Home exercises for the press for girls

Delightful and sexy belly with abdominal exercises at home

If you don’t have the time to go to the gym, try exercises that you can do at home. With their help, you can achieve impressive results in the form of a perfectly flat belly or a pattern of six cubes.

What do you need?

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to master an effective set of abdominal exercises. However, some adaptations will make your workout a little more comfortable and possibly a little easier.

So, if you manage to find:

  • knee-high table (for example, coffee), on which you can rest your feet during twisting

  • training mat or towel under the back

  • weight disk, dumbbells or chest weight

  • music CD with fiery rhythms

Then you have everything you need!

Which abdominal exercises are ideal for home workouts?

At home, it is best to do those abdominal exercises that do not require special equipment and are designed to use your own body weight. Moreover, as it turned out, these same exercises and in general are the most effective! Training without equipment allows you to develop the perfect technique, and you can be sure that you are doing all the exercises correctly. In the gym, we are often fascinated by the luxurious state-of-the-art exercise equipment and forget that technology is of paramount importance.

Home exercises for the press for girls

At home, it is best to do those abdominal exercises that do not require special equipment.

In the proposed set of exercises for the press at home, we will use:

    These are basic, core and indispensable exercises for the abdominal muscles. They provide us with a simple and effective path to success. After completing these exercises, you will be surprised how tired your muscles will be!

    How to do abdominal exercises correctly?

    All exercises described below are based on the same type of movement and technique.

    Back torsion – it’s simple! With your palms resting on the floor behind the lower back so that a kind of seat is formed. Stretch your legs almost parallel to the floor and bend them slightly at the knee joints. Tighten your abdominal muscles. With tense abdominal muscles, you pull your bent knees towards your chest. When your knees are close to your ribcage, twist your abdominal muscles against your palms for a more pronounced effect. This is the secret to reverse crunches – a slight final flexion in the pelvic region.

    In different versions ordinary twists the same technique is used, except that one of them adds a torso twist. In the starting position, the lower back is touching the floor, and the feet and legs are on the coffee table (dais), and the legs form a 90-degree angle. We connect our hands behind the head or cross on the chest. We start twisting – we tighten the abdominal muscles and bend the upper body, starting from the head, as much as you can, while not allowing the lower back to come off the floor. We slowly lower ourselves back and repeat the exercise without the slightest pause.

    Home exercises for the press for girls

    To perform twisting twist add a slight twist to one side at the moment of maximum torso lift. Twisting with weights is performed in the same way, you just need to put weight (dumbbells, disc) on your chest to create additional resistance.

    Training session outline

    Home exercises for the press for girls

    3 approach to 15, 20, 20 repetitions

    Home exercises for the press for girls

    3 approach to 15, 20, 20 repetitions

    Home exercises for the press for girls

    3 approach to 8, 10, 10 repetitions

    The finishing touch to abdominal exercises at home

    Remember that all exercises should be done very slowly. Many women find that doing crunches at a high pace increases the intensity of their workouts, burns more calories, and becomes leaner and more attractive. This is not true. You can only get the most out of your ab exercises if you do them very slowly, forcing the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall to work “to wear and tear.”

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