Home rose: photo

Home rose: photo

Take a look at the photo of a home rose – a real interior decoration. It is a miniature bush with bright flowers. There is a myth that it is very difficult to care for roses. In fact, you need quite a bit of skill, and a real miracle will bloom on your windowsill.

Home rose is a bright decoration of the interior.

Home rose: tips for choosing

Before buying a rose in a pot, carefully examine it: there are no diseases and pests on it. Better to buy a plant with closed buds. If the flowers have already opened, it is better to cut them at home, leaving only two or three flowers or buds.

There are hundreds of types of decorative roses, but they can all be divided into three groups:

  • polyanty. Low bushes with many branches. Roses are white, red or pink, small. There is no smell. Bloom all year round;
  • repairing. Dense dark green leaves, buds are elongated in the shape of a glass. Flowers are quite rare, they can be of different colors. Blossom no more than twice a season;
  • Bengali. The most unpretentious. Miniature bushes, lush flowers, pink, red, and rarely white. Bloom all year round.

Using this description, you can distinguish one group of roses from another and choose exactly the flower that suits you.

Roses are very fond of light, but they should not overheat, so it is best to place them on a windowsill or on a balcony on the east or west side. Temperature conditions are very important. In summer, the rose feels good at + 20 … + 25 ° С, but in winter it should be taken out to cool rooms, where -10 … −15 ° С. Keep this plant pot away from radiators and heaters.

Humid air is more suitable for roses, since in dry air they run the risk of picking up pests.

Do not let the soil dry out in the pot. Water the plant as soon as the ground begins to dry out. But don’t overdo it either. Too wet soil is harmful to the rose. It is especially important to follow the rules of watering during the growing season and growth. Do not water roses with hot or cold water. Filtered water at room temperature is suitable for irrigation.

You need to feed roses only in spring and summer. Buy organic and mineral fertilizers from the store. Alternate between feeding them every two weeks. If the day is gloomy and rainy, postpone fertilization.

Buying a rose in a pot is a great solution. This plant will often delight you with flowers when properly cared for. The main thing is to provide him with suitable watering and other conditions of detention.

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