A fact familiar to many from their own experience has received scientific confirmation.
A fact familiar to many from their own experience has received scientific confirmation. Psychologist Richard Ryan (Richard Ryan) from the University of Rochester (USA) and his colleagues conducted a study involving 74 men and women aged 18 to 62 years. For three weeks, three times a day, they answered questions about mood and well-being. The subjects showed rare unanimity — everyone felt better on the weekend, when they were waiting for freedom, the opportunity to be with family and friends. Moreover, it turned out that we consider ourselves more competent, organized precisely on weekends. According to Richard Ryan, our good physical and mental well-being depends on whether we can satisfy the needs for independence, control, communication with pleasant, interesting people and self-realization. That’s why we feel so good on the weekends. And that’s why the best way to brighten up everyday life is to choose a job where you can do what you like to the greatest extent and be yourself.