Home remedies for hemorrhoids – diet, hygiene, sitz baths, toilet habits

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Hemorrhoids, or haemorrhoids, manifest themselves in many people, including pregnant women. In addition to pharmacological treatment and visiting a specialist doctor, it is worth trying ointments, warm baths and other home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids – what is it?

In a way, we all have hemorrhoids, like pincushion clusters of veins that lie just below the mucous membranes that line the lowest part of the rectum and anus. The condition most of us call hemorrhoids develops when these veins become swollen and dilated, like varicose veins on the legs.

There are two types of hemorrhoids (anal varices): internal hemorrhoids, which occur in the lower part of the rectum, and external hemorrhoids, which develop under the skin around the anus.

External hemorrhoids are the most unpleasant because the skin that covers them is irritated and damaged. If a blood clot forms inside an external hemorrhoid, the pain may be sudden and severe. You may feel or see a lump around the anus. The clot usually dissolves, leaving behind excess skin that may be itchy or irritated.

Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, even if they cause bleeding. For example, you may see bright red blood on the toilet paper or dripping into the toilet bowl. Internal hemorrhoids can also prolapse or extend beyond the anus, causing several potential problems. When the hemorrhoid protrudes, it can collect small amounts of mucus and tiny stool particles that can cause irritation.

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Hemorrhoids – causes of emergence

Traditionally, hemorrhoids have been associated with chronic constipation, straining during bowel movements, and prolonged toilet sitting – all of which interfere with blood flow in and out of the area, causing the vessels to build up and enlarge. This also explains why hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, when the enlarging uterus presses against the veins.

More recent studies show that people with hemorrhoids tend to have higher anal canal resting tone – that is, anal smooth muscles tend to be tense than average (even if they are not tense). Constipation further aggravates these problems because straining to defecate increases the pressure in the anal canal and pushes the hemorrhoids into the sphincter muscle. Finally, the connective tissues that support and hold the hemorrhoids in place may weaken with age, causing the hemorrhoids to bulge and prolapse.

See: Rectal bleeding – causes, diagnosis, treatment

Hemorrhoids – home remedies

Home remedies for hemorrhoids can include:

  1. Drinking more water and fluids to help moisturize and soften the stools
  2. Eating high-fiber foods that can help soften your stool
  3. Reduction of the time spent sitting on the toilet,
  4. The use of warm baths and sitz baths,
  5. Using wet wipes or wet toilet paper that does not contain perfume or alcohol. Avoid alcohol-based wipes or perfume,
  6. Applying topical ointment with hydrocortisone to temporarily relieve swelling. Do not use hydrocortisone ointment for more than a week, unless directed by a doctor.
  7. Applying a cold compress to the problem area several times a day. It can relieve pain and temporarily reduce swelling.

To care for the anal area and reduce the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, order HEMOpran – a set for hemorrhoids – washing gel and cream. We also recommend Hemorella hemorrhoids ointment, which is currently on sale on Medonet Market.

Read: Hemorrhoids in pregnancy – causes, symptoms, treatment. Hemorrhoids and natural childbirth

Home remedies for hemorrhoids – diet for hemorrhoids

Among the home remedies for hemorrhoids one of the most important is to change habits, including eating habits. The right diet is the key to fighting haemorrhoids. You should include more fiber in your daily meals, but also water.

Refined flour products should be replaced with wholegrain counterparts: wholemeal bread (e.g. rye bread, spelled bread), brown and wild rice, whole grain pasta, groats. It is worth increasing the amount of raw vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

In addition, the diet can be enriched with other fiber-rich products, e.g. nuts, oatmeal, rye, bran, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit. In the case of problems with hemorrhoids, it is also helpful to drink larger amounts of still water. It is worth giving up products containing cocoa – it affects constipation and indirectly aggravates hemorrhoids. A high-fiber diet is ideal for pregnant women, who struggle with haemorrhoids.

It is also worth introducing herbs into your diet, e.g. yarrow, fenugreek or cumin. You can order Today For hemorrhoids – a herbal mixture, which you will receive only now at a promotional price and in a large economic package.

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Home remedies for hemorrhoids – proper toilet habits

There are also a few things to consider when using the bathroom that can help you control or avoid hemorrhoids.

It is important not to force a bowel movement. Stressing can make hemorrhoids worse. If you haven’t finished your bowel movement after 2 minutes, it’s best to get up and try again later.

In such cases, it is also important to listen to your body. The moment your body needs to have a bowel movement is the best moment. Waiting for a less social setting or waiting to use the toilet at home can actually strengthen your stool and cause more stress and exertion. This will only worsen the hemorrhoids.

The softness of the toiletries you use has a big impact on hemorrhoids. If the toilet paper is too irritating, the use of damp toilet paper can help. Alcohol-free baby wipes without any additives can also provide relief when wiping. You can buy wet wipes for gout care or anti-hemorrhoidal wipes at the pharmacy or supermarket and will help to gently cleanse your bowel movements.

It may also be helpful to squat during your bowel movements. The rectum is easy to clean and with less force in the squatting position.

The editorial board recommends: Constipation Remedy – Proven Remedies for Constipation

Home remedies for hemorrhoids – intimate hygiene

Home remedies for hemorrhoids also include proper intimate hygiene. Normal hygiene measures should be replaced with special gels or lotions that will not irritate the perianal area while bathing. Better to give up tight-fitting underwear and tight pants. Warm baths are also among the home remedies for hemorrhoids. You can add rosemary, lavender or lemon oil to the bath water. Warm baths with the addition of oil have anti-inflammatory, soothing and reducing swelling properties.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids – sitz baths

In the home fight against hemorrhoids, a sitz bath is effective. It is nothing more than soaking the area of ​​the anus in warm water (up to a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius). It is important that the water is not too hot, as it may be counterproductive. You can add a previously prepared decoction of bark or chestnut flowers to the water. You can also brew a herbal mixture of sage, chamomile and knotweed. Home-made sit-ups should last about 10 minutes and be repeated twice a day. In the acute phase of ailments, a home remedy for hemorrhoids is also a few seconds long cold water sessions.

At Medonet Market you can buy a ready-made mixture of herbs for hemorrhoids for sit-ins.

In the treatment of haemorrhoids, however, it is recommended to consult a family doctor or proctologist and undertake appropriate emergency treatment or, in advanced stages, surgical treatment.

Herbs can be used not only for sit-ins. It is worth ordering, for example, Hemorrhoids – a mixture of herbs to prepare an infusion for drinking. Regularly drinking such tea improves the tightness of blood vessels and alleviates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

  1. Try the hemorrhoids gel available on Medonet Market.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids – witch hazel

Witch hazel can reduce both itching and pain, two of the main symptoms of external hemorrhoids. It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent, so it can also reduce puffiness.

You can buy it in a liquid form that you can apply directly to external hemorrhoids. It can also be found in products such as wipes and soaps.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids – cold compresses

Apply ice packs or cold compresses to soothe swelling of the anus for 15 minutes. For large, painful hemorrhoids, cold compresses can be an extremely effective treatment.

Be sure to wrap the ice in a cloth or paper towel. Never apply something frozen directly to the skin as it may damage or irritate the skin.

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