Holy Week has begun: How to end the post correctly

Holy Week has begun: How to end the post correctly

From today, the most difficult test for the Orthodox begins – the most severe week of fasting on the eve of Easter. What is eaten on Holy Week, what can be done, and what is better to refuse – Wday.ru has collected the main rules.

Lent is the longest. It starts right after Maslenitsa and lasts until Easter – as many as 48 days. The most difficult from the point of view of biology are the first seven days, when the body is under stress due to a change in diet. Due to the rejection of animal proteins and fats, hunger torments more often, you want to eat more, especially when it is cold outside. It may even spoil the mood. Well, now the fast is almost over, the most severe week has come, Holy Week.

Passion Week is a time of repentance, meditation and earnest prayers, refusal not only from certain food, but also from all bad habits and amusements. The goal of Holy Week, like any fast, is an exercise in abstinence, cleansing the soul from passions and sinful thoughts, subordinating the body and soul to the spirit. Therefore, for example, to be angry or discouraged during fasting and Holy Week is as sinful as drinking wine and eating meat.

By the way, every day of Holy Week is called Great – at this time it is especially important to realize the meaning of Great Lent.

On the days of Holy Week, you can eat bread, fresh, pickled and dried vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms. At the same time, food must not be heat-treated: the basis of nutrition is made up of raw vegetables and fruits, cooked without the addition of oil. The exception is two days – Thursday and Saturday. That is, a week of almost complete dry eating.

As for drinks, only cold infusions and teas are allowed. At the same time, according to the rules of Great Lent, you can take food only once during the day – in the evening.

But on Good Friday, you will have to completely refuse food – this day is considered not only the most strict, but also the most difficult in the entire period of Great Lent. According to the Bible, it was on this day that Jesus Christ was crucified.

On Saturday, you can again return to dry eating. However, some believers continue full fasting on this day. And only on Easter breaks the fast, when it is allowed to eat fast food.

Recall that during Lent, you cannot eat any type of meat and fish, eggs, as well as dairy products, sweets, mayonnaise and non-fasting pastries. The only “sweet” exception is honey, which can be consumed during all days of Great Lent.

On the days of Holy Week, you cannot have fun and attend entertainment, but it is customary to attend church services and spend time in prayer, both at home and in the temple. However, this year, due to the epidemiological situation, it is better to refuse going to church – these are the official recommendations of the Russian Orthodox Church. This will not be considered a sin. In addition, during Holy Week, they also try to prepare for the upcoming Easter: starting on Thursday, you can clean the house, bake cakes, cook Easter cottage cheese and, of course, paint eggs. All preparations should be completed by Saturday.


Not everyone can be too zealous while fasting. The test should cleanse the body and soul, but not harm health. If you have a metabolic disorder, have any chronic diseases, you should definitely consult with your doctor about strict food restrictions. Pregnant women and children should not fast: you can be stricter about dietary diversity, but you cannot deprive a growing body of vital substances it needs. And don’t forget about immunity: it is important to include in the diet foods that support the body’s defenses.

And, of course, don’t make fasting a fancy diet. Its meaning is spiritual cleansing, not weight loss. If your goal is slimness, go to a gym and listen to a trainer.

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