Home remedies for dandruff. Video recipe

Home remedies for dandruff. Video recipe

Healthy hair can be a real decoration, but not if dandruff appears on it, which can ruin the whole appearance. There are many reasons for its formation, ranging from poor ecology to stress. Therefore, before getting rid of dandruff, you should not only choose the appropriate remedies, but also think about changes in your lifestyle.

Home remedies for dandruff

In order to get rid of dandruff and itchy skin, you should warm up natural apple cider vinegar and massage your head with it, then wrap it in a warm towel for an hour, and then wash it with your usual shampoo.

Fermented milk products, which have a healing effect on all hair, help to normalize the skin condition no less effectively. To do this, you need to take curdled milk, kefir or natural yogurt without flavors and apply them evenly on the scalp, distributing them to the very ends of the hair. After half an hour, the mask must be washed off with warm water using shampoo, finishing the procedure by rinsing with the addition of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water.

As a shampoo for dandruff, you can use not only widely advertised products, but also ordinary egg yolk with the addition of a drop of mustard. Such a comprehensive approach to treatment will be more effective.

It should be remembered that any masks must be done in a complex manner, otherwise the result from their application can not be expected. After the first use of even the most miraculous remedy, dandruff is unlikely to disappear.

Common nettle helps in the fight against dandruff. In the summer, you can use fresh raw materials to prepare the infusion, and in the winter it is dried, for which a tablespoon of nettle must be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for a day. After straining, this composition is rubbed into the scalp at night, and washed off in the morning. The course of treatment is designed for at least 10 procedures, carried out every three days.

Folk remedies for dandruff are diverse and burdock root occupies a worthy place among them. To obtain a tincture, 3 of its dry roots are crushed, mixed with 2 tablespoons of dry foliage of celandine, brewed with a liter of boiling water and the mixture is kept in a water bath for at least half an hour. It is applied to the previously washed scalp and is not washed off.

As a remedy for dandruff, you can also use tansy flowers, half a glass of which is boiled in 3 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes, then filtered and used as a hair rinse

Since the condition of the scalp, on which dandruff forms, largely depends on nutrition, when seborrhea appears, it is advisable to exclude fatty foods that provoke excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Whereas with dry dandruff, you should use more clean water: with sufficient moisture in the skin from the inside, there will be less dandruff.

Read on: parsley face masks.

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