Home remedies for mosquito bites. Some very surprising

Summer is a season of high temperature and humidity. Human blood attracts mosquitoes, which are abundant at this time of the year. Due to their susceptibility to allergies, many people cannot reach for specialized remedies for insect bites. In such cases, home remedies are helpful. What are they about? What is worth using from home facilities for mosquito bites?

  1. As a precaution, it is worth getting insect repellants available in the form of sprays, patches or wristbands.
  2. Home remedies for mosquito bites include herbs such as basil and lemon balm, aloe vera, garlic and even baking powder
  3. Lemon juice also has a soothing effect on the ailments associated with insect bites
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Why does a mosquito bite itch?

Mosquitoes are attracted by body temperature, carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, the smell of the skin and blood group 0. It should be specified, however, that it is not mosquitoes, but mosquitoes that bite. Contrary to appearances, the bites of such small insects can cause some problems.

Why does a mosquito bite itch? The female, by cramming into human skin and drawing blood, injects numerous proteins into the host’s organism. Thus, histamine is released from human tissues, which is responsible for the emergence of an allergic reaction. Its symptoms may vary from body to body. They are most visible in people allergic to mosquito venom.

Symptoms of mosquito bites

Mosquito bites do not cause serious diseases for humans in the Polish climatic zone. There is a species in Poland Culex pipiensthat does not transmit infectious pathogens. However, when going to warmer regions, you should pay attention to which country you are traveling to in order to avoid contamination with parasites that cause malaria, for example. It will also be a good idea to stock up on anti-malarial drugs.

Mosquito bites are accompanied by unpleasant ailments: a mild inflammatory process is formed, which lasts from several hours to several days. It usually disappears within the first XNUMX hours. The symptoms of a mosquito bite are:

  1. reddening,
  2. erythema,
  3. slight swelling
  4. pain,
  5. itch.

Sometimes small lumps or fluid-filled blisters appear.

The rest of the text below the video.

Allergy to mosquito bites

In rare cases, a much stronger allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock develops. People with a known allergy to mosquito venom should exercise caution. Allergic symptoms include:

  1. hives
  2. breathing difficulties,
  3. swelling around the throat and head.

In the event of the above-mentioned symptoms, a visit to the doctor is necessary. The appearance of fever, nausea and abdominal pain may also be disturbing.

Protection against mosquitoes

Effective protection against mosquitoes is very important. As a precaution, it is worth getting insect repellants available in the form of sprays, patches or wristbands. They contain DEET or icaridin. They are substances of organic origin that repel insects.

Mosquito and tick spray Stop tick repels mosquitoes for five hours. It is available from Medonet Market.

Preparations with DEET at a concentration of 30 percent. will effectively scare off malicious vermin in adults. Lower concentrations of this agent are used once a day in children, pregnant and lactating women. Icaridine works similarly at a concentration of 20 percent.

Despite the application of the above measures of protection against insects, basic preventive principles should be introduced, that is:

  1. avoiding wearing colored clothes,
  2. choosing weaker perfumes,
  3. eating meals indoors during summer,
  4. installing meshes in windows,
  5. covering as much of the body as possible with clothes during walks outside the home,
  6. the use of insect repellent scented candles or essential oils (e.g. clove, citronella, mint),
  7. staying away from water bodies, especially in the evenings,
  8. growing plants in homes that repel mosquitoes (e.g. pelargonium, peppermint, narrow-leaved lavender, Peruvian heliotrope).

What to use for mosquito bites?

For persistent symptoms of mosquito bites, you can buy many spreads in the form of ointments, creams and gels in the pharmacy. They effectively minimize pain and itching. They contain a steroid called hydrocortisone or dimetindene, which in turn is a histamine antagonist.

You must remember that they must not be applied to the whole body. On the contrary, they should be applied pointwise, directly on the sore lump. In addition, after using them, you should avoid excessive exposure to the sun’s rays, which is especially difficult during the summer. That is why smeared places should be covered before going outside. Dimethindene is safer for younger children.

Topically, it is worth using Mini-Click, which soothes the symptoms of insect bites, which is very convenient to use and is applied directly to the mosquito injection site. The preparation effectively reduces the urge to scratch by reducing the feeling of itching.

Oral antihistamines are also helpful, especially when it turns out that preparations for external use must be applied to a large area of ​​the body or effervescent tablets with lime to dissolve in water, especially those containing quercetin.

Home remedies for mosquito bites

It is also worth using the products that are at home. In home remedies for mosquito bites are used:

  1. Garlic,
  2. Porridge,
  3. basil,
  4. vinegar,
  5. crushed ice,
  6. honey,
  7. baking powder,
  8. aloe,
  9. onion,
  10. thyme,
  11. chamomile tea, green and black,
  12. witch hazel,
  13. balm,
  14. lemon,
  15. parsley,
  16. potato,
  17. banana,
  18. Sun.

Basil for mosquito bites

Basil is a key ingredient in many dishes that gives them a great taste. Certainly, in the dried version, it is on the shelf along with other herbs in every kitchen. You can buy fresh basil at most grocery stores. It can also be planted in the garden.

Due to the content of eugenol and menthol, it effectively makes the bite less itchy and painful. It is enough to rub a few leaves of basil in your hands and put it on the sore lump. They can also be brewed with water, allowed to cool and, using a cloth or sponge, apply the decoction to the sore lump.

Ice for mosquito bites

Dilated blood vessels and inflammation are reduced by low temperature. Therefore, ice for mosquito bites is a good idea. When applied to the nodules, they immediately numb the skin surface. For this purpose, you can use crushed ice, but also cold compresses made of a towel, or apply something cool to the irritated area.

Baking powder for mosquito bites

Baking powder is used not only in the kitchen, but also for other household activities. An inconspicuous teaspoon of this ingredient mixed with the right amount of water will create a paste. Applying this paste to the itchy area and leaving it for 10 minutes will make the symptoms of mosquito bite disappear.

After the indicated time has elapsed, the applied slurry is washed off with water. However, if there is a reaction in the form of additional irritation, it should be removed earlier.

Aloe for mosquito bites

Aloe as a very popular houseplant has many uses. Its anti-inflammatory properties are used in skin ailments, acne and wound healing.

Aloe vera pulp also soothes inflammatory responses caused by malicious insects. Cut part of the leaf in half and brush on the irritation with the tip. It will surely bring you immediate relief.

Lemon balm for mosquito bites

Lemon balm has many properties. The most important are such as: calming, astringent and anti-inflammatory. Thanks to the presence of flavonoids, polyphenols, essential oils and tannins, it soothes inflammation and accelerates the healing of wounds and minor wounds.

Lemon for mosquito bites

Most people use lemon every day for juices, drinks, tea or as an addition to meals. It is a fruit that is often on hand. In addition, it has been known for a long time that lemon juice has a soothing effect on the ailments associated with insect bites. This is a method known to even older generations. It is enough to cut the lemon into slices, which are applied several times to the altered surface of the skin.

Oatmeal for mosquito bites

Oatmeal contains active ingredients to reduce swelling. Combine them in equal proportion with water. The paste made eliminates unpleasant symptoms. This method turns out to be great for people who love porridge and eat it almost every day.

Thyme for mosquito bites

Thyme is also found in almost every household and is loved by most people. When added to dishes, it gives them a characteristic taste and aroma.

Like basil, thyme can be used fresh or dried for mosquito bites. You should leave it on broken skin for a few minutes to spot it antibacterial action.

Garlic for mosquito bites

Garlic is known to everyone. It is a rich source of valuable nutrients and desirable healing properties. It has antifungal, antibacterial, antiatherosclerotic and antiviral properties and strengthens the body’s immunity. This makes garlic a good idea for mosquito bites. Just put the patch on the sore spot. This should be done carefully and with concentration. If the treatment is performed for too long, burning and irritation will appear.

It is known that the best way to prevent mosquito bites is to avoid them altogether. However, these insects are found in the countryside, in the city, and even enter the premises. This makes them impossible to avoid. Therefore, it is important to have a basic understanding of themselves and preventive measures.

In addition to the preparations available in pharmacies for mosquito bites, it is worth paying attention to the products that we have nearby. The more that the use of home remedies is safe and effective.

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