Home remedies for angina – types, application, effects

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Home remedies for angina are natural methods of supporting the treatment of angina with pharmacological agents. The most proven home remedies for angina are raspberry juice, milk with honey, and sage or baking soda gargle.

Angina – what is this disease?

Angina is a bacterial infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms include a sore throat (especially when swallowing food), fever above 38 degrees Celsius, malaise, purulent coating on the tonsils and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. Bacteria from the streptococcus family are responsible for the appearance of strep throat. Untreated angina can lead to a number of serious and dangerous complications, so always visit doctorwho usually prescribes you to take an antibiotic and take pain relievers and antipyretics. Lozenges are prescribed for a sore throat.

You can consult your family doctor online via the halodoctor.pl portal. The doctor will take a medical history and give recommendations.

Types of home remedies for angina

Pharmacological therapy angina however, you can help home methods. They allow you to relieve angina symptoms such as a sore throat and an itchy and scratchy throat. They also support the work of the immune system, which allows the body to deal with the infection faster. Apart from that home remedies for angina improve the well-being and condition of the body, which is important in the fight against the disease.

If you want to confirm your suspicion of having tonsillitis, you can do the Angina Home Test – ANGINA STREP A, which you can buy at Medonet Market.

The first of the effective and proven home remedies for angina is rest and drinking plenty of water, possibly herbal tea or unsweetened, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. Hydration is especially important in the case of young children, when sweating profusely and with high fever and vomiting.

Especially useful home remedy for angina is to drink rosehip tea and raspberry juice diluted with warm water. These drinks contain vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant, and substances that support the immune system and improve the condition of the body.

Another home remedy for angina is to drink warm milk with honey or milk with butter and honey. The fresh onion and the fresh garlic they have will also work great action antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

A good home remedy for strep throat there is also ginger, which can be used to make warming drinks.

Home remedy for angina and the sore throat symptom is onion juice. To do this, cut the onion into strips, cover it in a jar with sugar and leave it overnight in a warm place. By the next day, the onion will release its juice, which is mixed with the sugar, and the sweet onion syrup is ready. You can also pour a spoonful of honey over the chopped onion. Such a mixture should be drunk several times a day for a teaspoon. Onion and honey syrup, in addition to relieving a sore throat, also increases the body’s immunity.

For a sore throat with Angina it is also proven home way in the form of rinses. You can prepare a gargle with hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. Another home remedy for angina and the associated sore throat is a sage or chamomile gargle. They soothe the inflammation of the throat, and at the same time do not irritate or dry the oral mucosa.

Home remedy for angina there is also taking care of the right temperature, hydration and air circulation in the room where the patient is. Home remedy for angina it is also suitable diet – easily digestible, liquid or finely divided.

It is worth strengthening your immunity during angina. Choose Whole Immuno – lozenges supporting the body’s immunity.

The effectiveness of home remedies for angina

Home remedies for angina have been used for centuries in folk medicine and are quite effective. Onions, garlic and honey are there natural antibiotics and in addition to being bactericidal, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to flush out the toxins that accumulate during illness. Throat rinses soothe pain and inflammation in the mouth.

However, please note that home remedies for angina should be treated as adjunctive therapy to proper treatment with medications (including antibiotics) prescribed by a doctor. Angina is a serious disease that should not be underestimated and should be treated so that there are no serious complications.

Home remedies for angina they will not replace antibiotic therapy and will not completely eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

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