Hoarseness of voice in a child
Hoarseness in children, as a rule, appears with colds and quickly disappears with treatment, but it happens that a change in voice signals serious pathologies – a foreign body in the larynx, trauma, neoplasms

What is hoarseness

Hoarseness in children is quite common as a symptom of colds, accompanied by a sore throat and cough.

The fact is that the children’s larynx contains a large amount of loose fiber under the vocal folds, so the mucous membrane quickly swells, the glottis narrows, and the vocal folds themselves become much less elastic. Therefore, the child’s voice changes – it becomes hoarse, low, with hoarseness and whistling.

Causes of hoarseness in children

Hoarseness in children can have several causes. Consider the most common.


SARS with a runny nose and cough can lead to inflammation of the pharynx and larynx. This also affects the state of the vocal cords, so the voice becomes hoarse.

– This may be the initial manifestation of such a formidable complication of a viral infection as false croup. It develops in preschool children, when swelling of the subglottic space of the larynx can lead to severe difficulty in breathing and even asphyxia. This condition requires urgent medical attention. That is why pediatricians strongly advise against treating even a “harmless” cold in children on their own and consulting a doctor, explains otorhinolaryngologist Sofia Senderovich.


Sometimes a hoarse voice in a child may indicate an allergic reaction, in which case you need to be alert, because laryngeal edema and asphyxia may develop. In such cases, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Foreign object in the throat

Very often, children, especially small ones, when playing, taste small objects – they put small beads, balls, coins into their mouths or noses, and then inhale or swallow them. The object may get stuck in the airway, the parent may not notice it, and the child may explain what happened. Therefore, if a small child suddenly has a hoarse voice, you should play it safe and call an ambulance or see a doctor.

Overexertion of the vocal cords

Children’s vocal cords are very delicate, so when crying or screaming for a long time, the voice may hoarse.

Neoplasms in the larynx 

Various tumors and papillomas, even small in size, can lead to a change in voice. Growing, neoplasms can squeeze the vocal folds, which leads to hoarseness.

Age changes

This is especially pronounced in boys at a transitional age, when changes in the hormonal background lead to a “breaking” of the voice. Usually this phenomenon goes away on its own, but if the “withdrawal” does not go away for a long time, show the child to an ENT doctor.

Symptoms of hoarseness in children

With the development of diseases of the ENT organs, hoarseness of the voice increases gradually, with torn vocal cords, an allergic reaction or a foreign body, the symptoms appear immediately and may be accompanied by a strong paroxysmal cough, lack of air, cyanosis of the skin.

With colds or very dry air in the room, in addition to hoarseness, the child may complain of dryness and sore throat.

– With stenosing laryngotracheitis (false croup), hoarseness of voice is accompanied by a barking cough, – the otorhinolaryngologist clarifies.

Treatment of hoarseness in children

Self-medication is always dangerous, even with hoarseness, you need to show the child to the doctor to rule out life-threatening conditions. Only a doctor can choose the right treatment that will help quickly resolve the problem.


– Finding out the causes of hoarseness in a child, the doctor examines complaints, anamnesis, assesses the frequency of breathing, signs of respiratory failure. The main method of instrumental diagnostics is endolaryngoscopy examination of the larynx using flexible or rigid endoscopes. The study allows you to determine the nature of the pathological process, its localization, level, extent and degree of narrowing of the airway lumen, explains otorhinolaryngologist Sofya Senderovich.

Modern treatments

Treatment of hoarseness in a child directly depends on its cause. For example, with SARS, laryngitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx, some specific drugs that affect the vocal cords are not prescribed. The underlying disease is treated, and hoarseness as a symptom goes away on its own. The only thing the doctor can advise to relieve the symptoms is to give the child as much warm liquid to drink as possible, monitor the temperature and humidity in the apartment, prescribe gargles, local resorption agents.

– With false croup, treatment is carried out in a hospital, – Sofya Senderovich clarifies.

If the hoarseness is caused by an allergic reaction, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines. If a bacterial infection is suspected, the doctor will first take a swab from the throat, identify the causative agent of the disease, and then prescribe treatment and, if necessary, antibiotics.

If the change in voice is caused by trauma or overstrain of the vocal cords, then the main method of treatment here is vocal rest, so as not to strain the cords once again. No need to speak loudly, be silent or speak in a whisper. Also, the doctor can prescribe local preparations for resorption and special medicinal inhalations – this relieves puffiness, helps to open the glottis, restore breathing and voice.

– Always try to ensure that the room where the child sleeps has clean, cool, moist air (about 18 – 20 ° C), experts advise.

Prevention of hoarseness in children at home

The most important prevention of hoarseness in a child is the prevention of colds. During cold weather and in winter, you need to wrap your throat with a scarf, try to breathe through your nose, and not through your mouth, dress warmer, make sure that your feet are in dry warmth. Also, make sure that the child is not fond of ice cream and soft drinks, especially if ice is added to them.

If, nevertheless, the child is ill, you need to show him to the doctor as soon as possible and start treatment, paying special attention to the throat – use absorbable lozenges or lozenges, sprays, rinses. Also, with problems with the throat, it is better for the child to try to speak less so as not to strain the vocal cords once again, or at least speak in a whisper.

Also, in order not to irritate the throat, it is necessary to limit as much as possible spices, salty and smoked foods, which, in principle, are not useful for the children’s gastrointestinal tract. In addition, prolonged exposure to smoky or dusty rooms should be avoided.

Popular questions and answers

The otorhinolaryngologist Sofia Senderovich answers.

Is it possible to treat hoarseness in children with folk remedies?

Folk remedies, such as warm drinks, herbal rinses, can be used as an adjunct to treatment if their use is approved by a doctor.

What are the complications of hoarseness in children?

Hoarseness of voice can be a symptom of serious illness, so this problem should be addressed to a doctor as soon as possible. Without treatment, voice disorders can become chronic.

When may hospitalization or surgical treatment be required?

With a disease such as stenosing laryngotracheitis, hospitalization is necessary. In the most severe cases of asphyxia, tracheal intubation is performed, and if it is impossible, tracheotomy is performed. With neoplasms of the larynx, for example, papillomatosis, surgical treatment is performed.

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