Home cleansing of the body: healing remedies. Video

Home cleansing of the body: healing remedies. Video

Human health is determined by the ability to harmoniously combine internal reserves, heredity and the influence of the environment on life cycles, biological rhythms and general tone. The cleansing process of the body is also a necessary element of this balance.

Cleansing the body at home

Cleansing the body: what, why and why?

Cleansing the body is a natural process of renewal, which was believed in ancient times.

It was not for nothing that healers turned to leeches: refreshing the blood and stimulating the work of the heart helped to remove the infection and increase the level of resistance to infections.

The ability to cleanse the body from the products of the external environment of a person is a rather laborious task, but it carries with it the preservation of the immune system, the maintenance of youth and a well-groomed, blooming appearance.

Slags, obstruction of blood vessels, clogging of the body with products of putrefaction, poisons and toxins are side results of an irrational, poisonous way of life. Therefore, cleansing the internal organs of harmful substances is the task of many home recipes and modern medicines aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body and maintaining its basic functions.

The harmful substances enter the body through the mucous membranes, skin, gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Lack of environmental friendliness in the world suppresses the natural ways of protecting a person provided by nature, and therefore immunity falls, a clogged organism becomes less susceptible to drugs and natural sources of vitamins. To neutralize such processes, you should regularly cleanse the skin and internal organs (liver, intestines).

Taking care of yourself and your health should start with cleansing the intestines, because this is the main way to get rid of harmful substances. In order not to disturb the intestinal microflora, it is not recommended to use enemas. You should pay attention to diets and separate meals. You should not mix proteins and carbohydrates, however, both can be combined with fats and herbs.

It is recommended to give up dairy products for a while. And to improve fermentation, switch to black bread, cereals, raw vegetables and bran. The fiber contained in the latter absorbs toxins like a sponge, cleans the intestinal walls from the results of the life of pathogenic microflora.

The way to get rid of waste accumulated in the intestines is the apple diet. It is necessary to eat 2 grated apples every other day on an empty stomach within two months. You can have breakfast after 3 hours. It will relieve fecal stones painlessly.

The simplest way to remove toxins from the liver is beet broth. It stimulates the work of internal organs well and gently frees the body from harmful substances.

It is necessary to pour washed, but not peeled, fist-sized beets with a liter of water (mark the resulting level), add another 2 liters and boil until the marked amount of liquid is established. Then let the boiled vegetable cool and grate, add the resulting mass again to the remaining water and boil for 20 minutes. Pour warm beetroot gruel into a glass, drink, and squeeze cold remaining in a saucepan and remove.

The remaining liquid (with a small amount of the remaining “pulp”) is divided into 3 parts and taken every 3-4 hours during the day. In parallel, create heat in the liver area (with a conventional heating pad). Harmful substances are excreted during urination, so this is a sure sign that the cleansing is working.

General cleansing of the body and skin

Ginger tea has long been loved by those who strive for beauty and vitality. The ability to give it lightness lies in the contained essential oils, which accelerate metabolic processes and contribute to weight loss.

To prepare the drink, you need to grate the ginger root on a grater, pour boiling water (at the rate of 1 spoonful of ginger per half a liter) and let it brew for an hour. Half an hour before a meal, 100 g of the drink should be taken with the addition of cloves and black ground pepper (in an amount that barely covers the tip of a knife).

Together with the intake of stimulating drinks, it is recommended to start the process of cleansing the skin, because internal processes can affect changes in her condition. In order not to look exhausted and tired from numerous cleansing procedures, it is necessary to use a decoction of chamomile of a suitable temperature as a cleanser. As a scrub that renews dead skin cells, you can use coffee grounds mixed with low-fat sour cream, or fine oatmeal flooded with water with candied honey.

If you need to cleanse the body, you need to remember that such procedures can be carried out no more than once every 6 months (if we are talking about internal organs, but not about losing weight as such). Also, intensive cleansing is contraindicated in pregnant women, elderly people with weakened immunity.

Anyone suffering from heart disease, gastric acidity, gastritis, or ulcers should consult a doctor about possible ways to eliminate toxins on their own. Often, a specialist prescribes supportive drugs that soften the cleaning effect and stabilize the body as a whole.

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