Home Foot Care: Tips. Video
You need to take care of your feet very carefully, since not only their beauty depends on this, but also the health of the whole organism. Japanese and Chinese doctors claim that there are nerve endings on the feet that affect the work of all internal organs. In addition, beautiful and well-groomed feet are the key to well-being, great mood, and self-confidence. To keep your legs healthy and well-groomed, take on a few guidelines.
A pedicure should be done at least once a month. First, you should pay attention to your toenails. If you trim them after you use the foot bath, the nail plate will become saturated with liquid and then soften. As a result, the nails cannot be filed correctly, which can lead to their fragility, as well as delamination.
Due to improper nutrition and frequent use of nail polishes, toenails can turn yellow. To whiten them, you can use lemon juice, rubbing it into the nail plates.
To properly trim your toenails, follow these guidelines:
- carefully cut your nails with scissors or tweezers perpendicular to the nail plate, not too close to the skin of your toes;
- it is better to do the length of the nails so that the nail does not slightly reach the edge of the toe;
- with a scraper or spatula, remove accumulated dirt, as well as horny cells from under the nails;
- gently round the edges of the nail plate with a nail file to avoid ingrowth;
- at the end of the procedure for cutting nails, sand and polish them. This will whiten yellowish toenails. At the same time, try not to overdo it with the abrasive, so as not to damage the nail plate. After this technique, you do not need an additional application of varnish, since the nails will look and so well-groomed;
- Now apply and rub in the cuticle softener and remover. After that, you can lower your feet into a warm bath.
How to care for your feet at home
To make a foot bath, put hot water in a basin, add a handful of sea salt and liquid soap to it. Then add 5-10 drops of essential oil to the water. It can be peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree or lemon oil. Place a rolled up terry towel on the bottom, then place your feet on it. You need to take such a bath for about 30 minutes. When the skin is steamed, you can start taking care of your feet.
If your legs are very swollen, you should take a contrast bath. Baths with a decoction of mint leaves or lemon juice will help to get rid of sweating of the feet.
After the bath, you need to make the skin of the feet soft and smooth. To do this, you need a pumice stone or a machine. Rub hard with a pumice stone on the soles of your feet, and clean off very thick corns with a machine. Do not press too hard on the machine to avoid cuts.
The next step on the way to beautiful legs is foot skin peeling. This procedure is simple enough. Apply an exfoliator to damp feet and rub it vigorously for 5 minutes. As an exfoliator, you can use ground coffee, olive oil and sugar, powdered oatmeal, or ground lemon peels.
To make the skin of your feet velvety and soft, apply a foot mask as well. You can buy a ready-made mask in the store or make your own from warm oatmeal or a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream and yolk. Apply the mask to dry, clean skin of your feet and keep it on for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water, dry your feet with a towel and apply the cream on your feet with massage movements.
Cracks between the toes: treatment
Often there is such a problem as cracks between the toes, accompanied by diaper rash or itching, painful sensations when walking. In addition, the skin between the toes periodically peels off, and the feet can smell unpleasant. Cracks can be caused by fungus between the toes. In this case, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment using antifungal drugs. The treatment should be continued even after the cracks have disappeared.
This will completely destroy the fungus.
There are many different folk methods that help remove cracks between the toes. But these methods should be applied after consulting a dermatologist. To treat cracks, you can make a foot bath by adding 2 tsp to hot water. spoons of soda. After the bath, apply a compress of chopped onions to your feet at night. In the morning, wash your feet thoroughly, rub with a pumice stone and lubricate the skin with moisturizer. Treating cracked toes also requires careful personal hygiene. It is important to keep your shoes and socks dry and clean at all times.
You should take care of your feet daily. Wash them at least once a day with gel or mild soap. After washing your feet, remember to thoroughly dry your feet with a towel, especially the skin between your toes. Massage the nourishing cream on your feet before going to bed. If the skin on your legs is very rough, you can apply a thick layer of cream to your feet at night, and put on cotton socks on top.
To avoid flat feet, as well as for leg health, do special exercises once a day for 5 minutes:
- rotate your feet to the left and right 5-10 times
- Stand on tiptoes 5-10 times, and then on your heels
- roll the pencil on the floor with your feet
For the prevention of many diseases, for the health of the legs, as well as for well-being, it is useful to do a daily foot massage. You can use roller floor foot massagers for this purpose.
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