Holiday trips, joint home trips or friendly trips – all of them usually take place in the summer season. The holiday season is calling, and we usually pack for the so-called. “last minute”. However, it is worth thinking about one very important thing in advance: the first aid kit. It can not only save lives in extreme cases, but also help in common ailments, so that the journey will not be boring and tiring.
Traveling by car – first aid kit
The first aid kit is especially useful in the car. Not everyone knows about it, but according to Polish law, a car first aid kit is not a mandatory car accessory for every driver! Although it would seem so, the possession of a first aid kit is voluntary and depends on: firstly, the good will of the driver, and secondly, on his self-awareness in the field of first aid.
How to prepare for the trip?
The first question we should ask ourselves should be as follows: am I going to a place where access to the pharmacy will be free, unrestricted and easy? If so, we reduce the list of drugs and equipment of the first aid kit to the absolute minimum. In case of a greater need, we can always visit the local pharmacy. However, if we are going to a place where access to a pharmacy is difficult or it is far away – we should carefully consider how to protect ourselves.
The most important equipment of every first aid kit!
- Medications that we take on a regular basis that we have to take because of some disease, or that our traveling companions or family take. Let’s not forget about important heart medicines, special medicines for allergies, or medicines for children for asthma!
- Painkillers should also be in every first aid kit along with anti-inflammatory drugs
- Disinfectants – wound agent, hydrogen peroxide or iodine
- Disposable gloves
- Mouthpiece for first aid in case of forced artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth method on a person unknown to us
- Rescue blanket to cover people who are chilled (remember to turn the silver side towards the victim’s body) or against overheating (then cover with the gold side)
- Disposable adhesive plasters in various sizes, e.g. in a family pack or a tape by the meter for cutting
- Scissors or knife
- Creams with UV filters and preparations or ointments to soothe sunburn
- Insect repellent, e.g. mosquito repellent or insect bite treatment
- Bandages and tourniquets in several of the most popular sizes
- Activated charcoal and medicines for the stomach in case of poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, or possibly prebiotics, probiotics
- Pills for sore throat
- Nose drops and ear drops