Home remedies for infection. When to use, when can they be harmful? The most important rule

Home treatments for various infections are very popular. Especially during a pandemic, when it is difficult to get to a doctor. But do they actually work? Can we harm ourselves by using them? We answer these questions based on the science and opinions of experienced doctors.

  1. Among home methods of treating infections, they are very popular, among others. : garlic, milk with honey (and garlic), onion syrup, hot broth
  2. Home treatments are also often used, including cupping or inhalation with herbs
  3. When do these methods work and when can they be harmful? Dr. Jacek Gleba advises to take into account a certain universal principle
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

When it scratches the throat, muscles start to ache and we feel that “something is catching us”, we usually reach for hot tea with honey, a garlic sandwich, sometimes a warming sausage with essential oil. We know it from childhood. We remember with nostalgia how our grandmother prepared for us an onion syrup or we were treated with milk and garlic. Many people return to these methods, especially during the infection season, which in Poland begins in October and lasts until April.

– Home treatments have always been popular, but today, in times of a pandemic, when the availability of doctors varies, the interest in them is probably even greater – says Jacek Gleba, family doctor, internist and pediatrician. – Everyone tries different methods before a visit to the doctor becomes necessary – he adds.

Jacek Gleba, family doctor

Over 30 years of work experience in primary medicine. Many years of professional experience in managerial positions in companies operating in the medical, health insurance, consulting and investment management sectors in Poland, Spain and Great Britain. Active activity in direct medical care and implementation of new models and solutions in healthcare systems. Currently, the CEO of MDT Medical / MDTnet group of companies focused on the implementation of telemedicine services, both in the field of technology and organizational models based on telemedicine, in private and public healthcare systems. A significant part of the activity is the development of international projects.

What are the most common home methods of treating infections? What does research say about their performance? Let’s start with methods based on healing foods.

“Garlic works best for pains of soul and body”

Garlic is very popular among medicinal food products. It is best known for its antibacterial properties, provided by sulfur compounds. One of them is allicin. It is produced in garlic after its tissue is damaged, e.g. by biting. This compound also supports the immune system. A study from the University of Florida found that using garlic in your diet reduces the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms. To achieve this effect, you should consume garlic regularly (minimum two or three cloves a day).

Warm milk with garlic combines the properties of garlic and milk. Milk contains compounds that support immunity: vitamin A, B vitamins, zinc. Milk with garlic (you can add a little butter) is recommended for people with throat ailments.

It is good to add honey to such a mixture. Its bioactive molecules – flavonoids – prevent damage to immune cells. Laboratory studies have also shown that honey has a beneficial effect on the production of T and B lymphocytes (the most important cells of the immune system) and NK cells (they destroy infected cells). The tests concerned raw unfiltered honey and this is what is best used as the processing destroys its valuable ingredients.

One cannot forget the onion syrup. The classic recipe uses only onions, honey and sometimes sugar. But you can also add lemon, ginger, cinnamon, cloves to it. Such a syrup will facilitate the expectoration of secretions and thus help to clear the respiratory tract. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Garlic, honey and onions are called “natural antibiotics”. Dr. Jacek Gleba does not consider this term accurate because antibiotics are substances that either kill bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. – We already know that these products do not work in a laboratory environment. Bacteria continue to multiply, albeit more slowly. The doctor notes, however, that the aforementioned ingredients have a positive effect on immunity, i.e. help to maintain health.

Choose good quality honeys. You can find them on Medonet Market.

Pa popular specificity is hot broth. Unfortunately, there is no clinical evidence that it accelerates disease recovery more than any other food. This conclusion was made by scientists at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, who studied natural ways to strengthen immunity. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to give up the broth during illness. Scientists acknowledge that it is light and gentle on the stomach, providing fluid and electrolytes to help prevent dehydration, which is easy in a fever. It also contains many nutrients that the immune system needs. It is about: proteins and zinc (from chicken), vitamin A (from carrots), antioxidants (from onions and herbs).

You can buy the DuoLife ProImmuno dietary supplement against viral infections and inflammations today at Medonet Market.

Home remedies for infections: sausages, cans, rinses

The use of nutritious products is one side of the fight against infections and accompanying ailments at home. The second are the treatments, of which “cupping” is one of the most frequently used. Although we associate it with the old “grandma’s” methods, this method was used in traditional Chinese and Arab medicine, and it came to Europe several centuries before our era. Cupping is used mainly in diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and other upper respiratory tract infections. Proponents of this method of treatment claim that it helps in the fight against hypertension, rheumatism and back problems. You can also find information about their relaxing effect and eliminating the accumulated stress.

  1. Cupping still popular. Is it working? When does it hurt? [WE EXPLAIN]

Local cupping leads to the accumulation of a significant amount of blood from tiny, capillary blood vessels in one place. Something similar to a hematoma is formed and the body treats the collected blood as a foreign body and removes it. According to the supporters of this method, it is supposed to mobilize the body to fight disease and pain.

And what is the effectiveness of this method in the opinion of doctors? – Its effectiveness has not been studied so far and there are no studies on this subject – says Dr. Lidia Stopyra, specialist in infectious diseases and pediatrician, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics of the S. Żeromski in Krakow. – However, observations show that in some situations, cupping helps. This is the case with bronchitis, but already at the healing stage, when there is a lot of secretion in the airways. Then placing the bubbles can facilitate expectoration – says the doctor. However, there are times when this method can be harmful. An example is expiratory dyspnea. – Therefore, if we are wondering whether to put cupping cups on a sick person, let’s consult it with a doctor – reminds Dr. Stopyra.

When writing about home treatments for infections, it is worth mentioning inhalations, i.e. sausages. They bring relief when we have a severe runny nose, sinus problems, and relieve headaches. The best results are inhalations with the addition of herbs (e.g. lavender, mint, sage) or essential oils (e.g. eucalyptus, pine). Even salt can be used for rhinitis inhalation. Its addition will help to thin the secretion in the respiratory tract.

If you feel that something is wrong with your throat, order FOR THROAT – herbapol fix tea in Krakow. It has anti-inflammatory properties and facilitates expectoration.

Gargle rinses play an important role among home treatments against infections. They help to decontaminate the respiratory tract and reduce mucosa congestion, relieving pain. As a rinse, an infusion of sage or chamomile – herbs known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, will be perfect. You can also use tea tree oil with a disinfecting effect (two to three drops per half a glass of water). Rinsing the throat with salt (a flat spoon for 1/3 cup of water) will also help with a sore and irritated throat, as it has antibacterial and anti-swelling properties.

It is also worth mentioning rubbing with warming ointments. Those containing extracts of menthol, eucalyptus, thyme or camphor will work best. It is best to rub this ointment into the chest or back two or four times a day. The treatment will warm you up, and inhaling the floating essential oils will bring relief from a runny nose or cough.

When do home remedies work and when can they be harmful?

Using home remedies for infections is not as easy as it may seem, as the examples above show. However, it is certainly worth using them. The question is, when do these methods work and when can they be harmful? Dr. Jacek Gleba advises to take into account a certain universal principle.

– The effectiveness of home treatments has to some extent been confirmed by generations that have tested them for centuries. However, it should be remembered that they only work at the very beginning of the disease and to a limited extent. Some people will be helped more, others less. It depends on the individual conditions of each organism – emphasizes the doctor.

Nevertheless, it is worth reaching for home treatments, “because it is difficult to see a doctor with every trivial problem, such as a runny nose”. – Let’s give the body a chance to fight infection naturally. We don’t have to reach for pharmacology right away – says Jacek Gleba. – Classic mix: aspirin, honey, raw garlic, lots of fluids and rest used in the beginning of the infection may be enough. Remember, however, that home treatments alone will not cure developed bacterial and viral infections such as colds, flu, angina, pharyngitis, etc.

Let’s use common sense. If we notice that despite eating garlic, drinking onion syrup and using similar methods, the symptoms persist or even worsen, see a doctor and, in consultation with him, change the treatment method. – This is a key issue – emphasizes the expert. – Often there are situations when someone relies on home methods for too long and delays a visit to the doctor. The result is infections that can lead to serious complications, for example pneumonia – says Dr. Gleba.

It is imperative that we go to the doctor when the disease gets out of control, i.e. more serious symptoms appear, such as: persistent productive cough, chest pain, fever, sore throat causing difficulty in swallowing, petechiae on the throat. A medical visit is indicated when respiratory infections, sinus infections, runny nose without fever persist for more than two weeks.

The text was published in the «Newsweek Zdrowie» quarterly

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