Home stake – is a bite of an elbow spider dangerous? Ways to combat the angle WE EXPLAIN

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The home taper is one of the most common spiders in Poland. Although many people start to panic when they see him and try to fight him, it turns out that he is an extremely useful creature. Should we really be afraid of the home angle? Can it transmit dangerous diseases? These questions are also related to the issue of getting rid of the angle piece from the home, which we will also answer below.

Home cornerstone – basic classification

The home tegger is a spider that comes from the funnel family. There are at least a few species of angles in Poland. They are distinguished by cosmopolitan nature (they are found on almost all continents, except Antarctica) and synanthropic nature – home angles have adapted to life in an environment transformed by man.

Most often at home we can find the smaller home corner (Tegenaria domestica) and the larger home corner, which was initially included in the genus Tegenaria artica by the German biologist Koch in 1893. However, in 2013, due to the taxonomy of the larger home corner, it was classified under the genus Eratigena (this word is an anagram of Tegenaria). A similar change concerned the giant angle, which occurs in the United States and Western Europe.

The smaller home corner piece has a characteristic smooth carapace (hard coating on the back) with black lines that form an unfinished “X”. He has very hairy legs.

As the name suggests, the home angle most often builds a spider’s web in the corners. On it, he copulates and hunts for prey. The angular spider is small. Reaches a size of about 1-1,2 cm.

The larger home corner piece – characteristics

An adult larger home angle can be up to 1,8 cm, and the width of the legs when spaced apart is up to 8 cm, which allows them to move very quickly. Females are larger than males. The larger home cornerstone is brown-gray with a characteristic yellow spot on the carapace. The entire abdomen of the spider is covered with hairs that respond to vibrations. Despite having four pairs of eyes, both smaller and larger home angles do not see much, therefore they run away from the light.

Worth knowing

Females of the home elbow usually hunt their prey by hiding on a spider’s web, while males are more likely to come out into the light looking for a mate.

Although home angles are synanthropic, they do not like people (with reciprocity). They bite only when they are in danger. If we try to catch a house spider, it may start to defend itself. Biting the home angle is very painful. To reduce pain and speed up healing, reach for Marigold liniment with betulin for skin problems.

As a result of the bite, redness and itching may appear, and the mark lasts up to several days. People allergic to the venom do not need to carry adrenaline with them, but they should see a doctor after biting. Only a small group of spiders will be able to break through the skin with the help of the jaws. Household censuses do not transmit diseases.

For the bite, you can use Propolia BeeYes soothing propolis oil for stings and burns, which soothes irritations and supports the regeneration of the epidermis.

If you are not sure whether the skin redness is serious, contact your doctor. You can do it without leaving your home. On the haloDoctor.pl website, you can quickly and safely arrange an online teleconsultation with your family doctor. Make an appointment today.

The rest of the text is below the video.

House crabs most often develop cobwebs in dark places – in the basement, garage or attic. They can also build cocoons behind furniture, under the ceiling, in the hallway or behind shelves.

They choose warm and dry places. It happens that the cobwebs of angles may appear in home gardens.

At the outset, it should be noted that home angles are not dangerous or harmful, on the contrary – they are useful. They contribute to the control of insects in the home, as they hunt flies and flies. So if we see the corner piece, we should not kill it, but take it in a handkerchief and take it outside.

People who are afraid of spiders or are allergic to spider webs, however, are looking for ways to get rid of the angle of the home. The most common methods are spraying the apartment with special insecticides, thermal fogging and ULV fogging.

In our house, we can find not only a home corner, but also:

  1. Nasosznik shakes – they are smaller than the elbows, and their body is almost transparent, which is why they do not arouse such fear. They build irregular cobwebs;
  2. Basement snails – its bite can cause severe pain, most often it builds cobwebs in basements and attics. The female sidlish can be as large as 1,5 cm, which makes them one of the largest European spiders;
  3. Fat Zyzusia – small (about 8 mm), but thick spiders, which can be found mainly in the attic or basement. Female Zyzusia can make sounds that can be heard by humans;
  4. Kosarz – although not a spider, it belongs to arachnids. Compared to their cousins, they have one pair of eyes. They also lack venom glands. They are not dangerous to humans.

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