
Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

If for the paranoid his house is a workshop, for the epileptoid “my house is my fortress”, then for the hysteroid and the hysteroid the house is the proscenium on which they are actors in the main roles, on which they admire themselves. They arrange receptions.

One day, a paranoid husband, without consulting his hysterical wife, inadvertently told a friend, come, they say, we’ll talk, we’ll have lunch … What happened there! “Oh, you invited him to dinner, so go to the store. And so that there was an aperitif, and a salad, a first or second course, and a dessert, and cigarettes!”

And the furnishings in the rooms are not just for convenience. No, the hysteroid should boastfully demonstrate everything: how the kitchen is arranged, and what expensive books are on the shelves, and what macrame separates the hallway from the corridor to the kitchen, and how cozy it is everywhere, what pillows, rugs, napkins … There are a lot of them, they are fringed, they satin or panne velvet (this is for sensitives with “undeveloped taste” made of plush).

A hysteroid can also love a bohemian life, but even hysteroid men are more domestic than bohemian, they are drawn home (although they are also drawn to visit, to «respectable houses»), they prefer comfort, warmth of the hearth. European-style repairs are being started beyond their means. They buy office equipment, garniture furniture: kitchens, bedrooms, dining rooms, offices. This is primarily intended for them advertising. The American writer Wilder, in his novel The Ides of March, quipped that every wife wants her cave to be larger and better than that of her rival. He did not know that he wrote in this way about his hysterical wife. That is, the apartment for her is also a playground for competitions with her rivals.

A special case is the bathroom. It is the mirror of her soul, like her eyes. A guest entering the bathroom should appreciate its magnificence. The hysteroid decorates the bathroom richer than all the other rooms, and spends a significant part of the time there, not only to put herself in order, but also just to enjoy, this is the kingdom of the body, an intimate corner of the soul.

If a hysteroid hosts guests, then she can put things in order that will make the right impression. But, as already mentioned, it will only sweep the middle of the room well, and there will be cobwebs and dust in the corners. By comparison, a psychastenoid and an epileptoid will lick all corners, even if no one is expected. The phone is at the hysteria with all sorts of tricks, and unscrew the microphone cover from that e.i — there is a coating of dirt on the membrane, this will never happen in an epileptoid and psychasthenoid. The hysteroid, leaving for a visit, can become frivolous, and leave a mess in the room.

The hysteroid cooks well, she plays the role of a good housewife. But she can say that she, they say, «is not up to the economy.» Of course, cutting the sturgeon and laying out the caviar is herself, but everything else is unworthy of her, the rest will be done by the servants.

The hysteroid has almost no archives, the hysteroid often arranges purges, tears everything at least slightly outdated. Sometimes, at the same time, the necessary things and papers are thrown away, and then regrets or conflicts arise, since the hysteroid can throw away the necessary papers of her husband or employees. One hysteria destroyed the drafts of her husband’s protected (why keep, if already protected) dissertation. Well, he gave her a scandal!

Moving hysteroids to a new place of residence is explained by the artistry of their nature, career, romantic dreams. In the new apartment begins a new renovation. Hysteroids are clean. The bathroom, in the apartment, we said, is the most favorite place. A variety of toilet soaps, shampoos, pastes, washcloths, sponges, massage brushes, combs, combs, hair dryers, toilet water, creams — all this is a whole collection. The hysteroid washes in the bathroom three or four times a day. For a male hysteroid, the steam room means a lot, in general, the atmosphere of the bath, where you can sit down and join the sybarite friend, who is interesting in many ways.

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