Home care rules that give salon results

Home care rules that give salon results

We understand the features of home cosmetology.

There is happiness: after three months of self-isolation, beauty salons have opened. During this tough period of abstinence, not everyone was able to cope with the lack of professional care and, as they say, save face. But a competent home approach allows you to adequately maintain beauty and is a common daily necessity. Today the secrets of “home cosmetology” Wday were revealed by blogger, specialist with five years of experience in beauty salon management, mother of many children, expert on federal TV channels on family, motherhood and healthy lifestyle Alsu Kopylova.

Blogger, specialist with five years of experience in managing a beauty salon, mother of many children, expert on federal TV channels on family, motherhood and healthy lifestyles

Home cosmetology rules

1. Worldview. It should be not only literate and systemic, but also spiritual, thanks to which you will feel happiness and be able to realize yourself. Therefore, stop hiding behind excuses “no time, no strength” and find an activity that will delight you: gymnastics, meditation, knitting or boxing, there are no restrictions. And this, in turn, will affect your beauty.

2. Water and exercise. Movement and one and a half liters of clean water per day will disperse the lymph and relieve swelling.

3. Respiratory gymnastics. Literally 15 minutes of basic exercise will saturate the body with oxygen, activate metabolism and provide a massage of the abdominal cavity, stimulating blood circulation.

4. Face building. Exercises to relax and tighten facial muscles should be part of your daily beauty routine.

5. A good night’s sleep. This is both relaxation and the proper work of our hormonal beauty factory.

6. Healthy lifestyle: do not abuse alcohol and quit smoking.

7. Cosmetics. Give preference to professional cosmetics, tested in the salon, or purchase them at the pharmacy.

The procedure for using the funds is as follows.

  1. Cleansing.

  2. Moisturizing.

  3. Food.

  4. Protection.

Important: pay attention to the expiration date and understand that the product will not cause allergies.

8. Modern beauty gadgets. Eye and face massagers perfectly relax, relieve tension, refresh and tone the skin.

9. Vitamins. The main one is vitamin E. However, the use of dietary supplements and vitamins should be discussed with your doctor.

Compliance with these basic rules will reduce the number of visits to the beautician and hold out with dignity in any isolation.

Things not to try at home

What is salon care? It is not only professional capabilities and sterility of procedures, but also the responsibility of the salon for the effect and consequences. You won’t get it at home, which means you shouldn’t even try. Especially adolescents who tend to “pick” their skin problems. No dirty hands or deep cleaning! Regular washing, cleansing foams, scrubs and tonics without alcohol. And twice a week – a clay mask. Better care for complex teenage skin will be prescribed by a doctor, to whom it is worth taking your child with the onset of hormonal changes.

As for adults, no in-house injection specialists! Saving in this matter is fraught with serious damage to health, the responsibility for which will fall only on yourself.

In the 20st century, I don’t believe in homemade potions and folk remedies. It is good to use garden strawberries and summer cucumbers when you are 25-XNUMX years old and youth works for you. After that, aging begins, which cannot be stopped by any garden products. But there is affordable cosmetology – it develops and offers a wide range of possibilities, so it is important to keep track of new products. I was personally helped by the plasmolifting procedure, the essence of which is rejuvenation based on our own resources – without impurities, foreign substances and chemistry.

It is important to understand: there is no absolute elixir, there is a systematic approach to your health: move, watch not only your appearance, but also your inner fulfillment, love and please yourself and never lose face.

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