Film «Happiness Based on Transpersonal Psychology»

The leader of the training, Viktor Pipchenko, tells the theory of S. Grof in order to organize experiences for the participants of the training.

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Holotropic Breathwork is a method of self-exploration, transformation, and psychotherapy used in the tradition of transpersonal psychology. According to the methodology and procedure — a kind of intensive breathing plus special music plus certain suggestions of the leader. Holotropic breathing is one of the four breathing techniques used in modern psychology and psychotherapy (holotropic breathing, vayvation, rebirthing, free breathing).

Developed by American transpersonal psychologists Stanislav and Christina Grof. Specifically, holotropic breathing was proposed by S. Grof to replace LSD therapy when LSD was banned.

Promises: stopping the internal dialogue, immersion in the subconscious, the ability to discover and experience deep traumas, conflicts and life situations, to get rid of them.


Holotropic breathing courses usually last 3-12 days, 2-3 hours a day. In this case, the breathing itself usually takes about an hour or two per session. The intensity of breathing is almost the same as in active sports such as running or swimming. The minimum age for a holonaut is 12 years old. The possibility of a person participating in the session should be assessed by the instructor conducting the session.

Part of the effect of holotropic breathing comes from hyperventilation. The experiences received during the holotropic session are very similar to the experiences received when taking LSD. Further, the instructor organizes this or that work with experiences, depending on their own theoretical attitudes and the mood of the group.

The integration of the material of the practice sessions continues through body-oriented therapy, mandala drawing and discussion of individual processes in the group.

The results

Short-term results for healthy people are usually positive: cheerfulness, good mood. As for working with traumas and diving into the unconscious, the results remain at the level of the participants’ fantasies: suggestible participants get everything from a talented facilitator. See advertising point of view →

Holotropic breathing is often used in conjunction with other breathing, physical and mental exercises to achieve a deeper effect.

The Phenomenology of Experiences During Holotropic Breathwork

Stanislav Grof, as the author of the method, claims that holotropic breathing provides the richest phenomenological material. See →


Holotropic breathing is more frequent and deeper than usual (see →); in the classical form, the following instructions are given for the passage of the holotropic process:

  • The first 5-10 minutes breathing is slow and deep.
  • The next 40-60 minutes are deep intensive.
  • The remaining 20 minutes begin with slow shallow breathing and end with normal breathing.

In the process of breathing, especially during the first processes, the following difficulties may arise: throat spasms, problems of loss of self-control, severe pain or fear.


Contraindications: cardiovascular problems or high blood pressure, pregnancy, epilepsy, glaucoma, recent surgery, fractures, manic depressive illness, paranoid psychosis.

Participation in the processes of holotropic breathing

  1. It is possible only for adults with good health and a healthy psyche. See →
  2. Must be supervised by certified and experienced Grof Transpersonal Training instructors. See →


The Russian Association of Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy recommends attending seminars on Holotropic Breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology only with certified trainers who have completed the international Grof Transpersonal Training program. Certified holotropic breathwork facilitators have the right to conduct training in accordance with Stanislav Grof’s author’s format and can be guarantors of observance of the purity of the holotropic breathwork method. Conducting holotropic breathing by trainers who do not have a certificate from the international program Grof Transpersonal Training is a copyright infringement.


  • Russian Respiratory Portal
  • Article «Holotropic breathing and S. Grof — criticism and satire» (Yu. Molchanov)
  • Forum-discussion of the article «Experimental psychophysiological and neuropsychological studies of intensive breathing»
  • Hypercapnia — gas acidosis
  • Transpersonal project
  • Home Holotropic Breathwork (
  • Zen Holotropic Breathwork, Reincarnation Practices
  • Collection of articles on Holotropic Breathwork
  • Master Integratio — holotropic breathing, rebirthing, trainings
  • Legal Issues Related to Holotropic Breathwork™

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