Home coloring: which hair dye is better

Home coloring: which hair dye is better

Finding out how to choose paint for home use and whether it is worth believing the manufacturers’ promises about durability and color.

Just like the last time we ranked mascara, Product-test appreciated popular hair dyes… testing took place in several “rounds”. The tests passed in accordance with all the rules on unpainted curls. Measuring color consistency, uniformity of staining, durability and odor of paint – the experts carefully checked each sample and found out which colors should be chosen by girls.

11th place. Wella Wellaton, 171 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

The first was the Wellaton hair dye to be checked for the correspondence of the declared shade to the real one. The use of a natural undyed curl showed that this model was one of the best in shade of staining among the tested. The color lays down evenly, and measurements of the shade in different places of the strand showed a slight difference.

The cream paint has a pungent chemical odor.

After thoroughly rinsing and drying the hair 16 times, the color fastness was measured by experts. The results were negative – the cream color was the most unstable of all tested. Two weeks after dyeing, you will most likely experience a change in hair color.

10th place. Schwarzkopf Palette (paint-mousse), 267 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

After testing samples of colored hair, the experts compared them with the promised shade of the manufacturers. According to the results, it turned out that Palette mousse paint really achieves a rich and intense color. But the shade is not uniform, so when using it you need to carefully and evenly apply the paint.

Opening a bottle that looks like a shaker, you will feel an incredibly tasty and sweet aroma like in a milkshake, as stated by the manufacturer.

The hair was washed and dried 16 times, as in the study of all the dyes tested. According to the results of the test, it turned out that the tool turned out to be one of the most unstable. It manifests itself in 25 minutes, but in the second week there will be a noticeable fading of the color.

9th place. Schwarzkopf Palette (cream paint), 108 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

Palette cream paint was the first to show the worst results for the declared color. The shade was not at all what the manufacturers promised. But the uniformity of staining showed a satisfactory result. Even long hair will produce a fairly uniform color.

Experts noticed a rather pungent smell of ammonia in Palette cream paint, which is not a very pleasant factor. After all, we girls love to be both beautiful and tasty.

The updated version of the Palette cream paint from Schwarzkopf with the addition of keratin, according to the manufacturer, provides 50% more durability and, going back to the manufacturer’s promises, we tested Palette for durability.

This time, the experts washed colored hair 16 times, which equates to six weeks after using the product. The paint turned out to be quite long-lasting, so for about a month you can be sure of the color saturation.

8th place. Garnier Olia, 269 rub.

Compliance with the declared color

In tests for the color of staining, in which experts cannot do without a spectrophotometer – an apparatus that detects color change, it turned out that the paint gives a bright and saturated color, for which the product received a high score from specialists.

But measurements of the shade in different points of the curl showed that Olia unevenly distributes color along the entire length. You need to apply the paint carefully, carefully painting over each strand.

The active component of the paint does not contain ammonia, so when you prepare the paint, you will get a yogurt-like consistency with an incredibly pleasant smell! We recommend purchasing a couple of delicious desserts before dyeing your hair to get rid of the temptation.

Traditionally, after rinsing and drying hair 16 times, experts measure the color of the curls. But Garnier Olia did not live up to expectations and turned out to be unstable. Experts noted that a few weeks after dyeing, the hair color will not change much, but it has lost its brightness and saturation, which was immediately after the procedure.

7th place. L’Oreal Excellence Creme, 329 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

L’Oreal Excellence Creme is the most expensive paint tested. The color matching test was rated “excellent” from the experts, but, unfortunately, L’Oreal failed the uniformity test. Experts advised to apply the paint very carefully and leave some means in order to apply paint to those areas that are poorly painted over.

The smell of the paint is very pleasant, which is important for the painting process.

On this point, L’Oreal Excellence Creme paint was the worst among the tested. Already after a week, you will notice a fading of color.

6th place. Syoss Professional Performance, 152 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

First, experts, as usual, measure the paint for color quality and uniformity in use. Syoss Professional Performance gives a bright and rich color, but the paint does not lay down quite evenly.

The smell of the paint is not very pleasant, but also not harsh.

After rinsing and drying the hair 16 times, the experts came to the verdict that the indicator was average. And after 2-3 weeks the paint will start to fade.

5th place. L’Oreal Casting Creme Gloss, 280 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

The test result did not live up to the manufacturer’s promises, the effect of staining was very different from the declared result. According to this indicator, L’Oreal Casting Creme Gloss turned out to be one of the worst, and the result on the uniformity of coloring was impressive. When tested for uniform color application, the paint turned out to be one of the best among the declared.

Casting Creme Gloss gave the fastest staining result – 20 minutes. The paint is not scented, but tests have shown that its smell is not very pungent.

The product met all expectations, being one of the most persistent paints among the tested.

4th place. Wella Wellaton (mousse), 198 rubles

Compliance with the declared color

On natural, unpainted curls, the experts began testing by measuring the color and uniformity of dyeing. Unfortunately, the verdict was disappointing. The tool dyes the hair in an unsaturated color, which is quite different from the declared one. Wellaton showed fairly good results in the color uniformity test.

The smell of the mixture is not harsh, but there is no pleasant sweet aroma, like many other paints.

After completing the procedure for washing and drying the curl 16 times, the experts measured the indicators. The result was impressive: the mousse paint exceeded expectations and proved to be very durable.

3rd place. Schwarzkopf Color Mask, 215 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

In a special laboratory, specialists continued to conduct tests and identified the top three among the “participants”. Color Mask impressed the experts. The paint turned out to be one of the best in terms of the declared color and uniformity of coloring.

The dye is well applied to the hair and has a neutral odor.

The Color Mask durability test showed good results. The experts concluded that the color fading will be noticeable two months after the staining procedure.

2nd place. Garnier Color Naturals, 107 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

Garnier Color Naturals is a classic hair color that has proven to be one of the best in tests. The experts agreed on one verdict: Garnier Color Naturals is the best value for money.

Color measurements in the laboratory showed practically no difference between the actual and the declared color. Having evaluated the uniformity of the paint at different points of the curl, the result was amazing! Garnier Color Naturals colors hair so evenly that even the colorimetric equipment showed no difference in shade between curls.

Of the minuses in the paint, only the inconvenience of use and a very unpleasant smell are noted. But this is not so important when the product has so many advantages and such a nice price.

After the traditional 16 procedures of washing and drying the curl, the paint turned out to be at its best! Hair has not lost color and the test result showed that Garnier Color Naturals is one of the most permanent colors.

1 place. L’Oreal Preference Recital, 349 rubles.

Compliance with the declared color

So, L’Oreal Preference Recital won the gold medal! The only drawback that experts found in the declared paint is the high price. The tests began with a color match test as claimed by the manufacturer. By dyeing your curls? it turned out that the product is one of the best in shade of staining. Bright and rich, as promised by the manufacturers.

Now the collection contains 3 shades for dyeing ombre on dark hair.

Having made similar measurements at different points, the experts found out that the difference in the uniformity of staining was insignificant, and according to this indicator, L’Oreal Preference Recital gave the best results.

Unfortunately, the paint does not have a vanilla or berry aroma, but experts did not notice a pungent smell either.

Oddly enough, in terms of durability, the paint was inferior to the previous two means. But she deservedly received a solid “four”.

Report of all tested hair dyes read on website Product-test.

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