Home first aid kit: a list of drugs. Video
Taking care of your health is not only preventive visits to the doctor and the implementation of all his recommendations, but also timely assistance in case of various kinds of ailments. The disease can be taken by surprise at any time of the year, so it is important to have a supply of necessary medicines in your home medicine cabinet.
Essential medicines in the home medicine cabinet
A home first aid kit should contain drugs with which you can provide yourself or family members with first aid. First of all, these are antipyretic drugs, the need for which arises in almost every colds. This group includes aspirin, as well as drugs based on paracetamol (Fervex, Coldrex, Efferalgan, etc.), ibuprofen (Nurofen, MIG, Faspik, etc.) or nimesulide (“Nimulid”, “Nise”, etc.). They can be sold as tablets (effervescent or film-coated), suppositories, suspension and powder for solution preparation.
The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the form of release, so you can choose the right remedy, guided by your own preferences or doctor’s recommendations
The means used to lower the temperature also have an analgesic effect. They can help with mild migraines, toothaches and muscle pain, but they are almost powerless for smooth muscle spasms. Thus, antispasmodics should be used to relieve abdominal pain and menstrual pain. These include “Spazmalgon”, “No-shpa” and similar drugs.
Adsorbents are also mandatory in a home medicine cabinet – means that help to cope with intoxication in case of intestinal infection or poisoning. The most popular and effective drugs from this group are activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, etc. In addition, for intestinal disorders, frequent companions of which are nausea and diarrhea, Smecta, Motilium, Loperamide will not be superfluous. “Or other drugs with a similar effect.
The medicine cabinet should also contain drugs for pain in the heart.
These include nitroglycerin, Corvalol, Validol and the like. They are quite inexpensive, so it is better to stock up on them just in case, even if none of the household members suffers from heart disease.
It is advisable to complete a home first-aid kit with sedatives. It can be ordinary valerian or motherwort-based preparations. They also have a mild sedative effect, so they will help not only with strong excitement or stress, but also with insomnia.
Also in the home medicine cabinet should be antihistamines. Even if there are no allergy sufferers in the house, they will help eliminate itching from an insect bite and relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa with a severe runny nose. This group includes such drugs as Zirtek, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.
In the presence of households with chronic diseases, the list of necessary medicines in the home medicine cabinet can be expanded.
If there are children in the house, it is necessary to supplement the first-aid kit with medicines for them. Often the same drugs are suitable for them, only produced in the form of suspensions, drops, syrups and suppositories. Before buying medications, you should make sure that they are suitable for the child in terms of age, weight and other criteria. It will be correct if the names of the necessary drugs, as well as their dosage, are indicated by the attending pediatrician. In any case, antipyretic and antihistamines, as well as adsorbents and drugs for diarrhea, are mandatory in a children’s first-aid kit.
If there is a baby in the house, the medicine cabinet should have drugs that help with intestinal colic. These include “Plantex”, “Espumisan”, “Sub Simplex”, etc. Also, gels that relieve pain during teething (“Calgel”, “Dentinox”, etc.) will not be superfluous.
In addition, it is advisable to supplement the children’s first aid kit with various herbs. Sage and calendula will help to cope with inflammatory diseases, string and chamomile – with skin diseases (prickly heat, dermatitis). For restless babies, you can buy motherwort – it will reduce nervous irritability and normalize sleep.
It is not at all necessary to water the baby with herbal decoctions and infusions. It is much more effective and safer to add them to the bathtub.
Medicines for the home first aid kit
Dressings, ointments and antiseptics
In addition to medicines, various dressings must be present in the home medicine cabinet.
These include:
- bandages (various widths, sterile and non-sterile)
- gauze napkins
- cotton wool (can be in the form of balls or discs)
- plasters
You will have to equip the first-aid kit with means for treating wounds.
These include hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine and potassium permanganate. In addition, ointments that accelerate tissue regeneration (“Rescuer”, “D-Panthenol”, “Bepanten”, etc.) will not be superfluous.
Home first aid kit storage rules
The home first aid kit should be kept out of the reach of children, preferably under lock and key. Every six months, it is necessary to conduct an audit to make sure that there are no expired and unsuitable drugs for further use. It is also important to keep instructions for use with the drugs. They will help you quickly determine the required dosage of the drug and exclude the presence of contraindications.
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