Toothache is an extremely unpleasant ailment that hinders everyday functioning. It can manifest itself in different ways – some complain of a sharp stinging sensation, others of pressure, others of a dull or throbbing pain. In such a situation, it is not worth delaying a visit to the dentist. But what if you have to wait for specialist advice and help? After all, it happens that a toothache appears in the middle of the night or on Sunday.
Toothache – what instead of a tablet?
When a toothache makes life miserable, painkillers are usually taken without thinking. However, it is worth considering other solutions first. Alternative methods of pain relief help you survive the crisis, while being natural and cheap. What home remedies for toothache are worth trying?
- BrineBrine, or popular water with salt, is a method known for centuries. Just make a solution from a teaspoon of table salt and boiling water. The liquid is used to rinse the mouth – hold it in the mouth for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. This is an effective solution, especially in the case of edema – the brine reduces them and brings temporary relief.
- IodineIodine has long been famous for its antibacterial and antifungal properties – it is very often used to disinfect the skin (e.g. in the case of wounds) and mucous membranes. A cotton swab soaked in iodine should be applied to the affected area and held until the pain subsides.
- IceIce packs are a proven way to relieve pain of various origins. Ice cubes (or frozen food) are placed in a plastic bag, wrapped in a material (e.g. a clean cotton cloth) and applied to the sore spot. In the case of toothache, cold compresses can be applied from the inside of the mouth or from the outside – on the cheek.
- Chewing gumIf a tooth is chipped or a filling falls out, the air that gets inside often causes severe pain. In such a situation, it is worth reaching for a soft, mint chewing gum. With its help, you can cut off the air supply and temporarily relieve pain.
- GarlicGarlic has long been hailed as the strongest natural antibiotic. What’s more, the latest research shows that it can be more effective than many prescription preparations. Its antibacterial and analgesic properties can also be used when a tooth hurts. A crushed, shredded or grated garlic clove is worth chewing or applying as a poultice.
- SageSage leaves contain many compounds that relieve various ailments. They contain essential oils, tannins, flavonoids, B vitamins, vitamin C and carotenes. The herb is used to prevent infections – its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties have been known for centuries. An infusion of sage leaves also helps with toothache – just pour boiling water over dried sage, brew it for a quarter of an hour, and then use it to rinse your mouth.
- ClovesAromatic cloves, which have the ability to paralyze nerve endings, are fantastic for relieving pain. You can chew the spice or prepare a poultice of clove oil (soak a cotton ball in it and apply it to the painful areas).
- GingerGinger contains essential oils and resin, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfectant properties. Just combine the ground spice with a small amount of water and apply it to the tooth with a cotton swab.
- AlcoholAlcohol, applied externally, can relieve toothache; has an anesthetic and disinfecting effect. A cotton swab soaked in alcohol serves as a compress, the liquid itself can be used for mouthwashes.
- MassageMassage, and proper pressure of the body in the place of pain will temporarily soothe the pain. You can massage the ailment site with your own hand or support yourself with a toothbrush and a bit of fluoride toothpaste, which has antiseptic properties.