Holsten («стольстен»)

Holsten beer owes its birth to the city of Hamburg, whose brewers decided not to yield to the Bavarian masters and created their own version of the main German drink in 1879. Within a few years, the new product won an army of fans among the inhabitants of Hamburg, then crossed the city borders and began to explore the vast territory of Germany.

In 1901, Holsten’s first overseas branch opened its doors in London. The next two decades were marked by the emergence of several new breweries in the federal lands of Schleswig-Holstein and in the vicinity of Hamburg, the expansion and modernization of production facilities. However, during the Second World War, the German brewing business suffered significant losses: the factory buildings were destroyed, equipment was lost or destroyed by Allied aircraft.

More than a hundred bombs fell on the building of the Hamburg brewery during the bombardment of the city by allied troops. Restoration of the breweries began in 1946, but it was not until the fifties that it was possible to achieve pre-war sales.

Holsten («стольстен»)

The further development of Holsten enterprises is connected with the active work of the management, the acquisition of several German breweries and the licensing of the brand in foreign countries – Great Britain, Hungary, Nigeria. In the 90s, the company’s geography expanded to include neighboring Poland, China, Namibia and Honduras.

A powerful impetus for growth was the acquisition of a controlling stake in Holsten by the Danish concern Carlsberg Group. The new owners, wanting to make the breweries one of the leaders, began to invest in brand advertising and licensing. Now Holsten beer holds a leading position in the North German beer market and is in the top ten of the world ranking.

The word “Holsten” the ancient Saxons called the “forest dwellers” who once inhabited the lands around Hamburg. In honor of the brave warriors, who were famous for their courage and strength, the brewers named the foamy drink of their own production.

Types of beer Holsten

  • Holsten Pilsener is a light variety with refined base notes and a delicate aftertaste with a slight hop bitterness. Complements meat or fish snacks. Holsten Pilsner is the most sought after in the brand’s collection.
  • Holsten Export – strong beer – 5%. The chord of hop notes is heard brightly, softened by the composition of malt and cereals. Despite the high strength, it is drunk softly and pleasantly.
  • Holsten Weiss is an unfiltered light drink with the aroma of ripe wheat, complemented by hints of hops and spices.
  • Holsten Lemon is an interesting combination of lemonade and light beer with an alcohol content not exceeding 2,5%.
  • Holsten Alkoholfrei is a real gift from the company’s brewers for those who like non-alcoholic options.
  • Holsten Diat Pils is an aromatic composition of cereals, hops and malt. Positioned by manufacturers as a diet drink.

Holsten («стольстен»)

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