Home remedies for allergies? Certainly not lime!

Up to 12 million Poles struggle with allergic diseases. Some of them do not even know about it, and their symptoms are attributed to exhaustion or a cold. Home medicine knows simple ways to deal with this situation ad hoc. We checked which of them are effective and which are not.

  1. According to the World Allergy Organization, 40 percent. of the world’s population has at least one allergic disease. The Polish Society of Allergology estimates that allergy affects almost half of adult Poles
  2. Allergy can cause atopic dermatitis, attack the respiratory system with asthma symptoms, cause runny nose, diarrhea and even life-threatening systemic anaphylactic shock
  3. Home methods allow you to relieve the effects of allergies such as runny nose or burning eyes. However, they can never replace drug treatment. They can, however, complement it
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

Red eyes, runny nose, cough, sometimes dry skin this is how the body lets you know that spring has come, and with it the period of allergy-causing, increased pollen on plants. Briefly and simplifiedly, this condition is related to the excessively normal reaction of the organism to factors that are harmless in themselves. Currently, there are many medications in pharmacies that make life easier for allergy sufferers. However, some of us also use home remedies. Therefore, we checked which of them are effective and which are not.

You can find the rest of the article under the video.

Before the development of conventional medicine, various types of healers and herbalists were popular, using herbs, plants and infusions to help people recover. Many of their methods have been negatively verified by science, but there are also those that have survived and help to this day, e.g. in reducing the effects of allergies. The most popular are:

  1. Antihistamine diet it is worth considering what and how we eat. Many products contain histamine or a substance that causes its secretion, e.g. citrus, strawberries or cocoa.
  2. Herbalism there is no other way to cure allergies than conventional medicine. However, it can be supported with appropriate dietary supplementation, e.g. drinking teas and infusions from plants that inhibit the secretion of histamine, such as chamomile, field horsetail or St. John’s wort.
  3. Action activities when we notice that “this time” is coming, it is worth considering purchasing or putting in place special air filters for allergy sufferers at home. This will not only clean it of unfriendly allergens, but also maintain proper air humidity.
  4. Taking care of hygiene this advice is especially important for pollen-sensitive people. In their case, regular washing of the face, hands and hands will remove unfriendly allergens accumulating on the skin. It is also worth considering changing clothes more often.

Red eyes

One of the most common allergic reactions, incl. on animal dander, dust and plant pollen is conjunctivitis. One of the most commonly used home remedies for this ailment are firefly herb compresses. Cotton swabs or cotton wool soaked in the infusion are placed over closed eyelids. Chamomile and green tea can be used in a similar way. However, if your home herbarium lacks the dried plants mentioned above, the eyes will be relieved by washing them regularly with water and drying them with a paper towel. This will wash off the pollen from the face area and weaken the reaction.

Calcium for allergy – hit or myth?

It has been believed for decades that calcium helps reduce the effects of an allergic reaction in the body and relieve symptoms. However, studies conducted some time ago by scientists from the Medical University of Warsaw do not confirm this. Not only that, the administration of lime may have a negative impact on the well-being of an allergic person.

«We did not find evidence to support the effectiveness of calcium supplements in allergic skin reactions associated with itching and wheals. Calcium preparations do not suppress the response » can be read in the study summary.

Check if you can be allergic. Perform shipping allergy tests available at Medonet Market.

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