, it is necessary to visit the beauty parlor and take a course that will help restore the skin, relieve scars and dilated blood vessels, and provide deep nutrition.

    Nina Rybinskaya, chief physician of the Lantan clinic: “If you need to correct facial features, smooth out wrinkles and saturate cells with useful components, you can do a revitalization. That is, to introduce hyaluronic acid, which is irreplaceable for the skin. There are two ways: injection or athermal laser. “

    In autumn it is recommended to: make injections in the salon (mesotherapy, botox, biogel).

    hyaluronic acid binds and retains water in the intercellular spaces, increasing the resistance of tissues to compression. Therefore, injections of preparations based on it are able to smooth out wrinkles, model the contour of the face and increase the degree of skin hydration.

    Home Tips: How to Choose a Cream by Skin Type

    • For dry skin types, home care focuses on hydration and nutrition. These can be preparations containing hyaluronic acid, red clover extract, vitamin E, licorice and sorrel extract.

    • With oily skin, it is necessary to normalize sebum secretion with preparations based on: bearberry extract, lactic acid, vitamin C, hepxapeptide.

    • In the normal type, it is necessary to maintain the water-lipid mantle of the skin and prevent moisture evaporation. This will help creams with cariozyme, sodium sulfite and bisulfite, vitamin C. All skin types need protection from ultraviolet exposure.

    • Anti-age drugs may contain highly active cellular components or phytoestrogens that slow down the aging process. Masks can be used 1-2 times a week.

    Rybinskaya Nina, chief physician of the Lantan clinic, doctor of the highest category. Graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute and residency with a degree in Skin and Venereal Diseases and with a degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Graduate of the Cambridge courses in Dietetics and Healthy Eating. Winner of the All-Russian Grace Prize in the Best Hardware Cosmetologist 2008 nomination.

    Facial cleansing can be done by a beautician manually or using an apparatus – it all depends on the type of skin and its sensitivity.

    3) … professional leather cleaning

    Peeling is a multilevel process. Scrubs superficially remove dirt and horny scales. Chemical (acidic or enzymatic) peels act deeper, smoothing the skin, smoothing out wrinkles, and improving the complexion. Laser beams remove almost the entire stratum corneum, simulating a burn, and stimulate rejuvenation.

    Facial cleansing can be done by a beautician manually or using an apparatus – it all depends on the type of skin and its sensitivity. In both cases, the effect is ensured.

    Anna Novikova, manager of SPA Palestra: “It is better not to tempt fate and not to do facial cleansing and chemical peels at home. In the salon you will be offered the most advanced procedures: diamond cleaning, microdermazia, myostimulation and ultrasound. And of course, only after a preliminary consultation with a beautician. “

    This is the first and one of the most important steps in skin care. The condition and preparation of the skin for the assimilation of the nourishing active components of creams and masks depends on cleansing.

    In autumn it is recommended to do an acid peeling in the salon.

    Home Tips: How to Peel Your Skin

    The golden rule of quality home care is Cleansing… And this applies not only to the removal of makeup and dirt. Once or twice a week, you can cleanse the skin of dead cells, thereby renewing it. One of the simplest and very useful ways is to mix fine salt with sour cream until a thick consistency, apply on the face. If you have very dry skin, use brown sugar instead of salt, it moisturizes the skin well and does not dry it out.

    Anna Novikova, manager of the SPA-Palestra salon. She studied in France and was initiated by the international guru Martina Seiger for the 2nd level of Reiki. She is a specialist in the field of cosmetology.

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