Homemade Beef and Potato Roast Recipe
To prepare an appetizing roast beef at home, you will need:
– 800 grams of beef; – 2 onions; – 6 potatoes; – 3 tomatoes; – 3 cloves of garlic; – juice of 1 lemon; – dried rosemary; – ground black pepper; – salt; – vegetable oil.
First of all, prepare the marinade. To do this, peel the cloves of garlic, chop finely and rub with salt. Then add vegetable oil, lemon juice, rosemary, pepper and mix everything thoroughly.
Cut the onion into rings. Wash the beef, pat dry with a napkin or towel and cut into small cubes. Then cover with cooked marinade, cover with onions and put in a cool place overnight.
In the morning, remove the beef from the marinade and fry in a skillet with vegetable oil until golden brown.
Wash the potatoes and tomatoes well, peel and cut into cubes. Transfer the fried meat, potatoes and tomatoes to a ceramic pot, fill with boiled water, salt and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C to simmer for 40-50 minutes.
Home-style baked beef recipe with potatoes
To cook homemade beef with potatoes, you need to take:
– 1 kilogram of beef; – 1 kilogram of potatoes; – 1-2 onions; – sour cream; – salt; – spices to taste; – vegetable oil; – greens.
For this dish, choose boneless meat, tenderloin is ideal. Cut the washed and dried beef into strips, put in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with salt and spices to taste and cover with sour cream.
Finely chop the peeled onions and add to the meat. Mix everything well and let stand for about an hour.
At this time, wash, peel the potatoes, cut them into strips, season with sour cream, salt and spices.
Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the meat on it, place the potatoes on top. Bake in the oven at 200 ° C for about an hour.