Home plants dangerous for children and animals photo

What kind of hostess does not like to arrange in her own house a small “jungle” of indoor flowers and plants that amaze with their exotic beauty, delicate smell and create a special, unique atmosphere in their home!

She is so caring for her “pets” that sometimes she forgets about the danger that lurks in these harmless and attractive-looking plants. And it turns out that representatives of this exotic flora, with which all the window sills, balcony and loggia are filled, can cause you a lot of trouble. And they pose the main threat primarily to children, pets and even birds. For example, through an oversight of parents, a child will tear off a leaf from some bright indoor plant and eat it. At best, everything will cost you a little bowel upset. But sometimes flowers contain poisonous substances in their roots. Once in a child’s body, as well as in the stomach of, say, a young cat, they can cause irreversible consequences. Therefore, you need to reduce your passion for home comfort with the help of indoor plants and it is good to know what danger they can pose to households.

For example, the spurge, similar to a small palm tree, has always attracted lovers of indoor plants. According to popular opinion, it allegedly gives the apartment a special charm. But this naivety sometimes turns into a real disaster for children, as well as for pets. Poisonous sap and seeds get on the skin and cause burns. Even one drop, accidentally splashing into the eyes, causes temporary blindness.

Dieffenbachia so beautiful that it will fascinate any hostess. And the latter, without suspecting anything bad, can put this houseplant in the most prominent place. However, the attractiveness of Dieffenbachia is combined with the rare toxicity of its green shoots. It is enough, for example, a few drops, which will enter the mouth of a domestic cat, for it to die.

Primrose, which has bright and different shades of colors, often decorates children’s rooms due to the carelessness of parents. Although they should probably look into a special reference book, where it is written in black and white about the extreme toxicity of this houseplant. During the flowering of primrose, even the hairs of the leaves become dangerous. By touching them, the child runs the risk of itching and burning on his hands.

Adenium is fat – a lush exotic flower was brought from Africa. And it became so popular that it was an honor to have it in my house. True, none of the flora lovers asked why it is still in use among African tribes. And the fact is that local hunters smear arrowheads with the poison of this houseplant. And to grow it in an apartment where children and animals live is simply criminal.

Ficus – a houseplant, which hardly every self-respecting florist falls on. Until a certain time, this flower pleased with its modest beauty, vitality, unpretentiousness, until it became clear that it is a powerful allergen. And, perhaps, one should not be surprised at how children react to the presence of ficus in the apartment.

Lush buds clivia just pleasing to the eye. And when they open up, a huge bouquet of rare beauty is obtained. Therefore, it is simply impossible to resist the temptation to have it in your home. However, the beautiful clivia has one most dangerous quality: the juice of its leaves, entering the human body, causes paralysis.

Aloe – a houseplant that can be found in almost every apartment. Its healing qualities have been known since ancient times. But even this useful houseplant has some harmful properties. For example, if it comes into direct contact with the delicate skin of a child, the juice irritates. And it should be noted that when taken orally, aloe juice is quite toxic.

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