Hollandaise sauce. Video recipe

Hollandaise sauce. Video recipe

All kinds of gravies greatly enrich the taste of vegetable side dishes, fish and meat dishes. Among the liquid spices borrowed by Russian chefs from foreign cuisines, Hollandaise sauce based on fatty butter is very popular. Traditionally, it is prepared for steamed asparagus, but this gravy is versatile, therefore it can be used as the main sauce in everyday and everyday meals.

Hollandaise sauce: recipe

Hollandaise Sauce Recipe: Cooking Tricks

The main secret of making Hollandaise sauce is to use a water bath, intensive and rather long beating. The basis of the gravy is excellent quality butter, the fat content of which should in no way be less than 82%. The ideal solution is to find fresh country oil. For a classic sauce recipe, prepare the following set of ingredients:

– butter (250 g); – large chicken eggs (3 pcs.); – freshly squeezed lemon juice (200 ml); – table salt and freshly ground white pepper to taste.

Cut the butter into small cubes with a knife, then place in a thick-walled (cast iron) saucepan and melt over low heat. Make a water bath: Pour water into a suitable saucepan and bring to a boil. Place a heat-resistant bowl with handles on top so that the bottom just touches the liquid, but in no case does not sink in it. Adjust the fire so that the water boils slightly – heating the contents of the dishes should be moderate.

Curiously, Hollandaise sauce is hardly ever used in the Netherlands. This is a classic seasoning of French chefs who often tie the names of sauces to the names of various states, cities and towns.

Beat the raw chicken yolks into a bowl and whisk them vigorously until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Please note: If the mixture starts to turn white on the bottom of the bowl, remove it from the heat and continue whisking until it cools. Otherwise, the yolks may curdle.

Gradually, with constant stirring, add ghee to the yolk mass. Place the bowl back in the water bath and cook the sauce, vigorously working with a broom for 10-15 minutes. Before finishing cooking, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice in a thin stream, without stopping for a second to whisk the gravy.

How to Speed ​​Up Hollandaise Sauce

Enterprising housewives use various simplified variations of the classic French recipe. A microwave and blender can help you make a quick buttery gravy. For a quick sauce you will need:

– butter (70 g); – chicken yolks (3 pcs.); – freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 tablespoons); – table salt to taste; – mustard powder (1 teaspoon).

Melt the butter in the microwave and combine the raw chicken yolks and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a blender. Pour oil into the blender bowl in small portions, add dry mustard and salt. As soon as the substance thickens, turn off the appliance and serve the gravy to the table. Never make Hollandaise sauce for future use, as this gravy must be consumed immediately after preparation. It can neither be kept warm nor heated.

Airy hollandaise sauce is prepared with whipped proteins and balsamic vinegar. The rest is done according to the classic recipe.

Asparagus with hollandaise sauce

The excellent combination of asparagus and Dutch sauce has long been appreciated not only by French chefs, but also by Russian gourmets. You will need a double boiler to prepare this dish. In addition, you need:

– young asparagus (400 g); – lemon (quarter); – garlic (1 clove); – onions (several rings); – butter for coating asparagus.

Rinse the asparagus and peel off the ends of the stems. Melt the butter, sprinkle the asparagus with it on all sides. Boil water in a double boiler, add peeled garlic, onion and lemon. Steam the asparagus for 7-10 minutes, then place on a preheated dish. Season with hollandaise sauce.

Once you’ve mastered the recipe for a delicious, versatile gravy, you can use it for a variety of dishes. So, hollandaise sauce goes well with baked fish, chicken fillet, seafood. Lemon juice can be substituted for dry wine when making gravy for river or sea fish.

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