You don’t need to lead a very entertaining social life to know what a hangover is, how painful days spent in its company can be. It is enough to overdo it once with the amount of alcohol consumed or to mix unfavorable flavors or percentages. Sometimes crossing this border can be completely unnoticed and return the next day with a bad mood. Hangover – because we are talking about it, it is definitely an unpopular effect of alcohol consumption. How to effectively treat a hangover? Can you deal with it with home remedies?
Home remedies for a hangover – how to treat it?
A hangover is usually a consequence of excessive consumption of alcohol the day before. It’s not nice for anyone to be in this state. A never-ending headache, malaise, diarrhea, nausea or hand tremors are obvious signs of a hangover. That is why it is worth knowing the methods of treatment and combating it with home remedies. Because, contrary to appearances, there are many. If you don’t have any tablets at home to help treat your hangover, look carefully around your kitchen – there is a good chance that you have products in your food supply that will save you in this situation. So what can you use to get rid of a hangover?
How to cure a hangover?
A very effective way to fight a hangover is to drink sauerkraut juice or pickled cucumber juice. On the one hand, they have the property of quickly quenching thirst after eating them on an empty stomach and influencing the intestinal bacterial flora and removing toxins, on the other hand, reaching for such a drink with a hangover guarantees emergency help to the body by providing it with the necessary vitamins and minerals that have been flushed out while drinking alcohol. . They are a source of vitamin C, potassium, calcium and iron. With a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, beetroot juice will also cope well, which additionally supports the body in getting rid of toxins. Reaching for a few sips of such a drink several times a day will improve your mood and neutralize the physical symptoms of a hangover. However, we do not always have sauerkraut or beetroot in our home supplies to get back on our feet in such a situation. It’s much easier to get tomato juice available. Drinking a glass of such a drink will help to eliminate the symptoms of a hangover, such as heart palpitations or hand tremors, which are a natural consequence of washing out potassium from the body, which is responsible for regulating muscle tone, nerve conduction, and heart rhythm. Tomato juice, due to the richness of minerals contained in it, complements this deficiency.
Homemade hangover treatment – another miraculous properties of honey and lemon!
We could talk about the miraculous properties of honey and lemon for a long time – these food ingredients help in many areas of the human body. It is no different when dealing with a hangover. Thanks to the presence of fructose in its composition, honey supports metabolism and detoxification. The simplest drink that can be prepared with its participation is a mixture of a small amount of honey mixed in a glass of water and consumption of such a drink several times a day. Lemon will do the same. Adding a slice of lemon to a glass of water neutralizes the hangover headache. A more intense drink of this type is lemon juice.
What other homemade food ingredients can help you cure a hangover?
Another natural way to fight a hangover is to drink infused mint or chamomile. This will help in dealing with heaviness in the head and nausea.