The end of summer is the perfect time to… catch a runny nose. Rainy days catch us by surprise, and we usually ignore the first symptoms of weakness. How to deal with colds with home remedies?
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1/ 6 Prevention of runny nose
Inadequate doses of drugs This is where we make a mistake very often. Unfortunately, it is the patients themselves who “know better” that are to blame most often. This applies to virtually all medications and dietary supplements, and it works both ways – we use both too little and too much. It happens that the sick stop the antibiotic treatment because they feel better. If left untreated, the infection returns quickly and another antibiotic must be used. On the other hand, we usually exaggerate with “light” drugs and supplements, taking higher doses than recommended. photo: Shutterstock
2/ 6 Cold
Hospital infections We go to the hospital to heal ourselves. Unfortunately, it’s also the most likely place to catch a new infection. It’s a building full of sick people, after all. That is why it is so important to maintain special hygiene in the hospital. Thorough hand washing, which we often underestimate, cannot be overestimated. This neglect could cost us extra weeks in the infectious disease ward. photo: Shutterstock
3/ 6 Inhalations
Surgical errors Contrary to appearances, oversights during operations and procedures happen quite often. The spectacular ones – such as sewing swabs inside the body or operating a healthy knee – are of course relatively rare. On the other hand, inaccurate removal of sutures is a common problem. If you notice that your wound is not healing properly, see your doctor. It may be necessary to clean it again. photo: Shutterstock
4/ 6 Tea with honey and lemon, ginger
Pharmacists’ mistakes You don’t have to be in a hospital to fall victim to a medical error. Last year, there was a lot of talk about a lawsuit in which a man sued a pharmacy for selling the wrong drug. The patient was supposed to receive eye drops, while the clerk gave him a remedy for … a runny nose. Before you use medicines after returning from the pharmacy, make sure that they are appropriate preparations. photo: Shutterstock
5/ 6 Garlic and horseradish
Misdiagnosis Misdiagnosis is also not uncommon. Unfortunately, they very often result from the fact that patients cannot properly describe their symptoms or simply conceal them. Most often it is about chronic ailments, such as recurring headaches. When there is severe stomach pain, the patient usually tells the doctor only about it, while the symptoms may be interrelated. photo: Shutterstock
6/ 6 Treatment of a runny nose
No monitoring after surgery It is also often the fault of the patients. For example, after serious surgery, they think that the wound is healing well and that they fail to make follow-up visits, which can be extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, neglect also happens in hospitals. In the United States, the tragedy happened after a simple tonsillectomy. After a successful procedure, the sleeping girl appeared to be doing well. The nurse in charge of her did not notice that the child had reacted incorrectly to the anesthesia. At the moment, the girl needs round-the-clock care of specialists. photo: Shutterstock