The stubbornness with which celebrities are convinced of the miraculousness of their beauty knows no limits. To unravel the secrets of top appearance, ELLE convenes a medical council. It’s time to reveal the secret of the unfading youth of the stars!
Mother nature is generous with miracles. But, alas, she is not able to bestow youth for life. Even world idols. But they don’t give up. While scientists are diligently trying to stop aging, the stars are experimenting. Moreover, they are very successful. From year to year, they obsessively turn back the clock. And they all look younger – to the envy of ill-wishers and fans. Our heroines keep the secret of their unfading beauty in the strictest confidence, as if professing the mystical cult of eternal youth. Whom do they worship? Are the gods of the syringe and scalpel ?!
In order to bring the favorites of glory to clean water, ELLE turned to two reputable Italian experts. Plastic surgeons Fiorella Donati and Maurizio Vignoni agreed to comment on the appearance of divas, whose beauty seems to be timeless. So, our magnificent eight!
Meg Ryan, 44
Stars before and after plastic surgery
Donati: Looks like she did a blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids and a circular lift. And maybe a nose job. As a result, Ryan’s face became angular. Not a very good idea. By nature, Meg has a soft oval, unexpressed cheekbones and charming cheeks. Now she looks more modern, but not as sensual. Alas.
Vignons: Another proof that competent surgical intervention should be invisible. You should not radically change the traits given by nature.
Donati: Lifting, rhinoplasty and oh-oh-a lot of Botox are Kidman’s tricks. And why so selflessly rejuvenate? The actress clearly strives for an ideal that is far from her data. Upper eyelid lifting was also not without – but very professional! The gaze is ajar, but not too open.
Vignons: The surgeon’s work is obvious: the jawline has been changed, the nose has become thinner, the face has lengthened. The cheekbones are emphasized with filler, as is the “doll” forehead.
Donati: In 1995, she probably did a facelift, and then, it seems, stopped taking care of herself. Respecting this choice, I would still advise her to use Botox and wrinkle fillers. Not with the aim of becoming younger, but in order to “cleanse” the face, giving it a dignified look.
Vignols: It seems Keaton avoids surgery, not favoring cosmetology either. As a result, it has all the wrinkles that a woman of her age can have. Maybe more! After all, many women retain their beautiful skin after sixty, competently supporting the “gifts of nature.” Keaton, alas, is not one of them.
Donati: A 1999 photo shows rhinoplasty. And the last photo is also about the increase in the volume of the lips and the whole face. I suspect Diaz is experimenting with fillers and botox for an upper eyelid lift.
Vignols: In my opinion, she rounded the oval of the face with the help of gel injections. I liked her more in her youth – for her freshness and delicate features.
Donati: I think it was not without a circular facelift: the oval became clearer. I believe that 360-degree rejuvenation was performed here: face, neck, blepharoplasty, botox. However, one cannot deny her natural ability to age beautifully – a strong chin can maintain facial contours for years. Eyes after lifting have become even more beautiful. But they were good before with those little wrinkles giving the look a radiant look.
Vignols: Despite the age, the cheekbones are well pronounced: perhaps this is the result of the skillful use of fillers. In any case, what we see is not the result of a serious surgical intervention, but of proper self-care from a young age.
Donati: In this case, I would not talk about lifting, but about changing the style of our heroine. Catherine was gorgeous before, and with the help of plastic surgery she looks more sophisticated. I suspect upper eyelid blepharoplasty, neck lift and cheekbone displacement. In the past, the face of the actress was rounded, but now it has acquired a triangular shape characteristic of young people.
Vignols: Already in the first picture, it is noticeable that something was done with the cheekbones. But in the second photo, I see no signs of outside interference. Zeta-Jones has not aged, which is evidence of timely measures taken.
Donati: Maybe she corrected her nose in her youth. Now surgical intervention is minimized: fillers and botox maintain a fresh face without radical changes. Of course, Julia was lucky: her chin perfectly supports the oval of her face.
Vignols: The look is more open than before, suggesting an eyelid lift. The cheekbones and cheeks have been corrected with filler and look fuller than before. However, we are talking about a minor intervention, subtly emphasizing the features of this amazing face.
Donati: Great features! 98% is a gift from nature, and the rest is a moderate mix of botox, lifting and lifting of the eyelids. Stone can afford a youthful face, as she has maintained a beautiful body, avoiding sudden changes in weight and playing sports. The surgeon opted for a classic lifting, recovering the skin and muscles from 10 years ago. Then he gave the face a triangular shape, which is certainly rejuvenating. The neck looks intact. Perhaps Stone is indulging in botox in the forehead area. But there are removed only those wrinkles that age, but not those that make the look sexy.
Vignols: Sharon’s lips seemed to change shape, becoming fuller. The rest of the actress looks luxurious without much effort. There are charming imperfections on her face: wrinkles around her eyes and on her cheeks, visible when she smiles. In addition, she has lost at least 5 kg compared to the early photo.