Circles under the eyes, headache, stomach aches. And with girls, alas, sometimes this happens after a stormy party or night disco.
When asked to its reflection at 6 am: “My light, mirror, tell me …” it desperately gives out the image of an angry tired aunt. The face painfully tries to fight the edema, the last piece of cake eaten in the stomach sings songs (and why did I eat it?), And a kind, hardworking female heart taps in my head … Today to work! Recover in 40 minutes? Easily!
First: wake up, take a contrast shower or bath with 15 drops of mandarin or fir essential oil (it costs only 80 rubles at the pharmacy, purchase in advance, do not be lazy – it will definitely come in handy after the party). If you have a headache after a meal, direct a hot shower to your calves for five minutes.
The second: we are dealing with a beloved person who is a little tired and swollen. We’ll have to brew mint leaves in a saucepan (0 liters 5-8 branches), quickly cool to 10 degrees by placing a jar of broth under cold water.
This is not long, especially while you wait, you can drink tea with lemon or freshly squeezed orange juice. Green tea with milk is excellent for the kidneys to work as a diuretic to help with edema.
The broth is cooled down, we go to bed without a pillow, next to it we put in a bowl of mint broth and a small towel and ice cubes in a glass. Believe me, this is a pleasant procedure! We moisten a towel in a hot broth and gently wipe the face. And then we immediately run an ice cube over the face. We wait a minute and again alternate between hot and cold rubbing. 10 minutes is definitely enough. By the way, this procedure helps with headaches and high blood pressure. If you don’t have the time and desire to brew mint, simply alternate a warm towel on your face with ice cubes.
Third: just don’t be afraid and don’t laugh: we take out my mother’s or grandmother’s “Troxevasin-gel” (a tube for swelling in the legs and varicose veins) and lubricate the face as with ordinary cream. Absorption occurs after 5 minutes. We repeat the procedure two or three times. It takes 15 minutes more. The swelling goes away! There is a recipe from Sandra Bullock: in such cases she lubricates her face with a cream that contains arnica and heparin. Choose for yourself. Checked – it helps!
Fourth: moisturize the face and neck. It’s great if you put the creams with moisturizers in the refrigerator before a sleepless night: this will increase their effectiveness.
Fifth: a glass of chicken broth, just drink from a glass in small sips. A plate with a spoon can simply cause psychological rejection. We take a pill of Panangin, which helps to fill the lack of magnesium and potassium (their lack sometimes causes nausea).
The sixth: eyes are red, terrible, how to look at the boss like that ?! We drip “Visin” into the eyes, patted our eyelashes, lay down for a minute or two – and everything is fine.
Seventh: if you have an extra 10 minutes in stock, apply patches to the area around the eyes. Place them in the refrigerator beforehand to remove any swelling. After patches, the skin around the eyes will become brighter and more radiant.
Eighth: we make ourselves “spy makeup”: we distract attention from the signs of night adventures remaining on our face. Do not apply bright shadows, it is better to pay attention to golden shades, because the yellow pigment hides redness and puffiness. Highlight the cheekbones and corners of the eyes with a highlighter. Mascara in one layer, a larger amount will only make the eyelids heavier, and today we do not need to do this at all. The lips are brighter, we shift attention away from the eyes.
Ninth: you still get to work, but still tends to sleep. Remember! Don’t eat any sweets and even put less sugar in your coffee. Glucose in our case is a brake on awakening. Do not eat anything greasy on this day.
And tenth: if it is possible to be in the sun (and it is outside), do it! The sun heals and invigorates. A dark office is not your assistant, therefore, when you come, first of all, open the blinds, add light.
And remember that the morning and your day are unique, and we often throw them out of life after a stormy night with poor health and self-criticism.