Home interior design: photos of typical mistakes

Home interior design: photos of typical mistakes

Interior design – everyone understands and sees it differently, but almost everyone makes the same mistakes. Are you striving to make your home cozy? Then it is better to immediately find out which decorating techniques should be avoided by everyone – regardless of taste preferences.

Mistake 1: the apple has nowhere to fall

Of course, there are those who prefer to live within empty walls. But most of us love to “fill the void” by collecting a lot of memorabilia around us, which is completely impossible to get rid of later. Therefore, when choosing souvenirs from your next trip, remember: the fact that a thing is beautiful is not a reason to drag it into the house.

Take the example of the Japanese: less is more. All furniture should be as functional as possible, and storage systems should be carefully thought out. And do not store things in the apartment that you have not used for months.

The second strong argument in favor of free space. Psychologists say that the interior of the living room can influence the psychological state of a person. And it’s unlikely that a second coffee table, a small extra sofa, a footrest, waste baskets and other little things will help you keep your peace of mind. It is much more important for your well-being and mood to leave enough space in the apartment for free movement.

The ban on unnecessary things applies not only to various types of furniture, but also carpets, numerous sofa cushions, frames with photographs and souvenirs from distant wanderings. A month after the trip, they will have only one function – an annoying dust collector.

Decorators and interior designers have come up with quite a few ways to quickly and original decorate an apartment. But no professional would recommend bringing dry or artificial flowers into your home.

Even if you proudly call something dried in a dusty vase dried flowers, it does not decorate your home in the least. Feng Shui experts strongly oppose such compositions in a residential area (not to mention plastic roses and daisies). Dried flowers have decaying energy that degrades the home environment. But fresh flowers and indoor plants are a completely different matter! They bring renewal and charge with positive energy.

If you don’t like looking after flowers, you can decorate your house with a bowl of fresh lemons or oranges. Fresh fruit will add not only a lively color, but also a subtle aroma.

There are two extremes here: fear of color and oversaturation of color. In the first case, we are talking about those who do not risk introducing shades “with character” into their interior, preferring the proven beige and gray range. In the second – a conversation about those who manage to implement the rainbow principle within one apartment.

But a sense of proportion is important everywhere. Designers and decorators insist: the same principle works in the interior as in clothes: no more than three colors! As soon as there are more colors, your outfit, like the interior itself, turns into an example of bad taste and insanity.

The introduction of color is not only about choosing the shade with which you paint the walls of the room. More local color accents can also be unsuccessful – the same cushions, tablecloths, or even pots with indoor plants. All these “drops in the sea” should combine and complement each other, and not interrupt with the intensity of the tone.

A beanbag chair, an elegant coffee table with curved legs, a fluffy pink sofa cape and a trendy high-tech copper-colored floor lamp are all great, but separately. If you mix all these items in one interior, you will not be able to justify yourself with the fashionable word “eclecticism”, which means mixing of styles. Because in eclecticism there should be some kind of connecting thread on which all interior items are strung. Without this thread, you will not get eclecticism, but a mishmash. Therefore, buying a thing simply because you like it is thoughtless.

A single style, color scheme, patterns – there should be something in common. Otherwise, your apartment will quickly become like a junk shop.

Love for the color red is not a reason to let it into your home. This is a very active, even aggressive color, which quickly gets tired and is capable of unnerving and escalating the situation.

Interior designers and decorators recommend several options for using red in the interior. But in any case, it is better to abandon the red walls. But the red vase will add zest to your interior, like red lipstick to your image.

By the way, this principle applies to other bright colors as well. Calm shades are more suitable for life. When choosing colors for the interior, be guided by natural natural paints – brown, blue, green.

Mistake 6: a house for Barbie

Fluffy, candy, pink, shiny, sweet, plush – these epithets from the life of dolls, alas, do not paint a real house. Develop your taste: leave an abundance of rhinestones, rose bedding, heart pillows and curls on the wallpaper for teenage girls.

Tenderness and intimacy in the interior can be created by other decorating techniques: silk and velvet, warm colors, dim light. The interior of the bedroom deserves special attention. Create a sexy interior or turn your bedroom into a space of total relaxation. The main thing is that it does not look like a house for Barbie.

The abundance of mirrors in the interior is mauvais ton. Not only are mirrored cabinets, walls, ceilings no longer fashionable, it is also unsafe. Feng Shui experts say that mirrors create tension in a room, because they “mirror” the energies of everyone who is reflected in them. Moreover, the mirror in front of the bed is one of the reasons for the feeling of morning brokenness that arises in you. Therefore, if you are still thinking about purchasing a wardrobe with indispensable solid mirrored doors, it is better to abandon this idea in favor of one mirrored sash.

Mirror surfaces in the bathroom also require attention and moderation. Despite the fact that the designers did not include problems with mirrors in the list of the 15 most common mistakes made when renovating a bathroom, do not forget that the mirror should hang at a level convenient for all family members, be well lit and ideally be the only one. Seems like you need another mirror? Limit yourself to a miniature double-sided version with a magnifying glass.

Mistake 8: everything fits together too much

You diligently got rid of everything that annoyed you, matched the colors of the walls, bedspreads and furniture upholstery to match, and in the end you got an unimaginably boring and dull interior. The last item in the rating of errors of amateur decorators is a subtle hint that sometimes even mistakes are better than complete sterility.

Interior decorators are sure that their work should first of all have a positive effect on the emotional state of a person. This point is even more important than comfort, because in an extremely functional, but insanely boring interior, you can get depressed.

And if you have a brilliant idea to recreate a picture from a furniture catalog at home, stop urgently! This “ideal world” was not invented for life. It was only created to inspire you to do a little furniture rearrangement.

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