Hoarseness – causes, allergy, pre-medical help

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Hoarseness is a disorder of the vocal folds of the larynx, which may indicate not only excessive strain on the vocal cords, but also a disease. There are many reasons for the appearance of hoarseness, including chronic laryngitis, reflux and even allergy. Hoarseness of up to four weeks without additional symptoms should be a cause for concern.


Hoarseness is an abnormal vibration of the vocal cords that is associated with turbulent airflow around the glottis. It is usually accompanied by a feeling of dry mouth and unpleasant scratching in the throat. The occurrence of hoarseness is completely normal, e.g. in people who, due to their profession, are forced to speak out loud for a long time. Then they abuse the organ of speech. Such a disorder may result from changes in the vocal cords (e.g. due to viral inflammation of the upper respiratory tract). Hoarseness lasting more than four weeks should be an indication for a visit to the ENT specialist. Of course, you shouldn’t panic right away, as there are so many causes of this ailment.

Several structures influence the formation of the human voice:

  1. oral cavity,
  2. larynx,
  3. jama nosowa,
  4. respiratory system.

To produce sound, you need to inhale and then exhale as the vocal folds in the larynx tighten. When a person exhales the air, the vocal folds alternately tense and relax, or in short, vibrate. The air that penetrates between the vibrating folds creates a laryngeal sound. Only in the mouth, as a result of the influence of the tongue, cheeks, palate and lips, the laryngeal sound transforms into the sound we hear.

Hoarseness can take the form of:

  1. short-term – the cause is a strained voice or the presence of a respiratory disease (hoarseness passes along with the disease),
  2. chronic hoarseness lasting more than 4 weeks should be an indication to see a doctor; there is a probability that it has a more serious background.

For hoarseness, you can use a special herbal tea that has soothing, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Try the hoarseness tea available on Medonet Market.

Hoarseness – causes

Chronic worsening and persistent hoarseness, which may be more serious, may be the consequence of:

  1. a lump or polyp in the vocal folds (cords)
  2. progressive scarring or thickening, enlargement of the vocal folds,
  3. pressure on the nerve that supplies them.

Other causes of hoarseness include:

  1. an allergic response in people prone to this type of reaction,
  2. inflammation of the cricoid joint (as a result of, for example, gout or RA and systemic lupus erythematosus),
  3. reflux (reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus),
  4. damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve caused (due to cancer, diabetic neuropathy or pressure caused by an excessively enlarged left atrium of the heart),
  5. laryngitis (in the course of which there is simultaneous inflammation and swelling of the vocal folds) as a result of an infection (viral or bacterial),
  6. laryngeal congestion and swelling of the vocal folds due to the adverse impact of extreme weather and climatic factors (wind, moisture, frost, etc.),
  7. overload and straining of the vocal folds (prolonged conversations, excessive shouting, singing, etc.),
  8. chronic alcoholism,
  9. conditions after mechanical intubation, ventilation and after bronchoscopy,
  10. hypothyroidism leading to a decrease in muscle strength, and thus a reduction in the tension of the vocal folds and hoarseness,
  11. exposure to toxic vapors or fumes,
  12. general weakness.

If you are often hoarse, start drinking LONG, the herbal-fruit tea you can find at Medonet Market on a regular basis. We also recommend STULISZ for hoarseness as an emergency – lozenges from Herbapol in Krakow.

Hoarseness and epiglottitis

Epiglottitis is a rare condition, the course of which is unfortunately dangerous. The disease should be consulted with a doctor as soon as possible and provided with appropriate treatment. The cause of inflammation may be bacteria. The symptom is swelling that can completely block the airway, hoarseness is the initial symptom that progresses to complete loss of voice as epiglottitis develops.

Hoarseness and cancer of the throat and larynx

It happens that hoarseness is much more serious. People who still have hoarse voices often hear the unpleasant diagnosis: “It’s cancer”. For this reason, this symptom should not be underestimated. Thanks to the early diagnosis of cancer, the patient has a much better prognosis than in the case of people who are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Particularly chronic hoarseness, accompanied by dry mouth, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing and weight loss, should be a cause for concern.

Hoarseness and smoking

Hoarseness is very common among cigarette smokers. This is because cigarette smoke we breathe into our lungs destroys and irritates the lining of the respiratory tract. Heavy cigarette smoking makes it impossible to rebuild it.

In general, hoarseness does not require medical attention if it is caused by a cold and resolves spontaneously as symptoms disappear. In addition, chronic hoarseness caused by strained voice does not require medical intervention. Hoarseness should be a cause for concern, which persists without additional symptoms and does not go away even after a few days. Then you should go to the doctor for consultation to rule out more serious diseases.

Hoarseness and papillomas of the vocal cords

Papillomas that develop on the vocal cords can also affect the trachea. Then, apart from hoarseness, dyspnea is observed. Treatment is primarily the removal of lesions (in adults) and the use of immunizing vaccines (in children).

Hoarseness and allergy

Hoarseness is the result of allergies and is accompanied by shortness of breath, wheezing and broken voice. This could be a sign of impending bronchial asthma. Sudden swelling is especially dangerous, as suffocation may result in a sick person.

Hoarseness – pre-medical help

For hoarseness, try black mallow infusion, which you can prepare yourself at home from dried fruit purchased at Medonet Market – ECO black mallow flower.

Emergency pre-medical aid consists of:

  1. limiting the use of the voice as much as possible, allow the vocal cords to regenerate (speak little, do not speak too loud),
  2. avoiding toxic fumes and fumes,
  3. temporary cessation of cold fluid intake (of any kind),
  4. humidifying rooms to prevent drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system,
  5. quitting smoking and abstinence (avoiding all types of alcohol),
  6. using steam inhalation or infusion of essential oils, chamomile or sage,
  7. neck warming,
  8. moisturizing the throat with linseed, which soothes irritations of the mucosa and inflammation of the throat,
  9. rinsing the mouth and throat 3-5 times a day with sage or chamomile infusion,
  10. rinsing the throat with a saline solution, which has bactericidal properties and additionally fights concomitant infections,
  11. administration of diaphoretic and anti-colds agents,
  12. using over-the-counter preparations for hoarseness, e.g. with the addition of Icelandic lichen; they moisturize the vocal cords and the throat, but also improve the comfort of speaking – try Propolia BeeYes Refreshing Propolis Lozenges with Honey and Eucalyptus available at an attractive price on Medonet Market.
  13. drinking plenty of fluids, which not only prevents dehydration but also moisturizes the throat mucosa.

Also try syrups based on natural plant extracts, which have a beneficial effect on the throat and vocal cords. We recommend, for example:

  1. Wild mallow syrup with vitamin C,
  2. Icelandic lichen and lilac flower syrup,
  3. Lilac flower syrup with vitamin C,
  4. Mullein syrup with vitamin C,
  5. Pine syrup with vitamin C,
  6. Marshmallow syrup with vitamin C,
  7. PNEUMOPOL syrup with elderberry.

If hoarseness continues for more than 3 days, despite the use of the above-mentioned methods or the addition of cough, flu-like symptoms and low-fever (fever) conditions, medical advice and treatment prescribed by a doctor are necessary.

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