Hoarseness and dry throat how to prevent this.
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The human voice is the basic tool for communication and work of millions of people around the world3. Teachers and lecturers constitute the most numerous professional group working with voice4.

Working at school or university requires special care of the voice. Inadequate hygiene of the voice apparatus promotes the development of hoarseness and dryness in the throat, which significantly hinder the performance of the teacher’s work.

The problem of symptoms from the vocal organ is very common among teachers and affects as much as 80% of this group1,2Along with the extension of the length of service, the frequency of symptoms – e.g. hoarseness increases and 4 years after starting work in the profession, it is reported by almost 96% of the surveyed teachers.1.

Do you know how to take care of your voice?

There are many ways to care for the voice organ at home. Most are time consuming, such as herbal infusions and gargle rinses. Others, due to our habits, are difficult to achieve, such as: avoiding drinking strong tea, using spicy spices, refraining from drinking alcohol or smoking.

In addition to home remedies for the throat, it is also worth remembering about ready-made solutions available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The best example of this are throat preparations containing vitamins A + E, similar in composition to the gargle prescribed by clinicians.

When choosing such an OTC drug in a pharmacy, we should carefully check it composition (e.g. content of vitamins A and E) i convenience of use in the daily moisturizing of the throat.

Gardvit A + E – vitamin rescue for your throat.

Gardvit A + Eto throat spray with with vitamins A + E and aloe, which combines all the above-mentioned features: composition, convenience of use and approval of clinicians. Gardvit A + E was created especially for people who work intensively with their voice to instantly moisturize the throat and restore the comfort of speech. The form of a throat spray and a short applicator ensure that a wide stream covers the entire mucosa at the application site with a moist and rich in vitamins A + E mist.

Gardvit A + E – properties and action of ingredients.

Gardvit A+E is the only medical device with a unique composition, the basis of which is a vitamin gargle with vitamins A + E.

Components of the Gardvit A + E medical device:

· Vitamin A – facilitates the regeneration of the oral mucosa and throat.

· Aloe – supports the treatment of inflammation of the mouth and throat. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It moisturizes the dry mucosa of the throat. It supports the maintenance of immune functions and accelerates the regeneration of the mucosa.

· Vitamin E – supports the protection of the body against free radicals, maintains the integrity of cell membranes (free radicals are contained, inter alia, in tobacco smoke).

· Glycerine – has a moisturizing effect.

· Peppermint oil – leaves a pleasant, fresh aftertaste in the mouth.

Is Gardvit A + E for me? Every vote matters!

For over 10 years of presence on the market, Gardvit A + E from Axpharm has won the trust of millions of Polish women and Poles. Gardvit A + E is chosen by everyone for whom this speech is gold, which is confirmed by the golden emblem of the Consumer Quality Leader in 2019 in the category of moisturizing preparations for the throat.

Axpharm is a Polish company with Polish capital. All our production takes place in Poland thanks to a Polish team of specialists. For over 20 years of our activity, we want to be closer to our patients through doctors and pharmacists who, by recommending Gardvit A + E and other Axpharm preparations, give the highest recognition to our activity in the field of medical devices for the ear, throat and nose.

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1. Magdalena Jałowska Assessment of the implementation of preventive and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in teachers under the program “Protect your voice” in the material of the Wielkopolska Center for Occupational Medicine in 2007-2011.

2. Costsła-Hojna B., Citko D., Milewska A., Rogowski M .: Analysis of the occurrence of voice quality disorders in teaching staff of the Medical University of Bialystok. Half. Merk. Bow; 2008, XXV, 236-239.

3. Vilkman E.: Voice Problems at Work: A Challenge for Occupational Safety and Health Arrangement. Folia Phoniatr Logop 2000;52:120-125.

4. How to take care of the voice – the basic “tool” of the teacher’s work?

Author: Andrzej Ławicki

Substantive consultation: otolaryngologist Michał Ławicki

Copyright © Axfarm sp. z o.o.

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