Home exercises for the buttocks
For the right to possess luxurious buttocks, many of the fairer sex would not regret anything. However, only asks for four weeks and a little patience. You can use a regular chair as sports equipment!
Home exercises for the buttocks
“Buttocks complex”
Duo of famous fitness instructors, Elizabeth Halfpapp and Freda DeVito, has made a quarter of a million Americans lose weight. The authors of several books and video tutorials have proven that you can turn your body into candy in the most ordinary, home conditions – without spending money on expensive gyms.
Today’s complex (nicknamed by the authors “buttock complex”) consists of only four exercises. The main conditions for its implementation: do it three times a week for four weeks. You need to do the exercises for at least 20 minutes.
Exercise # 1
Starting position: stand behind a chair (keep your legs apart), put your hands on its back.
Option A. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee (as shown in photo A). Then swing your left thigh to the side – that is, to the left, trying to raise your leg as high as possible. Return the leg to the starting position (see photo A). Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Option B. Straighten and put your left leg back (as shown in photo B). Then, describing a semicircle to your left, lift your leg so that the knee forms a right angle (see photo A). Return your leg to the starting position. Do 20 reps.
Exercise # 2
This is one of the most famous flapping exercises. Starting position: kneel behind a chair, hold the back with your hands.
Keep your back straight. Take your left leg back (without bending your knee!) And lift it up. The exercise lies in the fact that you should not so much pull up the foot itself as the thigh – if done correctly, you will feel how the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh work. Return your left leg to its starting position – but so that the “holding leg” (that is, the right) still remains in front. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Change your legs.
Exercise # 3
Starting position: sit on the floor and bend both knees – leave the right one in front of you, and take the left one a little to the side.
Lean on your fingers (the distance between your palms on the floor should be slightly wider than your shoulders), keep your back straight. Slowly lift up the abducted left leg – as shown in the photo. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then lower your leg without touching the floor. Do 20 reps, change legs. If this exercise seems hard to you, lower your leg until it is in full contact with the floor.
Exercise # 4
Starting position: sit on the floor and then bend your right leg as shown in the photo.
After that, begin to straighten your left leg, while bending forward on your arms bent at the elbows (see photo). Slowly lower your chest to your right thigh – do you feel muscle tension? No wonder this exercise is considered one of the best stretching exercises. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds. After that, change legs and repeat the exercise.