Ho’oponopono is an ancestral Hawaiian method whose primary objective is the resolution of conflicts that generate suffering within a group. This philosophy of life starts from the basic postulate that we are the attractors of conflicting situations in our life, through our thoughts. More broadly, Ho’oponopono therefore proposes to erase the negative memories, the unconscious “programs” which generated these unpleasant situations.
What is Ho’oponopono?
Définition de Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono is an ancestral Hawaiian method whose primary objective is the resolution of conflicts that generate suffering within a group. More generally, she considers that each person is the generator of what happens to him, good or bad: our thoughts called “erroneous” bring us unpleasant situations while our thoughts called “perfect” lead to pleasant situations. The Ho’oponopono method therefore aims to accept, digest or resolve unpleasant situations in life.
Ho’oponopono means in Hawaiian “to make right”, “to rectify”, “to correct” or even “to put back on the good road”.
Ho’oponopono is in no way a treatment or a therapy but a philosophy allowing to reach a certain serenity of life.
The main principles of Ho’oponopono
The Ho’oponopono method starts from the basic postulate that we are the attractors of conflicting situations in our life, through our thoughts – often unconscious and generated by our education or our experience. To eliminate these unpleasant situations, it is therefore a question of erasing the negative memories, the unconscious “programs” which generated them.
The basic principle of this method is to repeat like a mantra four “magic” words, being well aware of their deep meaning:
- “Thank you”, thank you to life for allowing us to become aware of an erroneous and negative thought buried in our unconscious;
- “Sorry”, for the others to have generated this unpleasant situation but especially for oneself because it created sadness in our life;
- “Pardon”, to others for having done this to them, but above all to ourselves: we forgive ourselves for having brought this situation to light;
- “I love you”, to others and always to oneself in order to maintain self-confidence.
The benefits of Ho’oponopono
Better manage conflicts
Ho’oponopono’s primary objective is to better manage conflicts, whether internal or external. This method should help relieve tension and reduce stress.
Get rid of negative ideas
Using the Ho’oponopono method, the objective is to get rid of negative memories that are often unconscious, or even to transform them into positive memories.
Achieve a state of calm
The culmination of the Ho’oponopono method is to achieve a state of calm and serenity. The person no longer has the feeling of being subjected to events and changes his look in relation to the situations experienced.
Decreased arterial hypertension
In 2007, a study from the University of Hawaii at Honolulu demonstrated a reduction in arterial hypertension in certain patients through the practice of Ho’oponopono – in addition to usual treatments. These results must nevertheless be reproduced in order to be generalizable.
Ho’oponopono en pratique
The specialist
Strictly speaking, there is no specialist in Ho’oponopono, but certain doctors or psychotherapists can sometimes use or suggest the practice of this method in addition to certain therapies.
In addition, the Ho’oponopono specialist is often the person himself because this method is indeed very easy to implement alone.
Course of a session
Apart from the repetition of the four “magic” words – see main principles -, there is no standard session for the Ho’oponopono method.
Become a practitioner
There is no such thing as a Ho’oponopono “specialist”. Everyone can, as an individual, practice this method at home outside any therapeutic framework.
There are no contraindications to the practice of this method. In contrast, Ho’oponopono is a philosophy of life and should not be confused with therapy.
Histoire d’Ho’oponopono
Ho’oponopono is a method resulting from Polynesian thought, called Aloha. This thought integrates several foundations: to live in the love of oneself and of others, to live with righteousness and integrity, to offer the possibility of erasing one’s “erroneous thoughts” – this is where the Ho’oponopono method comes into play – and finally, develop a certain spirituality.
Ho’oponopono is first of all a group technique used in the tribes in order to resolve the differences between its members. But in 1976, the shaman Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona transformed this technique into an individual method of resolving internal conflicts within the person.