Home isotonic drink – what should it have and how to prepare it yourself?

The market of articles for people practicing various sports is bursting at the seams. Many products can be purchased in special stores for athletes, but there are also those that can be found even in smaller supermarkets. One of them is an isotonic drink. Although you hear about isotonic drinks quite often, many people still do not know exactly what isotonic drinks are, what they are for and how to choose the best. It turns out, however, that we can prepare a home isotonic drink on our own, which will fulfill its function as well as the one purchased in the store.

  1. Isotonic drink is a drink that hydrates, but also replenishes electrolytes in our body that we lose during intense exercise or in hot weather
  2. A wide selection of isotonic drinks can be found in stores, but not everyone will hydrate us equally well
  3. We can also make our own isotonic drinks at home. How?
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

What is an isotonic drink?

An isotonic drink, commonly known as an isotonic drink, is a special fluid that is designed to replenish our body with water and electrolytes, which the body gets rid of very quickly during intense training. Isotonic drinks can vary in composition, and you can often find isotonic drinks tailored to your specific needs in stores. In addition to water, the isotonic composition also most often includes water-soluble vitamins, carbohydrates, usually in the form of glucose, and above all macronutrients, such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium. An additional function of an isotonic drink, if consumed during intense exercise, is to maintain high blood sugar levels, which makes the body even more efficient during training.

Isotonic drinks are also recommended in hot weather – when we sweat intensively, we may lose electrolytes, so remember to supplement the necessary elements.

The nutritional value of an isotonic drink

As we already mentioned, an isotonic drink is not just water. Its nutritional value is usually around 10 kcal per 100 g of drink. In an isotonic drink, we can find a lot of carbohydrates, but not only. Magnesium and calcium are ingredients that ensure the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems. In addition, they help maintain the proper body temperature. An important ingredient is sodium, because it affects the faster absorption of water by the body, and potassium, because it is responsible for the regeneration of collagen. Such ingredients may also contain home-made isotonic drinks.

Isotonic drinks that we can buy in stores

What are isotonic drinks that can be purchased in stores characterized by? In fact, there are many kinds of them. Most often we deal with ready-made isotonic drinks, but in specialized stores for sportsmen we can find isotonic drinks in the form of a powder or tablets, which just need to be dissolved in water. Unfortunately, we have to take into account the fact that isotonic drinks available in stores, although they contain many valuable minerals, such as those mentioned above, also contain many unnecessary and even unhealthy ingredients for the human body. Therefore, if we do not have the opportunity to reach for a natural, home-made isotonic drink, make sure to carefully read the ingredients on the product packaging. In particular, beware of isotonic drinks, which contain artificial preservatives and dyes, which only serve to make the product more visually attractive, and thus – sell better.

If you are looking for a good-quality isotonic, reach for Isotonic powder for water and electrolyte regulation OstroVit available on Medonet Market.

What should a good isotonic drink be like?

It’s best if you prepare a home-made isotonic drink yourself. Only then will we be sure what ingredients it really consists of. An isotonic drink bought in stores and a home isotonic drink should be additionally selected in terms of length, intensity and type of training. Only then will it properly fulfill its function. If we decide to buy an isotonic drink, let’s use professional stores for people practicing sports rather than popular supermarkets, where it will be difficult to find a product worth recommending. In specialized stores, we can additionally ask an employee for advice, who should have more knowledge on this subject than ourselves. However, it is worth remembering that a good-quality isotonic drink, i.e. one that does not contain dyes and other chemical additives, is a very large expense, especially if we train every day. In this case, it’s best to choose your own home isotonic drink.

How to make a home isotonic drink?

Preparing your own home isotonic drink is really simple and quick, so anyone can handle it, even people who enter the kitchen just to prepare tea.


To prepare this home isotonic drink, we need:

  1. 500 ml of still water,
  2. 10 g of honey,
  3. the juice of one lemon,
  4. pinches of salt to taste.

To enjoy your home isotonic drink, you just need to combine all the ingredients together. It is worth remembering that natural honey (and this is the only one we should use) has a tendency to crystallize, and high temperature destroys its beneficial properties, so it is best to mix it with water, for example by shaking the bottle vigorously until the honey is completely dissolved.

It is also worth thinking about natural isotonic drinks that do not even need to be prepared. The function of a natural isotonic can be perfectly fulfilled by maple or birch water, as well as coconut water. We can buy them in larger supermarkets and in health food stores.

The Nuud brand offers Antiodorant, which is recommended as a revolution in personal hygiene. It does not prevent perspiration, but it makes the sweat odorless. You can buy it at Medonet Market.

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