Home tests – before visiting a doctor

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1/ 10 Threat of peptic ulcer disease

Tests detecting the presence of Helicobacter pylori are used for this. These bacteria are responsible for the formation of stomach ulcers. The tests are best done when we have abdominal pain or nausea. The mere presence of bacteria does not mean that we have stomach ulcers. You can buy two types of tests: * Blood tests – detect antibodies against H. pylori. However, a positive result (the presence of antibodies) can only mean a trace of an illness that may have happened a long time ago and no longer requires treatment. These tests do not tell us if we are currently infected with this bacterium. To perform a blood test, incise a finger with a special lancet (lancing device), draw blood into a tube (pipette) and place it in a container with a solution or put it on a plate with a solution. The result is visible after approx. 15 minutes. Two lines indicate H. pylori infection. * From stool – detect the presence of bacterial infection, i.e. check whether the bacterium is in the body. The test is performed by taking a sample into a container with a solution, 3 drops of which are applied to the test plate. The test result is read off after 10 minutes. Two colored bars indicate the presence of HP antigens. Tests: Helico test, Helicobacter Test, Helicobacter Antigen, Diago-HP cost from about 20 to about 35 PLN. However, it must be remembered that serological tests – blood tests (home and laboratory tests) and fecal tests – are at high risk. error. They are sometimes not very reliable, especially in comparison with respiratory tests (the so-called gold diagnostic standard) and a test made of specimens during gastroscopy. All gastric medications and antibiotics should be discontinued for at least 2 weeks before any tests are performed. It is very important to store the test properly at home. Inadequate storage temperature or storage time will lead to the degradation of the reagents and the false results of the test. It is also worth knowing that different tests are used to detect HP bacteria, and others are used to confirm eradication (cure an invasion). photo: Shutterstock

2/ 10 Concentration of PSA

The test for the concentration of PSA, i.e. the prostatic antigen, is intended for men. Thanks to it, it is possible to detect prostate enlargement early, which is sometimes a symptom of cancer of this gland. The test should be done every year by men in their 40s or just over 10 if there is a family history of cancer. The test is made with blood. The fingertip is punctured with a special lancet and a blood sample is taken. You have to put it on the test plate and add a special substance, the so-called buffer. The result is obtained after 22 minutes. Two dashes indicate an increase in the PSA level. Tests: DiagoPSA test, PSA test cost about PLN 36-XNUMX. photo: Shutterstock

3/ 10 Testing your blood sugar

These tests allow you to check your blood glucose quickly and easily. This is important because you may develop type 2 diabetes mellitus at first without symptoms. People over 40 are particularly exposed to the disease. Persistently high blood sugar, which is left untreated diabetes, can damage both blood vessels and nerves. The risk of infections, heart disease, stroke, blindness and kidney disease increases. Symptoms of type 12 diabetes may include: fatigue, excessive thirst, weight loss without the use of a special diet, urination of large amounts of urine (polyuria), the appearance of purulent lesions on the skin, inflammation of the genital tract. If you suffer from these ailments, you can do a home blood sugar measurement. The test is performed with blood drawn from the finger. It is enough to prick your finger and apply the resulting drop of blood to the test field. The glucose test should be performed on an empty stomach, i.e. do not eat or drink anything 70 hours before the test. The norm is 100-3.9 mg / dl (5.6-65 mmol / l) on an empty stomach. Tests: Glukoza Test, Glucofilm, Glucostix, Exac Tech, One Touch Glucose or Accutrend-Glucose. A package of test strips costs about PLN 50 (XNUMX pcs.). People with diabetes must regularly check their sugar levels, and this is done with glucometers (manufactured by Roche Diagnostic, Bayer, Genexo, Diagnosiss and others), for which special test strips (reimbursed) are purchased. photo: Shutterstock

4/ 10 Suspected food allergy

It can be manifested by diarrhea (or constipation), flatulence, abdominal pain, rash. Food intolerance is your body’s inappropriate response to the food you eat. Testing should be done to find out what causes allergies. Food Detective examines 59 foods including: almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, cocoa beans, walnuts, peanuts, peas, lentils, beans, soybeans, corn, durum wheat, rice, wheat, rye, oats, beef, chicken, mutton, pork, salmon, trout, shrimp, crab, lobster, clam, tuna, haddock, cod, flounder, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, potato, leek, pepper (red, green, yellow), apple, blackcurrant, grapefruit, cantaloupe melon, watermelon, olives, oranges and lemons, strawberries, tomatoes, egg (whole), cow’s milk, garlic, ginger, mushrooms, tea, yeast. For the test, you will need a drop of blood taken from the fingertip. It is put on a control plate and mixed with the solutions specified in the instructions. Result

5/ 10 Determining the level of cholesterol

Too high blood cholesterol means an increased risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. It is worth examining the cholesterol level, especially after the age of 40 and when we are overweight. A concentration of up to 200 mg / dl is the norm, and above 250 mg / dl – definitely too much. The test is made with blood. You need to put a few drops taken from your fingertip on a special plate and after a few (e.g. 12) minutes read the result (on the scale, as on a thermometer in the case of CholesTrak). In the case of the Cholesterol Test, the interpretation consists in comparing the color of the so-called test area with colors on the scale. Unfortunately, home cholesterol tests have the disadvantage that they only show total cholesterol levels, without breaking down into fractions (commonly referred to as bad and good cholesterol), and do not test triglyceride levels. Tests: CholesTrak, Cholesterol Test, Visual Cholesterol cost 20-45 PLN, CardioCheck kit (blood glucose meter with cholesterol measurement, approx. 500 PLN). photo: Shutterstock

6/ 10 Urine test

Some kidney diseases may be asymptomatic, “silently”, to diagnose them, urine should be analyzed regularly. Read more about urine tests. Photo Shutterstock

7/ 10 Protein in urine

When protein is found in the urine, it may be a sign of kidney damage. Reasons can be different, e.g. infection, high blood pressure, diabetes. The test can be performed, for example, after treating kidney problems to see if the treatment has been effective. The protein test is in the form of plastic strips. The test consists in immersing them in a urine sample and comparing the color of the field with the scale. The appearance of colors from green to blue-green indicates a positive result, i.e. the presence of protein in the urine. Protein Test costs about PLN 22. photo: Shutterstock

8/ 10 Bad FSH level

Menopause begins after the last menstrual period in a woman’s life. A woman is considered to have been through the menopause if there is no bleeding for 12 monthly cycles. The symptoms preceding this moment appear 2-3 years earlier. The following symptoms may indicate the approaching menopause: menstrual disorders, impaired concentration, irritability, fatigue, decreased libido (desire for sex), breast swelling and pain. The cause of the ailments is a decrease in the production of female sex hormones, mainly estrogens. At the same time, the production of follicle-stimulating hormone FSH increases in the woman’s body, so determining its level may be helpful in diagnosing the menopause. The level of this hormone can be checked with a home test for menopause. The urine test is performed, preferably in the morning. For the plate test (AMIL), pipette 3-4 drops of urine into the sample window on the plate. After 10 minutes, you can read the result. Two clear lines indicate elevated FSH levels. The Menopause Test is a streaming test. To do this, hold the tip of the test in the urine stream for 10 seconds (or place it in a clean urine sample container for 10 seconds). The result is read after 3 minutes. Two lines indicate an increased level of FSH. Tests: Menopause Test, AMIL Menopausal Test cost about PLN 20-26. photo: Shutterstock

9/ 10 Occult blood test

You may have blood in your stools that you have colon cancer. It cannot be seen with the naked eye, which is why it is called latent. The developing cancer does not cause any symptoms for a long time, which is why it is so often detected too late. Fecal occult blood testing should be performed every year after the age of 50. Before performing the test for 24-48 hours, you must not drink alcohol. Acetylsalicylic acid medications (eg Aspirin, Polopyrin, etc.), which thin the blood and promote microscopic gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ascorbic acid and iron preparations, should also be discontinued at least 5 days before that. It is also worth knowing that the activity of the enzymes involved in this test is stimulated by heme (a red blood pigment) present in red meat. Eating a lot of meat can therefore lead to a false-positive. There are two ways to run the test. The first (HEM-Check-2, FOB Test) involves taking a stool sample, placing it in a special container and mixing it with the liquid therein. Then you need to put a few drops of the mixture on the test plate and read the result after 5 minutes. Second method (HemoActive test only): after defecation, throw the test tissue into the toilet and wait 2 minutes for it to stain (if there is blood in the stool, the tissue turns blue-green). Tests: HEM-Check-2, AFOB Test, HemoActive cost PLN 16-19. photo: Shutterstock

10/ 10 For the presence of chlamydia

Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis usually does not cause any serious symptoms. However, it can – undetected in time – lead to e.g. inflammation of the appendages or recurrent urinary tract infection. Prophylactic tests should be performed by women planning pregnancy and during pregnancy, because a child born to an infected mother may develop chlamydial pneumonia or conjunctivitis. Using the attached swab, a swab is taken from the vaginal wall (by rubbing a cotton ball against the mucosa for a few seconds). Then the stick is placed in a container with a special substance. The next step is to place 2 drops of the resulting solution in the test field on the plate. The result is read after a few minutes (usually 15). Two lines indicate chlamydia infection. The test must then be confirmed in a professional laboratory and treatment started. Test: Viola Chlamydia Test costs about PLN 65 (at an online pharmacy). photo: Shutterstock

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