Travel: how to occupy the children?
0-1 year Close to you
If you are traveling by train, your baby will sit on your lap. Take a baby carrier or sling with you, so that he can sleep as soon as he feels the need. If it is changed, is neither thirsty nor hungry, a baby will never be bored. Just baring his hands or feet can keep him busy for a while. In the car, if your baby is crying, go out to the motorway rest area for a little hugging walk. Explain to him why you are stopping and where you are going: “We are taking the car to go to the sea”, or “to see Mamie Léa”. From 6 months, your baby will discover the joy of dropping a toy and then picking it up. In this case, especially if you are traveling alone with him, attach his pacifier to the car seat with a pacifier holder so that you do not have to pick it up every 5 minutes. Now is the time to bring out a “special” toy that he is not used to seeing at home and that you will keep on purpose for travel. Another infallible tip: leave an open bag within reach of your little hands, with protruding toys inside (or an empty water bottle, a glasses case, etc.). Your baby will catch them one after the other, feeling like he’s stealing them from you. Finally, even if we keep telling you at length in articles that you should not encourage snacking, there is an exception for transport! Many of the crying attacks were stopped with a small piece of bread or special baby cakes.
1-2 years Things have to move!
At this very motor age, your little one has a strong need to move, to move around. So, staying seated for five hours until the campsite, mission impossible? No ! You just have to show a little imagination and stay tuned to your child. It is often mistakenly believed that children must be “occupied” at all costs during journeys. Suddenly, we arrive in the TGV with a battery of toys, even before waiting for them to stir. In fact, we take the risk of falling into overstimulation which often leads to crying spells. The context of the trip already excites children, lovers of new things, no need to add more! First, be relaxed. If your child feels completely uptight, he will not understand what is going on and will become louder and louder. Catherine Dumonteil-Kremer, trainer in creative parenting, recommends not to hesitate to change places, if you perceive that other travelers are hostile to you. Choose a “family car” or approach a young grandmother (you know, the one who has been giving your little one big smiles from the start of the journey). Then let your child familiarize themselves with their new surroundings: the seat on the plane or the train is full of treasures. Just getting in and out of the seat is an activity in itself. If it is agitated, from a year old, use the seat tablet. Invite your child to tear off small pieces of tissue and wet it with a little water. This “patrolling” activity can help him develop his concentration. Tirelessly, he will practice moving, filling or emptying a glass with the wet pieces of paper. Repeating an activity is very calming for children. From 13 months, your child makes sounds by recognizing a rhyme. He appreciates short stories that feature body parts. Ditto with finger games, which fascinate and calm him down. If you’re on the move and your little one is getting too impatient to stay in their place, take advantage of the bar car. In this more lively space, your child will be able to walk, have a snack, shout or fidget without disturbing anyone.
2-4 years Learn to whisper
Take some books on the train or plane. You can read him stories, but also leave him alone. Even if he cannot read, your child can turn the pages, look at the pictures and read to himself. Explain to him that you have your book and he has his. If he speaks loudly and disturbs the passengers, do not multiply the loud “shhs”. Instead, use them sparingly to avoid repeating them having no effect. If it gets loud, calmly pick it up to encourage it to whisper. To occupy it, plan a calm activity: sheets, pens, coloring, but also the magic slate… In the car, put CDs of children’s songs or nursery rhymes. At 2-4 years old, he can follow somewhat complex stories: think of CD-books adapted to his age.
4-6 years old We talk!
Most airlines offer children’s films. But sometimes, we are far from the main screen, or the films are not suitable for the youngest. In this case, bring a mini DVD player or tablet. Consider adding new movies and games to it before you go. If you are driving, take a recording of a children’s relaxation session with you. It is a perfect exercise for calming restless children. Everyone (except the driver!) Will then need to practice closing their eyes, breathing deeply and relaxing. Games are a great way to teach your child the rules. The Quebec game “Brin de jazette famille” found on the Internet has a simple principle: it involves asking a question: “If you had a magical power, which one would it be? “Or” What are you most afraid of? Everyone in the car needs to answer the question, one at a time. Everyone should stay silent and listen until the person telling has finished their story. “It’s an interesting game for the parent-child relationship,” explains Catherine Dumonteil-Kremer. “Through these questions, the child gets to know his parents better. For parents, it is a way to discover their children in a new light, outside of ritual matters, such as whether things went well at school. “Finally, if you hear the eternal:” When do we arrive? “, Pronounced in a plaintive voice, practice a little” active listening “, asking specific questions:” You would like to be outside, right? Or “Um, I’d like to take a walk on the beach too, and what would you like to do when you’re outside?” By this process, your child will feel really listened to, and it will allow him to not focus on the length of the journey.